Fuck, I just got the oldz.The little kid from Hansen is now 28 years old.
I think there is a scam behind this. Some Kang at my local walmart was trying to return batteries recently when I wanted to get rid of a xmas gift. For some reason he was lying about the price, among other things. I'm not sure how it works, but this guy didn't either apparently.radio shack makes you give your name and address when you buy fucking AA batteries.
Jesus, I remember watching that when I was on holiday with my parents in Wales. 21 years ago. Madness.In June this year the movie "Jurassic Park' will turn 21 years old.
I remember watching this at the local Drive-In theater along with Dennis the Menace afterwards.In June this year the movie "Jurassic Park' will turn 21 years old.
It can legally buy a drink anywhere in the U.S.
This (though my main offense is listening to podcasts) and also if your justification for not listening to the radio is because they don't have any good new music nowadays.When your preferred listening habits shift towards talk/news radio rather than music for the daily commute.