Don't worry this will be my last post on the topic, unless a response is requested/required. At least now no one is arguing that GDKPs aren't responsible for/directly connected to RMT. The only thing left is the blame.
Listen guys I get it, nobody wants to have a mirror held up to them and admit what part they play in all this degeneracy. How our complacency, and then acceptance has led to this sort of monetization of gameplay. We cry about predatory cash shops and loot boxes and other shit game design developers try and pull but we are the ones who told them this shit was ok and go ahead and fleece the whales which became fleece the fucking player base with half ass expansions and subscription based drip DLCs.
We all want to just show up, press our buttons, get our purple parses and collect our share of the gold pot with our fingers in our ears and hands covering our eyes not questioning where the fuck all the gold is coming from. We want to act like we're just the hired muscle, we're just following orders, we're not responsible for the degenerates and their compulsive addiction problems, the economy being in shambles or entire swaths of the game world are just unplayable from legions of bots running around feeding that shit.
We used to name and shame this kind of behavior, we would chase these kind of players off our servers, or at least underground where we wouldn't see it. Now here we are 20 years later collecting our cut and acting like its a-ok. No one wants to admit that tolerating became enabling became participating and that makes us fucking complicit in all this shit.
People that think the solution to banning gold buying and botting is to ban GDKP’s are the same people who think taking away guns is the solution to gun violence.
shit analogy, here's a better one.
20 years ago we as in society used to shame women for being whores. Sure there were still whores out there, working girls, etc, but it was not accepted or tolerated by society. That slowly started to change. At first we tolerated it, then we accepted it, we "empowered" it, and now it's everywhere. Women out there hitting triple digit body counts before they graduate college. 300lb tranny hambeasts like fucking gorlok the destroyer actually getting action from multiple dudes.
Now we sit back and say "Dude it doesn't affect me, i'm 45 married with 3 kids, it's not like i'm out there having to deal with trying to date these thots and onlyfan whores. So what if I like her instagram pics? Ok yeah so i slid her 5 bucks on her onlyfans because I wanted to jerk off to videos of her shoving a pineapple up her ass. I didn't make her a whore, i'm just participating. i'm just enabling. i'm just feeding her narcissism and giving her validation."
and then there's some of us who are like "yeah i'm middle aged but i'm banging a new whore every night these bitches are so easy now with their daddy issues, it's not like i'm going to marry one of these sluts, so the moral decay and breakdown of society is actually a plus for me!"
You do you, but nobody is innocent here.
There is no such thing as a "clean" GDKP. we're all complicit.
In other news one of the GDKPs from wrath that also operates on SoD is moving to a pure cash GDKP. literally just USD bids using paypal. The percentage of players who find this idea abhorrent is truly eye opening in how its not 100%. I originally thought maybe only 20% of GDKPers where degenerate scum but that number is probably closer to 30-40%.