When that movie was new about 75% of the posters in the FoH thread were flipping out on anyone who dared suggest that you had to look beneath the surface to understand what the movie meant. If you tried to tell them it was anallegoryand Chigurh represented death you were called out as some pretentious bullshit artist trying to sound all artsy fartsy and up the Cohen's assholes.
Ugggh. Now I feel really old.You'd rather listen to NPR or sports talk radio over any other radio station...except for the classic rock station that plays hits from the 90's.
Nair....you wipe and realize you need to sit back down for 2 more minutes.
It was hard for me when I remembered that in Grosse Pointe Blank, JOhn Cusack went to his 10 year high school reunion, so if you go to your 20th, you are 10 years older than he was in that movie.When the wife mentions your 20 year High School reunion is coming up. I started to correct her until I did the math :*(
Worse is if it's chicks you actually fucked as a teen.when you realize half the chicks you jacked off to as a teenager are in their 50s and 60s or dead.
Dear god has it been 5 years? /crytimeAlso, you realize you've been waiting 5 years for that Snuggie...
Yea, I definitely remember going to Mardi Gras specfically because we could drink at 18+ and this was around 97 / 98.I was going to mention them. I'd moved out by then, but I don't see how that new law holds water. Louisiana's drinking age being 18 was a result of a constitutional amendment that prevented age discrimination. As long as a person was an adult, you could not discriminate against them.
Actually, are you sure it wasn't 97 or 98? I didn't leave the state till 97, and I thought it happened after I left.