World of Warcraft: Current Year


2 Minutes Hate
Personally, questing is boring if it's just a means to fill up an XP bar or Achievement checklist. Lot of people love it though, so it's probably a great feature for some. Plus it adds flexibility to your leveling path and who you play with.

That being said, if they add meaningful rewards or chance of reward to quests at level cap (kind of like bounties in Diablo3 or something) then you might have an interesting way to maximize content.


Trakanon Raider
I dont think it was an outcry, more like they were tired of creating content that never got played. in the past expansions i have played ive been able to skip entire areas of zones and 2-3 months after an expansion is released the zones are 90% empty with people just hanging out in town or doing dailies. This will ensure players are out in the world doing things at higher levels since making your artifact more powerful is a reason for people to complete each zone even after max level.
About damn time. The one thing I love about GW2 is that the whole is more or less relevant even after you hit cap, but the progression feeling you get is not that obvious. Still, you basically 2-3 shot anything in the basic zones when you are at cap, so stuff is still at least token challenge, unlike WoW's where mobs fall over when you cough at them.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Add in interesting progression not called raids I'm in.
The new challenge dungeons sounds like that. Basically, you start at just above Heroic level, then every time you manage to finish the dungeon - in moderately reasonable time -, you get loot with +X ilvl, and the stone to do it with higher difficulty and bigger +X. Until you fail, and have to do it all over from start.

I suspect it is going to be more tiresome as time goes on because after a while, people are going to be fed up with having to run tier 1/2/3 dungeons before starting the "real hard ones".


2 Minutes Hate
I like the idea as a concept but here are a few concerns:

1) How long is each time? If it's 20-30 minute then it's going to be tedious if you're all about the climb. If you're doing level 10 stuff, then the only people who will have fun doing the first 9 levels are the people who do Hardcore characters in Diablo.
2) Repeating the same content over and over again but just slightly harder gets very dull if the base actions in the game are boring or complicated. WOW's combat is pretty boring, as is most tab target diku combat. Repeating content is only entertaining if combat is fun/easy or satisfying if it's complicated. Diablo3 is a great example. Shit is easy physically (for the most part) and doesn't take a ton of brain power. And it's easy to control. Can WOW mimic that?

Depends big time if they make classes fun to play again with the class fantasy thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mage changes suck and show no creativity, Legion artifact weapons confirmed to be a fucking PITA.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I haven't been keeping up with what they're doing with the classes in Legion. Are they basically tearing them down and building them back up or are they just making some tweaks?


Tranny Chaser
Mage seems mostly tweaks given that they like the overall nature of the roles provided by the three specs. I think the change to Arcane Mastery is probably good, especially given that it always felt a little weird to be so focused on keeping your mana level high to make use of the previous Mastery. The new one likely has the same net effect but with a bit more clarity in terms of what you are doing.


Bronze Squire
Legion Class Preview Series: Priest - World of Warcraft

So Disc. Priest is now basically a Chloromancer from Rift. Nice!
God I loved Chloromancer, really great change for Discipline.

The class focus in Legion seems to be really strong, and is an interesting move. I do agree though that some classes/specs seem to be getting a lot more love than the others (Priest > Mage changes for instance) As always though, probably best to reserve judgment until launch, never know what will change or be cut.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Varieswildlyby class - all mages get tweaks, survival hunter gets rebuilt from the ground up.

I feel like they'd do well to do some skill squish. My biggest gripe about WoW was that I had skill bars filled up with so many clickies on 45s-2m cooldowns and it was just tedious.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Varieswildlyby class - all mages get tweaks, survival hunter gets rebuilt from the ground up.

I feel like they'd do well to do some skill squish. My biggest gripe about WoW was that I had skill bars filled up with so many clickies on 45s-2m cooldowns and it was just tedious.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That Hunter Survival Rework looks annoying to play.

Just an endless stream of cursing when Mastery procs 0.1 second late to keep the buff rolling at max stacks.


Tranny Chaser
The Chlorofication of Disc Priests makes perfect sense. Absorbs needed a serious retuning and Chloro is just so damn fun it is good to see them steal the idea.



I feel like they'd do well to do some skill squish. My biggest gripe about WoW was that I had skill bars filled up with so many clickies on 45s-2m cooldowns and it was just tedious.
They did a lot of that in WoD, which is probably why they're trying to add a bit of flavour back in Legion.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Are shadowpriests going to use Mana anymore, looks like there is no mana cost on abilities, all the other abilities have costs associated. I am leaning heavily toward Disc now though, that looks amazing fun depending if the dps is decent and the healing is enough to keep a group running.

i think the classes getting major overalls were;

demonology; more about demon summoning they stated it "went off the rails" a bit
unholy; a "festering wound" mechanic similar to combo points on a target
shadow; insanity instead of mana and voidform instead of constant shadowform
survival; melee hunters
combat rogues; boring, and are becoming more pirate based (their words not mine)


Trakanon Raider
Mana is basically pointless for most DPS casters completely. Arcane is maybe the only one who cares about it at all, most of the rest can ignore it completely or deal with it rotationally. Could stand to be axed from most other specs other than as a historical oddity and an odd limit on buffs and the occasional utility trick. Would be weird to drop the conceit of mana from casters as a limit, but its been mathed out completely for ages and they seems to be more willing now than of late to make strong moves. Could be time to drop it. Still serves a bit of a use as an encounter limit for healers- but there is probably a way to do that as well.


Those fucking ships in that gif Itzena posted are silly, literally fuck all of Azeroth just bring those things and say goodbye to cities

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Even using random numbers, WoD cashed in 10 million copies sold, plus at least 1 month subscription for each of these copies. We're talking at a rough estimate of over 500 million dollars, which is the money required to make 5 top quality fully featured triple-A quality MMOs, not a single, feature amputated, mediocre facebook-game imitation, expansion pack. If you add a couple million subscribers that are still playing (or at least paying for the priviledge to login whenever they want) over the last year, you are looking at almost 1.5 billion dollars revenue.

How in the fucking fuck this screams "F2P soon" to anybody, I don't even...
It's true that WoD sucks and MoP was a lot better for several reasons, but the truth is that WoW still makes so much cash to be left alone for another decade.
WoD is a compilation of one bad decision after the other, up to and including Tanaan, that was the main reason for people to leave. That's it.
Legion will last a bit longer if it doesn't suck, but I bet they will cut off a few features before launch, worry not.
Were do you think they got 5 billion dollars to buy candy crush from?