World of Warcraft: Current Year


Yea little tweaks like that are awesome. Doing the hunter/priest epics back in vanilla were epic; I still have both the Rhok'delar and Benediction, and not many people have them. They weren't hard, just required some out of the box thinking or some gimmicky stuff. What's a little disappointing is that for some reason they only hit a few classes at a time, and some not at all. I mean, I get that some legendaries have hit specific classes - thunderfury for rogues/warriors back in the day (also usable by lol paladins and hunters, and I believe DKs can equip them now maybe?), then atiesh for the casting classes, except it was sort of ridic to get, in an endgame instance, and the staff had different properties depending on the class who had it, therefore those of us who actually had the ability to make one min/max the specific classes, etc.

Sort of annoying to not be one of the classes that gets legendaries often (Rogues have gotten 3 legendaries now, one tailored made for them), hunters have 1, though they have an epic, warriors 4?,paladins similar, casting classes probably have 2 each for the specs: Val'anyr and Atiesh for healers and Dragonwrath and Atiesh again for dmg classes.

I really, really loved the epic quests in EQ. If they could combine that with something akin to the old hunter/priest epics - IE, if it's a really nice legendary item make it like the rogue legendary: Requires a raid to accomplish in some areas but relies on the rogue to do shit too, or if it's purely cosmetic, do similar to the warlock quest, that would be phenomenal.

Really feels weird that suddenly it's like, HEY GUYZ GUESS WHAT?! I guess I'm a little jealous; I had a priest and a hunter in raid settings back in vanilla so I got both epics, but now as a main time resto druid it's just fucking annoying that I get dick all. In dragon soul we were bringing in alt rogues to loot the shit to get the quest items, but as a druid trying to get val'anyr or atiesh (And while I was a healer I was actually second in line for dragonswrath because I could compete for top dps slots in boomkin and had high playtime) it was stupid that you had to feed all the items to one person, then by the time they got the legendary the xpac was over, the legendary was shit, and you were sick to death of farming for the items.

There's probably a lot of run on sentences but yea: More of this shit for all classes k thanks! Would be awesome for instance, to get cosmetic graphic effects akin to Malfurion as a druid!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can't afford to do blow out of Ashlee Dupree's asscrack, but I can certainly afford to snort fundip off a backpage girl. All I did was grow up with a drug abusing and selling father and a sewing factory mother and make the fucking logical choice of majoring in a technical field instead of something someone else probably does better than me as a hobby. I guess I got mine for checking engineering on the "pick your major" sheet. Sorry about your luck classics majors.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
On topic, I will never understand why they took out the warlock and paladin mount quests. Sure, now most people overpower them with level 70+ friends, but they were still one of those cool "exploring" moment that even those who were higher would do just to see it if they didnt have a pally/lock. This new lock quest will be in the same boat one day.

Dks will have the most relevant one with their starting zone. I would love more of these.

Also, bmah - is it only current gear and gear no longer obtainable or has anyone seen say pally tier 2 on it so a DK could buy it?


Toe Sucker
BMAH is both current gear and unobtainable items, as well as pets, mounts and brawlers guild shit, The tier pieces are actually the naxx tier (Tier 3) instead of T2 (BWL) though
Is it really that hard, or are people so dumbed down to WoW that they are just surprised and not ready for something like that?

Edit: I should clarify. I have no idea if it's hard or not, but when I hear WoW and hard, I immediately think of the stupid mouth breathers who complained over Cata's dungeons being so hard when first released. CC had to be used? omg!

If there's anything hard left in this game, then I'd be happily surprised.
It was for sure difficult and requires locks to actually know the class rather than facerolling to victory. Easily the most satisfying thing I have accomplished in this game. Sadly, right after I got it my guild needed someone to fill a healing spot, so being a monk now I don't really get to show it off.


Toe Sucker
the only thing remotely hard about this fight is the fact that he summons felhounds that can and most likely will dispell your enslave demon. Which is what kills me

even when i try and put him on passive, and LOS the felhunters

I keep wiping at 5-15% and the encouter finishes at 2%.. god its soooo annoying



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Agree completely they should bring in epic quests or very hard difficult to obtain events such as the one for the Warlock. Will it eventually be easy? Sure, but right now it's balls hard, and that's awesome. Bring back some challenge to this game.


Agree completely they should bring in epic quests or very hard difficult to obtain events such as the one for the Warlock. Will it eventually be easy? Sure, but right now it's balls hard, and that's awesome. Bring back some challenge to this game.
They said that they had intended to do something like the warlock stuff for every class in MoP, but it ended up being a choice between doing that or developing Townlong Steppes. I feel they went with the wrong choice as Townlong is forgettable minus a few quests, and could have easily been replaced by shifting the zone progression to have Kun-Lai in its place, and Karasang bumped up a bit.


Pretty sure this was a worse expansion than even Cata. Unless the next expansion is on WoTLK level I doubt they can retain anywhere near where they are now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also, bmah - is it only current gear and gear no longer obtainable or has anyone seen say pally tier 2 on it so a DK could buy it?
The only real 'unobtainable' gear that is sold is the T3 stuff for original Naxx 60. As far as I know, thats the only flavor type gear that it sells (unless you count 'Battered Hilt').


Silver Baronet of the Realm
In reply to the post two above!!

How is that even supported by the numbers? Or even anecdotal evidence? I think this xpac has been mostly well received. The raiding has been superb, classes haven't had quite the wild swings, and they addressed most of the major complaints about overusing phasing and the like. I dislike the ease of the heroics, but clearly Catas weren't a hit either. Dailies are about the only major complaint and even those should be "Golden Lotus Sucked." Pet battles have been widely enjoyed too.

Throne of Thunder has to be the most aesthetically pleasing raid zone since Ulduar and maybe since BT.

I had meant to type: The game is nearly 9 years old with 9.6 million subs as of February. My god, the sky is falling. Insert proverbial GC and Tigole Scrooge mcducking into stores of gold and jerking off with $1000 bills. Game is fine for its age.


Fuck this game, started the 10 day trial to check out Monk and I feel myself getting sucked back in. Fuck you Blizzard.
This happened to me four months ago. "Oh, I'll just do a trial to check out pandas and monks." "Oh, I'll just finish leveling and do LFR to see the content." Still playing


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure this was a worse expansion than even Cata. Unless the next expansion is on WoTLK level I doubt they can retain anywhere near where they are now.
I'm curious what kind of feature set you feel would make the next expansion a "WoTLK level expansion," specifically, what you liked about WoTLK vs MoP.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This happened to me four months ago. "Oh, I'll just do a trial to check out pandas and monks." "Oh, I'll just finish leveling and do LFR to see the content." Still playing
haha! Pretty much what happened with me! I started with Rift, because it was just like WoW but something new and fresh. New classes, etc. Then I realized, hey, Monks and Panda's are new and fresh, so why not just play WoW. Now I've abandoned my panda monk, and leveling a Disc priest, and can't wait to start raiding with my guild and LFR's. lol


I'm curious what kind of feature set you feel would make the next expansion a "WoTLK level expansion," specifically, what you liked about WoTLK vs MoP.
Can start with interesting lore and a world I actually want to fucking explore. I think visually this expansion looks lame.


Molten Core Raider
Exactly, and this is exactly the problem with this industry now: the financialization of videogames.
The problem with the industry giants is they have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders, not the players which fucks us the actual clients.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I like the look of the expansion just fine. Did the anime kids touch you in a bad spot back in school and now you have Asiaphobia?