World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Guild has completely turned in to a normal/heroic level guild, which is really sad. Started with a lot of our core players excited about continuing with Mythic, and people started dropping like flies in Highmaul, BRF really topped it off. Mythic is certainly not worth the push with how quickly players lose interest in the overall game, unless you're just in a really solid guild to start with. Hard to get invested in a game/schedule play time when there is absolutely no reason at all to log on other than raids. Still hoping to field a 10 man team and blow through heroic and then just wait or whatever until 7.0.
This isn't a critique, I'm honestly curious because I'm a completionist so I rarely feel like there's nothing to do: what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?


Vyemm Raider
Heh, one shot heroic Mannoroth. I didn't even know what half the lightshow was.

Archimonde is fucking absurd.


<Bronze Donator>
This isn't a critique, I'm honestly curious because I'm a completionist so I rarely feel like there's nothing to do: what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?
So much of Warlords content was based on the garrison, and for awhile I really liked it... Until you reach the end point and there is nowhere to progress anymore (at all) and its just an even less involved chore. The release of a legitimate content patch so long after expac release didn't help either. Pair not wanting to redo the whole garrisons gameplay (other than taking advantage of gold) and the general streamlining of classes, and the whole "alt" element is gone for me.

Add those with other little issues such as; a terribly cluster-fuckish story, cut originally planned content, an additional boring garrison element (shipyard), streamlined professions, general lack of world content etc... All that with the cyclical nature of mmo's and it just hasn't been a good expac (this coming from someone who loved the first 3 weeks of the expac).


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
But what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?


<WoW Guild Officer>
But what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?
Resistance potion farming? Buff farming?

Maybe I read that wrong... those needed to be done (or you had to pay someone to do them).


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well you have to farm a little (not as much as you did for resistance pots) to get whatever currency you choose for the bonus rolls (apexis, GR, gold, honor).


2 Minutes Hate
But what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?
Here's what is different: It's now 2015, not 2004. The simple fact that it's the same shit (maybe better or worse) for 11 years. Not only that, he's 10 years older. Things change.


Vyemm Raider
11 years ago the sky was the limit, changes were coming to make the game better. Now we know better, the treadmill is firmly coasting along and the cock is placed in ass.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Pair not wanting to redo the whole garrisons gameplay (other than taking advantage of gold) and the general streamlining of classes, and the whole "alt" element is gone for me.
Specific alt challenge is "get all your followers of your own race".

Which is tricky - try getting all of your 25 Worgen followers, and keep your treasure hunting maxed.

(At least it's possible for worgen: there's only 15 total pandaren followers available for alliance)


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's hellfire cache day, or as I like to call it "Throw ships at the motherfucker until you win" day.


<Bronze Donator>
But what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?
Vanilla the game was simply fresh, was a slower more difficult game in general (difficult in terms of time sink). It simply played more like an RPG. Classes actually had an identity, so playing a different class was a nice change of pace. In Warlords for months the only thing I could do to progress, outside of going and doing completionist-esque things, was to go into BRF each week and wait for my cache to spawn. At least in Mists I could go run around and solo Warbringers and get a hand up in the profession market. Combine that with the fact that Mythic moved from the necessary 10 to 20, and a lot of the core just kinda felt the investment wasn't worth it.

Really not claiming that WoD has been anything dramatically different from the past (still think WoW is the best available MMO), but making even blander content and then having to wait 7 months for a legitimate patch blew. Also, I liked Timeless Isle quite a bit more than Tanaan. There I said it, Tanaan feels so boring.

Let me ask you in return Dandai, do you like this expansion more than past ones? If so, why?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Let me ask you in return Dandai, do you like this expansion more than past ones? If so, why?
I've always taken months-long breaks between expansions and content patches because they've bored me after I finished their non-bullshit content achievements. I think the longest I lasted was 5.0-5.2. I was trying really hard to finish the whole tier 13 heroic (never did get Sha of Fear). I almost skipped the entire Cat expansion. The first time I saw t11 and Firelands raids was when I was achievement hunting in MoP.

I'm still subbed now, but that's because I can make more than the cost of a single game time token in about a week of logging in my alts for 10 minutes a day to send out garrison missions. Otherwise I'd be unsubbed and waiting for a couple months prior to the next expac.

