GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
Hey, thanks for posting that! Unfortunately, that"s from my wife"s Flickr account, which has the ability to save a photo disabled due to copyright issues. That means specific steps were taken to download the image anyway, and my wife most certainly does not give anyone permission to use the photograph.
Engagement Pictures on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
On that page, look under "Additional Information" and check out the copyright. Please remove. Thanks!
Everything else is fair game, kids. Please, continue discussing me here. I know it"s hard not to. Even the Jug Life Crew wants in on the action.
Actually, you ignorant piece of shit, I didn"t "post" that pic, I in fact simply referred back to Aych"s pic (so if you have a problem with that, blow me).
On second thought, ignore the "blow me" part. You might take me seriously.
@Aych - LOL at adding the hilighter.
You know what, Grob? I was given the opportunity to out this shit a while back (I may not have been the only one), when SoulK sent me a bunch of PMs giving me the opportunity. Sadly, I didn"t want to reprise my role in outing people much like I outed Sam, so I mulled it over and over until I half forgot/half lost the drive to do anything. I say sadly, because for some reason you chose me to quote and make that snarky comment to, and at this moment I not only wish I had dropped the bomb on you myself, but that I had spent a month or two milking SoulK for infoz and dropping so much google-fu"ed hilarity on you that you"d be afraid to turn your computer on out of fear for what you might see.
I mean, how does someone get to where you are? Is it because you were
Adopted?That might go a ways to explaining your seeming callous disregard for other people, but then again maybe I"m wrong.
I think it"s hilarious that this is all beginning to catch up to you, when you"ve left a veritable trail of closed/cancelled blogs that you must have started just to, I don"t know, bitch and moan? Like
So I wonder if I have his correct email address. While I"m tempted to post it I imagine it might get BAMDELETED so I wont. Same with some other tidbits of infoz.
Don`t date him girl!
Added: 15 March, 2009 - 13:59
State: Ohio
City: Dayton
Country: United States
Views: 1080
This man is bad news. I married him after only knowing him for 10 months. Within a few weeks of being married he cheats on me, then lies about it for a few more weeks until i caught him saying how much he loved this other girl in AIM chat. (and they had been saying i love to each other since before we were even married.) i kicked him out. we then tried to reconcile. A few weeks later he left me again saying he didn"t love me the way i deserved. Turns out to be a cop out. He asks me to take him back again about 4 weeks later, i say no. Within 4 days he is looking for a new apartment with the girl he cheated on me with! We go to sign papers at the notary for divorce and he asks for a goodbye kiss and i give it to him. only to find out later that he"s been living with this girl for 3 weeks already.and then on another website i find out that he"s been telling people i left him because i didn"t want to go to china.he made himself the victim, when really he"s the cause of all the distress. He"s on another beware of this guy type website and apparently this is not new behavior for him. He basically lines up his next victim while is dating the first. I was just the only one dumb enough to marry him. Oh yeah and he has illegitimate twins conceived at age 20. He didn"t even tell me about them until after we were married.
Fucking comedy
GOLD!Seriously, have a read at the comments.
I notice you said that Flickr acct was "off limits" (ROFL), and that everything else was "fair game". I truly wonder sometimes if people really think that shit through.
P.S. - when people get a Wii Fit, it isn"t just a gift. It"s a hint.
P.P.S. - I was going to start an account and post an attempt at getting Maury to contact them for an episode, but maybe that"s going too far. That said, if anyone does happen to do such a thing, please take screenshots and I"m sure you"ll get mad +"s.
MauryShow -> Your MAURY Story