World of Warcraft: Current Year


You can really rip out all the systems from Diablo 3 and put them in WOW to make a more interesting game. Legendary Gems and Cube for WOW artifact weapons. Torment difficulties to Raid/Dungeon difficulty . Loot chances and rarity for the way loot works now i.e. loot comes from all sources of content, just not raiding.

Then stick in leaderboards for WOW raids/dungeons and shit.

Would make the game interesting again imo.
I definitely agree. D3 had its problems but with every patch since ROS released it's been getting better and better. There are a lot of systems that without a doubt seem like they would really work in an MMO setting, I'm glad it's blizzard that's deciding to do it since they are so familiar with it.

I'm surprised there isn't some sort of official raiding leaderboard really, although it would likely be dominated by the same group of people that have always dominated the game, it would still be fun though.


Trakanon Raider
Looks like I'll either be going it priest or "outlaw" rogue. Cannonballs and Grappling hooks sound cool as hell.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
So, what's everyone's take on this plan to make the content scale completely to your level? I've always found that to make things utterly bland and soulless, and was the top-most thing I always hated about Elder Scrolls games.

I just don't get their design mentality (other than always trying to find the best way to appeal to as many people as possible for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$). Why are they glued to the absurd leveling content (and levels at all), when they continue expansion after expansion to change the system in such ways as to make it all meaningless? If everything scales to your level, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? Just make it all end-game content. One of the main reasons to have levels at all is for a sense of progression: You start out, you're not cut out for certain challenges, you need to increase in power. When you do, you can tackle those challenges, and now you're overpowered for the beginning stuff and you get to have the fun feeling of face-smashing things that used to give you some trouble (speaking generally, obviously WoW non-raid content hasn't been challenging for a decade). They've removed all of these facets... again, what's the fucking point? Does not compute.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I am a bit puzzled by some of their statements to that regard though. Basically, they said that they wanted you to focus on a spec as a class 'fantasy' and that they would make it so talents/world drop items/etc. could be taken to build out a char one way (aoe, control, buffs, etc.). Then at the same time they said they are giving each spec a little thing that only they can do (again) like innervate for balance and what not. I don't see how they can simultaneously make things niche and important but not also cause people to play the specs they don't like in order to fill those specific roles on particular bosses or content.

We'll see...
This was the first thing I thought of too, what about bring the player not the class? I think a lot of people are good with going back to each spec bringing something. If they really mean that you can progress outside of raiding it shouldn't matter really.


Vyemm Raider
While you scale down to things i imagine you will still be ridiculous OP to content that you scale down to. I'd hate to afk randomly in some once lowbie zone and come back dead to a hyena.


what Suineg set it to
I don't think it matters. I think you will get above the content via gear/artifact/etc. in the same way from straight levels.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I thought they said the world scales around you, rather than scaling characters? I didn't read much of their announcements but that was one part I remember fairly clearly.


what Suineg set it to
Yes, it appears the intention here is your damage is done as a factor of % to max, for instance, so if you deal 1000 damage to a 5000 hp mob, the guy who sees it with 10K hp will see you do 2K. I guess.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
yea i guess the question to that is does it scale around your level or your ilevel? level would be fine, ilevel would mean you would never feel like you are progressing as things would just hit harder vs your larger health pool.

Can anyone recommend a good server for Horde side?


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Ah yeah that's another thing I recall explicitly. If it takes you 6 seconds to kill a boar at level 100, it'll take you 6 seconds to kill it at 110. This just makes me cock my head to the side and say "what the fuck?" Remove levels already. Go home WoW, you're drunk.


Considering it takes like a day and a half to get to max level who cares? AFAIK it's only for the new zones.

One thing WoD did absolutely amazing was the questing and leveling (at least once, kinda boring for alts..) and I'm looking forward to that kind of quality in Legion. Especially if the zones have actual stories behind them it would be nice to be able to complete an entire zone if I wanted to. I always sort of hated that I had a feeling of being forced into the next zone because it just simply offered me way more EXP than if I were to stay in Borean Tundra, etc

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
they also mentioned artifact based rewards for completing entire zones, so the incentive to complete all the zones is probably there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm trying to understand the reason for the scaling. Its for Legion zones only, so the 100-110 content, right?

From what I've experienced, most people follow the quest lines through zones. So I'm curious why they felt they needed to do any scaling at all.

Seems like something just very unnecessary and who knows how much time/work is going into it that could of been done elsewhere.

Unless I missed some outcry from a large portion of the player base demanding scaling?


what Suineg set it to
I'm trying to understand the reason for the scaling. Its for Legion zones only, so the 100-110 content, right?

From what I've experienced, most people follow the quest lines through zones. So I'm curious why they felt they needed to do any scaling at all.

Seems like something just very unnecessary and who knows how much time/work is going into it that could of been done elsewhere.

Unless I missed some outcry from a large portion of the player base demanding scaling?
It's probably a combination of extending the content (all quests unfinished are 'level 110 quests') and load balancing.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I dont think it was an outcry, more like they were tired of creating content that never got played. in the past expansions i have played ive been able to skip entire areas of zones and 2-3 months after an expansion is released the zones are 90% empty with people just hanging out in town or doing dailies. This will ensure players are out in the world doing things at higher levels since making your artifact more powerful is a reason for people to complete each zone even after max level.


Trakanon Raider
I'm trying to understand the reason for the scaling. Its for Legion zones only, so the 100-110 content, right? From what I've experienced, most people follow the quest lines through zones. So I'm curious why they felt they needed to do any scaling at all.
Yeah, they explained the reason why they are scaling the leveling areas, before they finished talking about how scaling worked.

All the zones are effectively the same level, so this means that if you've got a friend that you want to play with, you can agree to level as a group in Highmountain, leaving you and your friend to be able to solo in other zones and not fuck up your quest chains.

It also gives you the flexibility to choose which zone you want to play in at any time. It's not always going to be Jade Forest > Karasang > Valley > Kun-lai > Townlong > Dreadwastes this time around.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It's pretty crazy to me that both Furor and Tigole were originally approached by Blizzard based on their passion for (and success in) Everquest and ended up being a couple of the most recognizable designers at the company. Neither were game developers previously, right?



Tranny Chaser
Maybe its the early lighting on the zones in development, but I feel that the concept art looks much brighter than current version. The concept paintings looks distinctly elven but also somewhat alien whereas the in-game renditions look very Night Elven.

Also Furor / Alex has lost a lot of weight... hopefully due to fitness and not sickness.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I look back to WOD's intro and hitting 100 before getting into nagrand, etc. I didn't want to bother with the rest of it (even though I did with the warmill for some +gooder equipment). At least having the mobs and quest scaling means I can get some [hopefully] better rewards for doing the zone quests. Also it means my choices for leveling shouldn't matter too much, as the quests will be available and give level-appropriate rewards no matter when I do them.