Writers Guild Strike 2023


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
So... am I the only one who really hasn't noticed a single significant change to their existence with all of them on strike for what? Better part of a year now?
I'm not sure how 150 days is almost a year.
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Parody Account
<Gold Donor>
The occasional bump to this thread is the only reason I know the strike in Hollywood hasn't ended.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Haus said the better part of a year. He's a little off. It's only been 41% of a year.
What better part means is more than half. usually people say it when month 7 comes around.
And that's only the writers. Actors is at two months. So of course nothing much is affected at the consumer stage yet.


Millie's Staff Member
Haus said the better part of a year. He's a little off. It's only been 41% of a year.
What better part means is more than half. usually people say it when month 7 comes around.
i wonder what the biggest rated TV shows are now? is it still reality TV like Survivor and talent and dancing shows?
cant believe anyone still watches those, the last time i remember hearing about them was that American Idol show and Katy Perry kissed a teen boy and women lost their minds like she raped him on stage. OMG she stole his first kiss and the boy was crying over it. what a shitpile.
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<Bronze Donator>
They're still slowly trickling out stuff that was finished before the strike. This fall / winter will be when the drought really hits.


<Bronze Donator>
BTW I found out today that The Chosen was allowed to continue production. Got a special waiver from SAG to allow their SAG actors to continue working. The Chosen being 100% crowd funded was the determining factor.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If I have to sacrifice (enjoying) every show I like, which is maybe 2 or 3 a year, or every other year at this point, just to see actors, writers, and studios suffer and hopefully lose influence/clout, then I am cool with that. If a show like Chernobyl or Andor never gets made, due to the strike, I may grumble a little, but so be it. Seriously, fuck them all.

I am hoping they are all in a no-win scenario. If the Actor/Writers win with AI, and the studios can't use AI even close to it's full potential, then other places outside of Hollywood will, and take their viewers/money. If the studios win, and get to use AI, then they will pour money into specialty tools, that will eventually get leaked, and used by people outside of Hollywood, which will take their viewers/money.

This type of view is honestly pretty funny. "Shit I don't like exists, so I would rather it all burn down than just ignore the shit I don't like or support stuff I like". This forum is a classic example of the stick in the bicycle wheel meme. "I hate Hollywood, I will pirate this movie" "This movie I liked didn't do well, but I watched it even if I didn't pay for it. Why don't they make movies like this anymore!"

Even if you are of the view that the shit you don't like is subverting/indoctrinating/whatever people, it is still a question of actual influence.

Does Hollywood influence people? Of course. A lot of American soft power comes from it, for example, and it would be hard to argue that movies and shows don't have influencing effects on people. But I also think some effects are overstated and lots of "message before plot" writers usually make garbage that most audiences recognize. Supergirl on CW ratings took a massive dump when they started doing that in later seasons, for example.
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Millie's Staff Member
This type of view is honestly pretty funny. "Shit I don't like exists, so I would rather it all burn down than just ignore the shit I don't like or support stuff I like". This forum is a classic example of the stick in the bicycle wheel meme. "I hate Hollywood, I will pirate this movie" "This movie I liked didn't do well, but I watched it even if I didn't pay for it. Why don't they make movies like this anymore!"

Even if you are of the view that the shit you don't like is subverting/indoctrinating/whatever people, it is still a question of actual influence.

Does Hollywood influence people? Of course. A lot of American soft power comes from it, for example, and it would be hard to argue that movies and shows don't have influencing effects on people. But I also think some effects are overstated and lots of "message before plot" writers usually make garbage that most audiences recognize. Supergirl on CW ratings took a massive dump when they started doing that in later seasons, for example.
Supergirl was a great show right up until 2016 and her Trumpian boss took over. i was like, really? they managed to corrupt even this show with politics? and i noped out. same happened with Gotham when Oswald went all MAGA and ran for office. like was this supposed to be cute? how about you stick to Gotham stories and let me enjoy something? nope, i cant have anything. so i wont watch anything and let you get cancelled.


