I'm currently at the beginning of August in my Classic/Ironman LW playthrough (first time). I've force-close scummed a few times, but they've all been due to bullshitty buggy stuff, like an entire pack activating through a wall/ceiling, or a battle scanner being thrown and getting stuck in a tree and being completely ineffective, or a grenade reticle twitching at the last second and ending up thrown way off course. I've never scummed for accuracy rates though, and I've never seen or felt any indication that the percentages are off. I've hit a couple of 1-5% shots, and occasionally the AI hits them too (lol wtf, my guy is in full cover, with smoke and the enemy is suppressed... HIT!). But they also miss me a fucking hell of a lot, because of the tactics I employ.
Anyhoo, great (and brutally challenging) mod. Loving it. Dreading my first encounter with Berserkers, which can't be too far off. Cyberdisks have already wrought havoc on a couple of occasions, but I'm still at only 4 troop KiA's over the course of this playthrough, so I consider that pretty ok!