I guess what I'm saying is, I've always felt like content patches were a bandaid and not very interesting after a few weeks. 6.2 isn't an exception to that. As far as WoD in particular, I think it's their best expansion yet. They're finally embracing their tendency to create a single player experience in an MMO universe. Before WoD they were putting out way more shitty MMO-quests with the exceptionally rare interesting story quest. While there's plenty of that bear ass collecting to be found, I think they're moving in the right direction.

Edit: As a sidenote, I know us EQ vets are looking for an MMO that embraces being an MMO and not a single player "MMO," but it's an unrealistic expectation to hope that WoW is going to be the game that scratches that itch. That's why I praise them for embracing their own design choices and makingthatgame better instead of one foot in and one foot out like they did for the ten years prior to WoD.


Potato del Grande
But what was different in previous expacs/vanilla that you felt like you had something to do outside of raiding?
The game moved much slower 10 years ago. Getting a 16 slot bag was a big deal. Blue armor was the shit, nm purple. Travel took longer, people were lucky to have 1 epic mount, instead of today where players have 150+. Putting groups together for dungeons and raids weren't just a click-fest but required social interaction...and time. There was no cookie cutter, trash/boss/trash/boss/trash/boss and your done "normal" dungeons. You had places like UBRS and Strat that were long, and felt as if they belonged in the world and weren't just another instanced piece of shit to grind.

The auction house mattered, and wasn't just a dumping ground for trade mats and gold sellers (that was there for sure, but no where near what it has become).

The social aspect was completely different. People did not guild hop nearly as much as now. There were fewer, but bigger guilds. There was actual World PvP that some people enjoyed before the arena bullshit took the PvP and boxed it in safely away from the rest of the game.

All of the content mattered. There wasn't whole sections of the game world that was no longer relevant.

A lot has changed in 11 years. Blizzard made the game world smaller, faster, and more accessible, and the result is WoW is now MMO fast food.

Some things changed for the better over time, no question, but I still maintain Blizzard fucked up with travel, gear stat attrition, and how they baked in planned obsolescence when it came to content. The lore suffered as well.....and the single biggest miss: Blizzard lost the 'War' in Warcraft. The opposing factions aspect was muddied and then completely blurred over time to near non existence. Making Pallies and Shaman cross faction was mistake as well I think.

The mystery and the magic in the game is gone. The addition of dailies, badges for gear, and having the same dungeon with multiple difficulty levels just added to the sense of churn and burn.


I think a lot of it is just growing up and getting used to the same ol'

I fucking hate what they did with gear making the stats random and stupid as shit. I want crit, not versatility on every single piece for whatever reason. I hate that they made gear so easily obtainable so absolutely NOTHING in the game feels like a reward anymore. Not even the legendary ring feels like a reward and it's a legendary. The only item I've been stoked about getting is Barons mount because I've been farming that off and on for the last 10 years and I finally got it a few months ago.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Anyone ever do the Barman Shanker farms in Vanilla WoW as a rogue?

Always loved that.


<Bronze Donator>
Don't think Blizzard needs to reinvent the wheel or anything for people to really enjoy the game. Shit, 10 million people played WoD at launch. Best part of WoW for me was always the "World" of Warcraft, don't see why they can't make a good all-around solo/group game. Love the idea of something similar to mythic dungeons, but there is no reason to do them at all if you can even do the lowest levels of raiding. It's still a really solid game, but I do believe they can do better next time up.


I hope they do better next time up.
The garrison campaign missions are actually a blast, they've been some of my favorite moments of this entire expansion to be honest. Maybe that's it, too. Scenarios were very fun to me, even without much of a reward I enjoyed doing them more than raids even to be honest.

But dude, in SoO we were saying "WoD is gonna be the sickest fucking expac ever if they're pushing it back an entire year" and we accepted our wait in SoO with nothing new until 6.0. And 6.0 dropped and well, look at where we are now. I still love the game but it still feels very lackluster. I'm not very optimistic in this extra year wait until the next expansion after what they just did between siege and now.

