World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Until you fail, and have to do it all over from start.
Turns out I understood it wrong. If you fail at tier N, you can keep on retrying (with no loot chest) until you succeed and move to tier N+1. However, you'll restart from tier 1 every week.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Those fucking ships in that gif Itzena posted are silly, literally fuck all of Azeroth just bring those things and say goodbye to cities
Well, we did manage to fend off antigravity nerubian fortresses, so why not legion star destroyers?


Vyemm Raider
So I've never given less of a fuck, but their preview does seem to look as if someone realized that smashing a button every second was annoying and changed hunters to play more more like rogues. Which I've said all along is how every class should be, because its nice to be able to take a moment to scratch your balls in between the bursts of frenzied button spam, or use energy pooling to give you a window to move out of fire without missing an ability, or actually see the result of your last ability before queuing the next one (esp proc abilities)


Lord Nagafen Raider


Lord Nagafen Raider
That Hunter Survival Rework looks annoying to play.

Just an endless stream of cursing when Mastery procs 0.1 second late to keep the buff rolling at max stacks.
I'm sure it'll get the tiger claw treatment before too long anyway.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
boosted a priest to 100 for fun, spec'd shadow and realized after not playing since MoP I am terrible at this game. With the gimme 640 items it starts you with im only holding about 15k dps on a target dummy. what is considered high and good dps these days? high should be ~60k in 715 gear?

Also for anyone intending on boosting a character to farm cosmetic items, you wont be able to enter instances without a GM's help for ~48 hours, its a known bug with boosting characters apparently.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's pretty crazy to me that both Furor and Tigole were originally approached by Blizzard based on their passion for (and success in) Everquest and ended up being a couple of the most recognizable designers at the company. Neither were game developers previously, right?

Legacy of Steel had some Blizzard employees among their ranks, so that probably helped Tigole get his break. I think they both started in quest design if I am not mistaken. One thing to remember is back in the day, Tigole and Furor were pretty active in recommendations/fixes/additions for EQ1. Considering quest design requires a good degree of game mechanic understanding, strong ideas, and extensive experience with what works/what would be fun, even with no formal industry game design experience, you could probably do well in that type of role. The other thing to remember is the late 90s/early 2000s were a time where it wasn't uncommon to see MMO celebs/website folks get jobs at various developers, in no small part due to the fact that they had a healthy population of folks who paid attention to them.

Shortly before WoW came out out, EQ1 (the previous king) was starting to get frustrating and stale to most of the big guilds. There were other MMOs, but people wanted "the one" that would completely and totally replace EQ1 in the pantheon (keke) of must-play MMOs. Tigole and Furor were recruited around that period of time, so I imagine that did play a role in helping them land their jobs. For the old folks, you'll remember that Furor basically did a WoW infomercial back during WoW F&F beta and posted it on the forums. They invited him to try out the beta and he did a great job selling it to the starving EQ1 refugees (us). It basically sounded like the game an EQ1 gamer would like, but 100x better (IMO, it was, especially back then).

The fact they are both still at Blizzard and in prominent roles speaks to the fact they had the chops to succeed.


The Scientific Shitlord
Furor did the Badlands stuff at least for vanilla. So many unfinished quests. Stuff went unfixed for 6 years until the Cata revamp made it all gone anyways. Oh well. Kind of a microcosm to the life cycle of WOW at this point.
They should do 15 minutes of a guy playing with sand on camera.
I literally just laughed out loud because I was there at SoE Live for that stupid shit. The whole time I was sitting there thinking what is this fucking shit and what the hell happened to EQ. LOL


Vyemm Raider
I'm trying to understand the reason for the scaling.
They're pushing to remove barriers that prevent people from playing together. I hope they get rid of levels completely at some point in the future. But for now, the new expansion will play like an Elder Scrolls game.

The new changes to tagging monsters (no more micro-grouping, no more hassle competing for monsters), removing PVP gear, and the new questing changes (you don't want to read? Fuck you, back to warcraft 3 voice acting dialog) are all things that I support.


Vyemm Raider
The fact they are both still at Blizzard and in prominent roles speaks to the fact they had the chops to succeed.
You mean being the guild leader of a high-end raiding guild requires social skills that are highly prized in business?



Vyemm Raider
&&& the Q&A panel too

I went to the Q&A panel, and they weren't taking live questions. Apparently you had to drop questions in at the Darkmoon Faire ahead of time so they could be "vetted".

I was going to ask if the fan fiction Alex posted on Fires of Heaven is official Canon now.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Back at the end of Mists I had decided not to continue playing for WoD. That changed after seeing the WoD preview from Blizzcon. This time, however, there is nothing that makes me want to go, "ok, I'll resub, that sounds interesting." I think they've finally jumped the shark for me. Or is there something really cool that I've missed?


what Suineg set it to
WoD was a steaming pile of bad ideas and Legion is definitely a return to more basic RPG roots. Seriously coming off MoP was anyone really excited about WoD? Draenor again, orcs again, fel again, classes squished and homogenized further. Basically anyone with half a brain recognized Garrisons were just a daily quest hub and gold sink even if they were cool to screw around with for awhile. I can't think of anything about WoD that was genuinely exciting, I hate hate hate dumb alternate timeline rehash. Maybe the UT2K4 style assault map dungeon in a train was exciting?