
Mr. Poopybutthole
I expect with them no longer having to accomodate consoles, I suspect a lot of the Z-axis camera/line of sight issues will be gone.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I like to save scum, as i like to optimise my output per turn.
That said finishing an ironman session made me play a lot better, for that matter.


Molten Core Raider
Yep. That's true of everything. Scumming eliminates risk. So now that I'm old, sometimes it's ridiculous like if I hit the guy for 40 dmg with a pistol across the map I still reload because I didn't 1 shot him. I exaggerate, but thankful for the clickable option to remove scumming when I actually want a challenge.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Long War introduced a Bronzeman second wave option which allows you to restart missions from the beginning on Ironman, so no more bugs tanking an entire playthrough. I had to use it once on the stupid magic Cyberdisc from Gangplank.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yep. That's true of everything. Scumming eliminates risk. So now that I'm old, sometimes it's ridiculous like if I hit the guy for 40 dmg with a pistol across the map I still reload because I didn't 1 shot him. I exaggerate, but thankful for the clickable option to remove scumming when I actually want a challenge.
Scumming fixes bad mechanics. No reason to ever miss a gigantic robot two tiles infront of you.


Mr. Poopybutthole
99% isn't 100%.

Your example was an assault, and shotguns get a significant accuracy bonus that close, I don't think I've ever seen a hit rate that wasn't 100% within a couple squares with a shotgun no matter how high the enemy defense was.


<Silver Donator>
I'm pretty sure that, in LW at least, the to-hit percentages are not accurate; a 40% to-hit is more like 20%. I frequently have a whole squad miss shots in the 40-50% range- like all the time.

At 25 hours played, I'm about 6 weeks into the game. I just had a mission yesterday that literally took me hours to complete because it was raining thin man shooters. Fuck them and their fucking acid.

So, yeah, I'm getting my scum on no doubt.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm currently at the beginning of August in my Classic/Ironman LW playthrough (first time). I've force-close scummed a few times, but they've all been due to bullshitty buggy stuff, like an entire pack activating through a wall/ceiling, or a battle scanner being thrown and getting stuck in a tree and being completely ineffective, or a grenade reticle twitching at the last second and ending up thrown way off course. I've never scummed for accuracy rates though, and I've never seen or felt any indication that the percentages are off. I've hit a couple of 1-5% shots, and occasionally the AI hits them too (lol wtf, my guy is in full cover, with smoke and the enemy is suppressed... HIT!). But they also miss me a fucking hell of a lot, because of the tactics I employ.

Anyhoo, great (and brutally challenging) mod. Loving it. Dreading my first encounter with Berserkers, which can't be too far off. Cyberdisks have already wrought havoc on a couple of occasions, but I'm still at only 4 troop KiA's over the course of this playthrough, so I consider that pretty ok!


Mr. Poopybutthole
The trick to the grenade reticle is to position the cursor, then take your hand off the mouse, make sure it's stable, then use the keyboard to throw the grenade.


Vyemm Raider
Missing a critical high percentage shot is really annoying, missing with a rocket is rage inducing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I like the change to rockets in Long War, and I disagree with people who say LW Rocketeers suck.

In Long War, Rockets always scatter based on the aim of the Rocketeer, but it's possible to get your aim high enough for 0 scatter. I think this is a lot better than the vanilla system of 90% chance for 0 scatter, 10% chance to go who the fuck knows where.


Useless lazy bastard.
99% isn't 100%.

Your example was an assault, and shotguns get a significant accuracy bonus that close, I don't think I've ever seen a hit rate that wasn't 100% within a couple squares with a shotgun no matter how high the enemy defense was.
Yes, shotguns get bonuses. Still dont mean that you have 100% to hit next to something due to other modifiers. Still bums me out that a shotgun/scatter laser/alloy cannon can miss at that range. You are correct in that it is not a common thing to happen, but when it does, it do ruin my gameflow since its positivly impossible to miss at that range (or should be in a game).

To be totaly honest, it also happens to the enemy and that also annoys me. I should be punished for letting a soldier end up in a situation where an enemy gets that much of a chance to hit the guy, but since I am a weak fuck I do not re-load saves when that happens. Double standards and all that


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I definitely love rocketeers in LW. They are absolute monsters, and can single-handedly end an engagement with 4-5 drones/seekers with one rocket. Love it.

Steady Aim is your friend. Until my rocketeer is out of rockets, he basically blue-moves to cover and Steady Aim every damn turn.


Goonsquad Officer
is there a point i should consider starting over in long war? i lost all of africa and am about to loose india. I can squeek through most missions but i don't feel like i have a tech upper hand. it seems like i got mec's really late. am i going to get ground down to a nub and die? should i start over? or keep troopering along.

This is only my second game so I'm still learning.

also is there a trick to keep each nations 'shield' full? so they c an not get dusted by aliens so bad?

also again it seems really hard to expand. just budgeting for aircraft is expensive. should i just ignore more sightings maybe?


Mr. Poopybutthole
How far along is your campaign? With 3 nations gone and a 4th going, my guess is you're basically on your make or break point. If you can't stop them from taking Asia, they're going to snowball research from all the alien bases and you'll gradually get overwhelmed.


Goonsquad Officer
uhh i haven't captured an alien pilot. i have mecs (the first) gene mods, carapace armor. lasers and am researching advanced armor or gause weapons. I'm not very focused on game victory so much as trying to figure things out and win missions.

i always feel like i'm out of cash bad too! I played as america with the elevator+digging bonus.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't actually played in like 2 full beta versions, so I haven't experienced the new starting bonuses or MEC changes. But I can pretty safely say that if this is your first Long War playthrough, it's probably doomed to failure.