Are you sure because it was created for the Ultimate universe. Scarlet's always been hot for the robots in the regular line.Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were always into incest even outside of the Ultimate line.
That line, when I first read it, made me laugh. By itself, it just established him as being a little more edgy than his 616 counterpart. However, all his comments are laced with very subtle vitriol towards other countries. It's almost as if he's written from the perspective of a foreigner who was told about the idea of captain america. It feels almost... Anti-american. At least, the ideology of America. It's very much Captain 'MericaUltimate cap has the greatest line in comics ever
Ultimate line was full of shock, including the incest with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
that's a time displace cap, most recent time is the big war.That line, when I first read it, made me laugh. By itself, it just established him as being a little more edgy than his 616 counterpart. However, all his comments are laced with very subtle vitriol towards other countries. It's almost as if he's written from the perspective of a foreigner who was told about the idea of captain america. It feels almost... Anti-american. At least, the ideology of America. It's very much Captain 'Merica
Well said.... I'm about tired of this kind of stuff anyway. It is simply done to stir the pot, garner some attention, and turn a buck. I have nothing against anything or anybody but some of these decision are ridiculous.No, I know. It's more typical of someone's behavior that is wearing an american flag all over there body.
Its just... That's not cap. Cap is the guy who fights for EVERYONE. The quote on the statue of liberty? Give me your poor, your sick, your downtrodden. THATS cap. He's the embodiment of everything America COULD be, SHOULD be. Not what it is. It just irks me.
I don't like Jubilee. The main reason she has any popularity is because Fox inexplicably chose to replace Kitty Pryde(a much better character) with her.And did we find the one person that doesn't love Jubilee?
I never thought about it like that. What a creeper.put in order the young girl sidekicks of creepy old man wolverine, best to worst
1. kitty pryde
2. x23
3. jubilee
I misspoke. Thats as much leather as required.I disagree with the lether covered ass. they need to keep the costume traditional
Kitty Pryde is Ellen Page and Ellen Page is Gay. Coincidence?What is with the trend of making old characters suddenly gay? Colossus was in love with Kitty Pryde in multiple arcs, and let's be honest, they are living in comic book world, where every girl is a supermodel. It's not like he has to take his pick of the fatties with which to settle down.