<Bronze Donator>
This type of view is honestly pretty funny. "Shit I don't like exists, so I would rather it all burn down than just ignore the shit I don't like or support stuff I like". This forum is a classic example of the stick in the bicycle wheel meme. "I hate Hollywood, I will pirate this movie" "This movie I liked didn't do well, but I watched it even if I didn't pay for it. Why don't they make movies like this anymore!"

Even if you are of the view that the shit you don't like is subverting/indoctrinating/whatever people, it is still a question of actual influence.

Does Hollywood influence people? Of course. A lot of American soft power comes from it, for example, and it would be hard to argue that movies and shows don't have influencing effects on people. But I also think some effects are overstated and lots of "message before plot" writers usually make garbage that most audiences recognize. Supergirl on CW ratings took a massive dump when they started doing that in later seasons, for example.
"Cut off your nose to spite your face"
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Avatar of War Slayer
live plus same-day viewing

60 fucking mins is biggest show now lol

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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
This type of view is honestly pretty funny. "Shit I don't like exists, so I would rather it all burn down than just ignore the shit I don't like or support stuff I like". This forum is a classic example of the stick in the bicycle wheel meme. "I hate Hollywood, I will pirate this movie" "This movie I liked didn't do well, but I watched it even if I didn't pay for it. Why don't they make movies like this anymore!"

Even if you are of the view that the shit you don't like is subverting/indoctrinating/whatever people, it is still a question of actual influence.

Does Hollywood influence people? Of course. A lot of American soft power comes from it, for example, and it would be hard to argue that movies and shows don't have influencing effects on people. But I also think some effects are overstated and lots of "message before plot" writers usually make garbage that most audiences recognize. Supergirl on CW ratings took a massive dump when they started doing that in later seasons, for example.

Yeah we really need more of this? Fuck off faggot. Yeah I am fine missing out on whatever bullshit show you really desire if we can stop pedophile scum fucks and evil goblin influence.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ok, a shitty movie idea made by a Greek dude and some pretentious people like it because it is "daring". Your point?

If we want to play a game of "let's find an extreme example and use that to misrepresent an entire industry/ideology", that is a pretty easy game to play.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Yeah we really need more of this? Fuck off faggot. Yeah I am fine missing out on whatever bullshit show you really desire if we can stop pedophile scum fucks and evil goblin influence.

Would've been prime jerkin' material about 10 years ago. She was a smokeshow in Easy A. Now? Total hag. No thanks to some saggy puss.


Avatar of War Slayer
This type of view is honestly pretty funny. "Shit I don't like exists, so I would rather it all burn down than just ignore the shit I don't like or support stuff I like". This forum is a classic example of the stick in the bicycle wheel meme. "I hate Hollywood, I will pirate this movie" "This movie I liked didn't do well, but I watched it even if I didn't pay for it. Why don't they make movies like this anymore!"

Even if you are of the view that the shit you don't like is subverting/indoctrinating/whatever people, it is still a question of actual influence.

Does Hollywood influence people? Of course. A lot of American soft power comes from it, for example, and it would be hard to argue that movies and shows don't have influencing effects on people. But I also think some effects are overstated and lots of "message before plot" writers usually make garbage that most audiences recognize. Supergirl on CW ratings took a massive dump when they started doing that in later seasons, for example.
A lot of assumptions there chief.

Hollywood, the whole lot of it, is what is retarding the development of anything creative in TV/Movies. While the studios forming something akin to a cartel are mostly to blame, the writers and actors are just negotiating to ultimately keep that system in place (only to get paid better to do it).

The more Hollywood crumbles the more money that will get pushed into indies and they are the only place where people can actually make what they want to make, without a committee constantly looking over their shoulder.

Ideally, what I would want to happen is that the barrier to entry for making TV shows becomes so cheap that even the low side of indie budgets are able to have production values in line with what the big studios are putting out today. Barring that, I would rather have all that concentrated Hollywood money spread out on many, many other projects.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Was watching the RLM video on Oppenheimer, and they mentioned that the 60's was rife with overbudget, gigantic epic movies. It led to a collapse in the studios which brought about the low budget film renaissance of the 70's like Dog Day Afternoon, Rocky, Alien, and The Exorcist.

Maybe an enema is what Hollywood needs so we get something original and not bloated?
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