But I guess their products and money are going to be at an all time high since they're releasing a lore/graphic book soon, then a new novel detailing pre-events and setting up the movie, the movie, and I assume the next expansion all within a few months of each other. I'm really excited about all of those things but the thing I want most is a real solid game that is interesting past the first few weeks of launch. Doubt it tho.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think a lot of it is just growing up and getting used to the same ol'

I fucking hate what they did with gear making the stats random and stupid as shit. I want crit, not versatility on every single piece for whatever reason. I hate that they made gear so easily obtainable so absolutely NOTHING in the game feels like a reward anymore. Not even the legendary ring feels like a reward and it's a legendary. The only item I've been stoked about getting is Barons mount because I've been farming that off and on for the last 10 years and I finally got it a few months ago.
Same here. I hate "welfare epix". I hated it when my garrison followers got me purples for 2 clicks. Bah. Stopped playing shortly after that...
Really good gear (=purple) should be very rare. No purples in garrisons. No purples from normal quests. Also make greens and blues drop less.
Casual play should reward 1 purple per week (only from raids and hard dungeons), 1 blue per day (1-2 hours of play).


FPS noob
make me walk the plank if repost, rumors on the next xpac The Dark Prophet from 4chan. pirates are cool, but trolls are lame
The Dark Prophet Leak on 4chan and reddit

Zul and Azshara are the main villains.

After the last defeat Zul has asked Rastakhan for more support, but Rastakhan has lost the confidence in Zul and refuses support. In a big coup, Zul has Rastakhan assassinated and assumes control of the Zandalari.

The Zandalari trolls ally with the naga, whose goal it is to flood the continents and raise the ocean level.

The big focus of the expansion will be on night elves and trolls, with Malfurion and Vol'jin being the main heroes.

This is Vo'jin's big opportunity to prove himself as the warchief of the Horde.

A big emphasis will be on Vol'jin's loyalty to the Horde, despite the opportunity to be part of a newly risen troll empire. His story will be about resisting the temptation to join the Zandalari and stay with his family.

This is the South Seas expansion that so many players want.

New class will be Shadowstalker.

Trolls, Blood Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Forsaken, Humans, Dwarves, Worgen, Night Elves and Gnomes will be able to be this class.

The class will be a ranged class that uses bows, crossbows and guns, and it will have a heavier focus on magic attacks.

Specs are Dark Ranger, Spirit Mending and Shadow Hunter. Dark Ranger and Shadow Hunter are dps specs and Spirit Mending is a healing spec.

New Shadowstalkers will start at level 1, but players who buy The Dark Prophet will be able to create 1 Shadowstalker character at level 100.

New levelcap will be 110.

The expansion will have 8 zones.

The Valarian Depths, Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Kezan, Tel'Abim, Plunder Isle, The Rift and Broken Isles.

The two starting zones will be The Valarian Depths and Zandalar.

The Valarian Depths are an underwater zone with naga, similar to Vashj'ir, but smaller. It serves as the intro to the storyline revolving around the naga. The story in this zone deals with Ozumat and the kidnapped Neptulon.

Zandalar used to be the capital of the Zandalari, before it was destroyed in the Cataclysm. This zone is completely ruined. Players will get here and figure out what happened to the trolls, and what they are up to.

After the starting zone players in each zone will board a ship that will lead them to either Kul Tiras for the Alliance or Kezan for the Horde. These zones will serve as the capitals for the factions, Players will get their own ship here, which they will use to travel around the islands. Around the capitals there will also be some questing.

Tel'Abim is a tropical paradise. A group of peaceful trolls, the Sunspear tribe, live here. The zone is mostly light-hearted. Players have to help the Sunspear tribe against a new pygmy-like race that is giving them trouble.

Plunder Isle is a pirate island. Here people can recruit pirates for their crew.

The Rift will be the first of two endgame zones. Here lies the naga city of Nazjatar.

The Broken Isles are a group of islands, and it is the second endgame zone, that is overrun by a mix of troll and naga forces. Here the naga and trolls are going through the ruins of the Tomb of Sargeras in search for powerful artifacts. The Tomb of Sargeras will be a dungeon.

Players will not only be able to travel with their ship from island to island, but also be able to explore the open seas and hidden islands. They will be able to recruit a crew of pirates. Depending on what pirates you pick, they will contribute in different ways to your ship. For example you can get a cook for your ship, which will unlock exclusive cooking recipes and who will be able to cook for you. Other pirates might contribute with different abilities, like professions or as a barber on your ship, or by offering rare quests.

Blizzard returns to creating multiple dungeons per zone. Expect about 2-3 dungeons in most zones.