Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not surprising, load times were the only noticeable difference playing it on PC/XSX/X1X using cross-save too. (And PC has ultrawide support.)tl;dr PS5 version loads saves and areas 4-7x faster than PS4
Not surprising, load times were the only noticeable difference playing it on PC/XSX/X1X using cross-save too. (And PC has ultrawide support.)tl;dr PS5 version loads saves and areas 4-7x faster than PS4
Yep, this is why I still think Judgment is the second best Yakuza game, even if it's just a spin-off. Still pisses me off that Sega is going to charge people who bought it on PS4 full price to play it at 60 fps on PS5, and it's yet another game that won't transfer saves from PS4 to PS5 (so I guess the simple solution is to just rent it for XSX if I want to play it again, at least that way I can use a controller I don't hate).Its gonna be hard to go back to Y3-5 after I finish this since I really, really do like the English VA.
Y5 is the best out of 3-5 easily. Trapping mini game with Saejima is fun as hell.Plat'd Yakuza Like A Dragon (Yakuza 7) today on PS5, epic game. Awesome story, characters, setting, and I really enjoyed the combat system. Especially for the final dungeon, where all the enemies are level 99 and if you wipe its game over. Easily the best Yakuza game to date imo, although I haven't played Y3-5 yet.
If you've never played a Yakuza game I'd start with Yakuza 0 (Japanese VA) or Yakuza 7 (English VA), both are great entry points to the series. Y0-Y6 are free on gamepass right now.
Gonna take a six month break from Yakuza and tackle Y3 next.
Y7 is similar and takes a few chapters before you can really free roam. Judgment is good but I got tired of the tailing missions. Lost Judgment is supposed to have less of them.I just started Judgment on PS5. Not too bad so far. I am more interested in the story than anything. Only thing I do not like is how long it takes for the game to open up.
weird reason that judgment series may end with Judgment 2, the talent agency repping the main actor (?) doesn't want him to be in PC games. some huge blow up about japanese idols, boy bands, etc not diluting their brand through being on too many digital things. bizarre shit, i guess its sorta like not wanting Taylor Swift to be on coke bottles or something but japan is just weird sometimes. I had no idea the main guy for Judgment was even some sort of pop idol
playing Yakuza 3 now, its weird how the mechanics are so ancient and PS3-era and losing the vast QoL improvements in later remastered games, but still pretty fun story/setting wise.