World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
Seriously? Fucking September? UGH.

I had unsubbed a month ago and was ready to resub, play a few months while fucking around and then do the event... but Fucking SEPTEMBER?!


Got something right about marriage
WoD is the only Expac I never bought, in fact I never even looked into what it was about. Are DH's a WoD class or upcoming Legion class? Maybe I'll pick it up since I'm bored atm.


Don't click that btw LOL. I edited it out because although it is funny to redirect to Livejasmin some people may be reading from work.


<Bronze Donator>

Jesus Christ, I don't know how there could be any way they could make me like that sword in any fashion. Fury artifact, and the Warrior ones in general look like absolute shit. Dislike the Shadow Priest & Rogue ones as well. Step your fucking game up. Fury artifact looks like some shitty Halo weapon.

Really curious to see the Game Systems panel tomorrow, but my hype has dwindled a pretty good amount compared to Gamescon. So far I like most of what they have said, but even if they release this around June to correspond with the movie, it is just too far away for me to have much hype right now.


what Suineg set it to
Guys, you do realize all the artifacts will have tons of xmog and unlocked looks right? Stop flipping out over 1/25 skins for your shit.


<Bronze Donator>
Check the artifact page where they have a more in depth example, and it still looks like absolute shit. I can step into just about any past raid, and pick up a weapon that looks better than that garbage. In comparison to other artifacts, it is very underwhelming.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So like a bunch others, my ban lifts this month. It's been 6 months since I even looked at WoW. Would anyone be able to give a run down of what's been going on the last 6 months? Last time I played I had just started WoD (late), and was working my garrison mission team to start making big money!

So what's going on these days?


The Scientific Shitlord
Demo lock artifact is pimping big time. If the class is really going back to its roots as a pet class I am totally going to rock it. I was all about warlock and hunter in vanilla.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So like a bunch others, my ban lifts this month. It's been 6 months since I even looked at WoW. Would anyone be able to give a run down of what's been going on the last 6 months? Last time I played I had just started WoD (late), and was working my garrison mission team to start making big money!

So what's going on these days?
Gul'Dan took over the Iron Horde and Hellfire Citadel, corrupting both in the process and capturing Grom. We invaded Tanaan and raid HFC. We save Grom from being tortured for... reasons... and he makes a trophy of the boss he didn't help kill. We get to the top, GD summons Archi, we kill Archi, GD is sent back to the nether realm, and we forgive Grom because he used whirlwind on Archi. And scene.


<Bronze Donator>
So like a bunch others, my ban lifts this month. It's been 6 months since I even looked at WoW. Would anyone be able to give a run down of what's been going on the last 6 months? Last time I played I had just started WoD (late), and was working my garrison mission team to start making big money!

So what's going on these days?
I stopped my sub at the release of Hellfire Citadel, and to be honest I loved the beginning of the expac (the initial dungeon rush etc). The expansion felt really, really bland after the first month or so. Tanaan felt like a really boring Timeless Isle to me, and although Hellfire seemed like a really solid raid, it was more of the same. A lot of our guild unsubbed about the release of Blackrock Foundry, most just felt the game outside of raiding wasn't entertaining enough to justify putting in time to do Mythic. I certainly cannot recommend the game in its current state, I didn't love MoP but I think it was clearly a much better version of the game.

Not sure if you were asking about lore or opinions on the state of the game lol.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Both! Thanks guys.

I remember Blackrock foundry LFR had just released, and I was trying to do that and other stuff to get my ilvl up high enough to maybe get into flex.

Has there been raids past BFR? How was the new garrison ship building and the missions?


Molten Core Raider
Both! Thanks guys.

I remember Blackrock foundry LFR had just released, and I was trying to do that and other stuff to get my ilvl up high enough to maybe get into flex.

Has there been raids past BFR? How was the new garrison ship building and the missions?
New raid is mostly boring. New garrison stuff is also mostly boring. If you played hardcore the first month of WoD you have seen the expansion. The new Timeless isle sucks dilz.


Both! Thanks guys.

I remember Blackrock foundry LFR had just released, and I was trying to do that and other stuff to get my ilvl up high enough to maybe get into flex.

Has there been raids past BFR? How was the new garrison ship building and the missions?
In all seriousness: Wait for Legion.