Do you guys bemoaning GDKP even know how it works? Or why it was a thing in the first place? I don't think you do...
Clearly you fucking don't have a clue how GDKPs work, either that or you don't understand basic math. Do you have problems imaging things in your mind's eye? try to picture an apple for me? What would you do if you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning? how would you feel?
Pretty sure I know the answers to all these questions based on your posts here.
Let's start with basic math ok? Is 1/10 of X greater than X? wait is that too complicated let me back up.
Clearly some people do not really understand what GDKP is so I will explain it, please pay attention Khane.
It is a loot distribution system where all items are bid on, and whoever is willing to pay the most amount of gold, wins the item. This means whoever has the most amount of gold to bid, wins the item. this means to win the item, you need to have more gold than your competition for said item drop. Anyone with 2 brain cells that they can rub together can immediately see that purchasing gold via RMT gives one an incontrovertible advantage over non-RMTers when it comes to acquiring items.
There are generally two types of GDKP players, You have "Carrys" ie people who are already geared and do need to purchase gear from the raid, and you have "buyers" those are people who are NOT geared and thus will be doing the most bidding for items.
Carry's, those who are doing the most damage, the most healing, have the tankiest of stats, etc, are the core of the raid and pretty much "carry" the raid over the finish line so that there is loot to be had in the first place, though beyond the most basic of raids everyone has to also play somewhat competently (this varies based on expansion/phase you are discussing. Early WoW raids you can have buyers literally sit at the zone line they don't need to participate but later raid designs prohibit this and forces them to also at least do the mechanics)
The only people who really can generate income in GDKPs, as long as they are not also trying to buy items, are Carry's. Buyers do not generate positive income from GDKPs. that's how fucking math works.
Because we live in a reality in which time moves forward and not backward like some retards like Khane seems to think, you need to be decently geared AND competent player to be a carry. Thus the only way to get geared in order to be a carry is to not fucking gear up in GDKPs. This means you geared up via non-GDKP runs (such as guild runs or pugs or etc). Plenty of people do this, in fact if you have any hope at all to ever earn gold doing GDKPs this is your only option.
Contrary to retards like Khane's belief, GDKPs for gold distro is not 100% equitable. Generally the organizers take a cut, 5-15%. Depending on if bonuses are paid out, etc. sometimes you need to give bonus payouts to key classes like tanks or healers, maybe you are missing a specific class buff, etc. Also carry's who don't actually carry, ie have bad parses, they don't get payouts. In some GDKPs neither do buyers. There's many many layers to how GDKPs operate and a lot of wiggle room for bad actors amongst GDKP organizers to take a slice off the top of every GDKP and funnel that gold to gold selling sites.
So when you combine to two factors above you are left with the obvious conclusion, but since some people like Khane are retarded and don't know how GDKPs or math works, i'll go ahead and spell it out for you. Treat this as a TLDR:
People who buy gold from RMT win items in GDKPs and improve their characters. People who do not buy gold have a hard time competing with gold buyers when it comes to choice items and there performance suffers.
All other things (skill, game knowledge, etc being equal) People who win items and improve their characters parse better than people who aren't getting loot. In many(most?) GDKP systems, those who buy gold in order to buy gear and thus are able to parse higher are more likely to quality for payouts than those who do not. Non RMTers start to be denied shares of payouts, and eventually those who do not buy gold and who are not already extremely well geared are no longer invited to GDKPs.
The organizers of GDKPs, i would argue almost exclusively, though i'm sure there's some angels out there who don't, funnel gold to RMT sites.
So back to my original math question. is 1/10 of X higher than X?
What I'm asking is, do you believe a percentage of gold pool is somehow larger than the gold pool? How the fuck do you think that people who buy gold for GDKPs don't need to buy gold because they make so much money from GDKPs? Bitch are you retarded?
Here's an example:
25M raid, Billy the gold buyer hit up his indonesian gold farmer buddy and buys a bunch of gold. he spends 100k on BIS trinket, non-RMTers can't compete with this amount. Long time carry's who have been getting paid week after week are the only ones with gold even approaching this amount. Doesn't matter really, whatever the item has been going for historically, Billy's CC will be able to cover to ensure he wins the item.
Total pool is 500k at the end of the raid. Now in many GDKPs billy would not even receive a payout if he's a pure buyer, but lets say his CC purchased gear is enough for him to parse high enough for a payout.
so 500k total pool, minus say 50k for the organizer's cut and bonus for the tank, equals 450k payout, lets be nice and say everyone earned a share, so divide by 25, equals 18,750 gold.
You do understand that the 18,750 gold that Billy earned from the GDKP split is FUCKING LESS than the 100k he spend on a single item? You do realize its the gold buyers who are bidding on most of the items right? That the pool being split by the end of the raid is largely made up from gold bought from RMT?
now please explain how the fuck you are so bad at math that you think that billy made money in this GDKP? I'll wait.