So I finally got around to playing the two upcoming gamepass games I was most looking forward to trying out, Sniper Elite Resistance and Orcs Must Die Deathtrap and wow, both are a big disappointment that are undoubtedly nowhere near as good as past entries.
Sniper Elite was the least offensive as it at least still played alright, but holy shit it's amazing how they could make the game look so awful, no joke looks like an Xbox 360 game and I am far from the only person to make that comment looking at the Xbox reviews for it. Level design is also not as good as past entries, felt like going back to the first two games with how much smaller and more linear they feel. That and the characters are lame, new MC has some lame cockney accent and talks too much during the campaign missions and the resistance is led by your typical strong black woman who talks like someone trying to fake a French accent. I just couldn't be bothered to play it for long, especially given how there's only two survival maps and it looks like it will be a slow grind to unlock any new weapons.
Then there's the new Orcs Must Die. Holy shit what a piece of shit that is. First thing I noticed was the gay as hell DEI characters you are forced to play as. Then I start it and I am just pooped straight into some lame MMO hub world with even more lame ass characters who only exist to offer lame MMO upgrades you would need to slowly grind away for. Then the level design is simply awful and clearly centered around having a big group of people as it's got no balancing for solo or even two people trying to play it. Whole look and feel was like they're desperately trying to copy Fortnite or Overwatch or some shit. I liked the previous games for what they were but this is just some straight up garbage.
So yeah, that's the only two new games I wanted to play before my Gamepass expires, and seeing the quality of these latest games on offer I feel better than ever letting it expire. Fuck these new video games, I'm sticking to my backlog and whatever I can find that actually appeals to me, and apparently I am not going to find that on Gamepass anymore anyways. Today's gaming industry is cooked.