World of Warcraft: Current Year


<Bronze Donator>
How far is everyone here into HFC progression? We've run into the problem I'm guessing a lot of more casual guilds do where 10 or so of the group has hit it really heavy since the launch in pugs as much as possible where most of the rest still just show up on raid nights like they did at the end of BRF. I'm somewhere in the middle of that. We've got N Arch down and are through 8 of heroic. The Iskar and Socrethar kills have been very, very sloppy though.

I do enjoy the encounters this raid. The best of the expansion for sure. They did a good job of having a lot of mechanics that impact everyone rather than what seemed like almost entirely tank dependent fights from BRF.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
7/13 H, Fel Lord was our 7th. Should be at 9/13 after this week with new kills of Soc and Iskar.


Vyemm Raider
Mythic Archimonde bout to be on Al'Akir level. First boss to last more than 3 weeks in 5 years.
Several rounds of nerfs / fixes already too. So it's not a deal where they just left something un-tuned for a month.

We're 11/13H and close to collapse I think.


Lord Nagafen Raider
We're 12/13 normal (only spent about an hour on normal Archimonde for a 10% wipe) and 10/13 heroic.

I feel like we've got some players anchoring us and have been playing like shit, but we're still 577 US the fuck knows.


<Silver Donator>
Amazing the amount of guilds who just imploded this Xpac. I mean we saw it coming on those forums long ago, but still ....what a clusterfuck.


Vyemm Raider
Well, mine is run by geniuses that award loot based on lowest ilevel and thus lowest attendance, so I've never gotten a single item from them, only bonus rolls.

I haven't felt the need to complain about loot since like, Everquest.

I'm completely fucking baffled - brand new person who tunnels boss every fucking fight, give them tier loot!


Lord Nagafen Raider
We do loot council but gear is spread based on who it's a biggest upgrade for, and whether or not they're a fucking moron....things like that


Im at 11/13 Mythic and I seriously want to beat the designer of mythic mannoroth down with my keyboard. Unless next expansion's raiding changes I am so over this and I have been in a top 10 guild since vanilla. Its just not fun, i mean the fights are fun but even the smallest fuckup just ruins attempts now and atleast previously they designed heroic (mythic) to be difficult but doable and the hard mode was doing it severely undergeared as quick as you could. Defeating Will of the Emperor heroic with people have some blues was HARD but you felt accomplished because while punishing you still had some control. From what I have heard about Mythic Archi and what I have seen from Mythic Mannoroth that feeling is gone. Its oops dead might as well wipe after 1 death on some fights.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Agreed. Really over this 9 minutes of bullshit 1 minute of OHFUCK style boss fights they've been doing.

Shit is tuned so tight if you have even one player run left 2 steps instead of right 2 steps you have to wipe. Fucking retarded.

Normal Archimonde is a true example as well. First like 60% of his HP is a snorefest, then all of a sudden FIFTYMECHANICSALLATONCELOLOLOL


<Bronze Donator>
Guild has completely turned in to a normal/heroic level guild, which is really sad. Started with a lot of our core players excited about continuing with Mythic, and people started dropping like flies in Highmaul, BRF really topped it off. Mythic is certainly not worth the push with how quickly players lose interest in the overall game, unless you're just in a really solid guild to start with. Hard to get invested in a game/schedule play time when there is absolutely no reason at all to log on other than raids. Still hoping to field a 10 man team and blow through heroic and then just wait or whatever until 7.0.


<Silver Donator>
Isn't it the first reset of mythic anyway? So basically not even 2 weeks of mythic in so far?