I'm not worried about it. I can burn those butt buds off in a hurryEvery time you defecate, 25 of Bandwagon's taste buds transfer from his mouth to his asshole.
And i'd hit taco bell non stop every meal for a month.
Have fun!
I'm not worried about it. I can burn those butt buds off in a hurry
Superpowers or supercurses?
2 Funny: Captain Marginal
Today’s 2 Funny comes from cartoonist Michael Kupperman and was originally shown on the late Comedy Central series TV Funhouse. Imagine DC’s Captain Marvel origin story gone horribly wr…twinsanity.co
Amen, or even better since this is pure fantasy... no poops at all.sign me the fuck up for clean break poops
Amen, or even better since this is pure fantasy... no poops at all.
Honestly, isn't taking a dump one of the shittiest (pun absolutely intended) low dice rolls with being a human? Scientists have figured we sit on the pot throughout our lifetime for 3 months straight. 3 months wasted on the porcelain pony just sitting there, pushing out smelly brown babies. Just imagine never having to take a shit again. Ever. I'd take that over invisibility any day.
I'm on my phone mostly, but before phones yeah, of course I read Whilst true that the act of reading makes poops go along more productively, I'm more saying that the actual, physical act of taking a shit is laborious, gross, and the idea of never having to do that is a glorious thought.
What, you don't read while pooping? If you're taking too long you need more fiber. Ask Kuriin for the us brand.
I am not omnipotent, sir.Do I have to be next to the 70+ year old to hear their inner thoughts? Otherwise I can hear the thoughts of every politician, blackmail them for cash. Make old people think I can read their minds and/or talk to them about savings, passwords and other secrets, their mind auto goes to those things, and thus I learn it, and clean them out.
Do I have to be next to the 70+ year old to hear their inner thoughts? Otherwise I can hear the thoughts of every politician, blackmail them for cash. Make old people think I can read their minds and/or talk to them about savings, passwords and other secrets, their mind auto goes to those things, and thus I learn it, and clean them out.