Can’t give two emotions so must say, gutted for you, lost mine and it hurt like hell, don’t start me on second lot but hell yeah… napsLosing my Dad
Dealing with lawyers , banks, and courts/gov BS
Also daily naps are a glorious thing

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Can’t give two emotions so must say, gutted for you, lost mine and it hurt like hell, don’t start me on second lot but hell yeah… napsLosing my Dad
Dealing with lawyers , banks, and courts/gov BS
Also daily naps are a glorious thing
Losing my Dad
Dealing with lawyers , banks, and courts/gov BS
Also daily naps are a glorious thing
I snore, and I got a watch which measures SPO2. It was saying I was dipping into the 80's at night. I thought I was on a sure fire path to a CPAP. Then I used a wedge pillow so I started sleeping with my body leaning upwards at an incline. According toOn the lighter topic of sleep, anyone else have sleep apnea? My cpap was a game changer.
I snore, and I got a watch which measures SPO2. It was saying I was dipping into the 80's at night. I thought I was on a sure fire path to a CPAP. Then I used a wedge pillow so I started sleeping with my body leaning upwards at an incline. According toMrs. Haus it's apparently suppressed a lot of my snoring and I'm consistently not dropping out of the 90's anymore. I might still give a CPAP a try though...
I'm a chunky lunchbox. (over 220) It's my stout mountain dwarf geneticsare you a little (or a lot) overweight?
I'm a chunky lunchbox. (over 220) It's my stout mountain dwarf geneticsThat and a combination of my grandmother's cooking while growing up, and wife's propensity for learning everything my grandmother made and mastering the making of it. (Which was how I knew she was wifey material). So yeah... chunkier than I'd like. But even when I was in shape and playing hockey I still weighed a solid 190.
yup. Mine was brought about by chronic tonsilitis and sinusitus. Once the tonsils were out I had a sleep study and had a score of 100. I think that means 100 arousals per hour. I was like "Is that good?" She said she had never seen anyone over 50 and that she almost woke me up 3x because she thought I was going to die in there. Anyway, yeah, I was able to sleep with it the first night and never looked back. For years I wouldn't bother to pack it when I traveled, but these days I do. Too many people (including my wife) complaining about the snoring. I even bought a philips travel cpap which was kicking ass until it was recalled.On the lighter topic of sleep, anyone else have sleep apnea? My cpap was a game changer.
I was thinking about those, if I could actually sleep on a flight that would be gold.
I sleep like a baby on airplanes. Probably because when I was a baby my grandparents would put me in the car and drive around the block when I wouldn't go to sleep and POOF I'd be out like a light.i need alcohol to sleep on a flight, but yeah it's a nice add. Most planes have a plug you can use. I wanted something with a battery backup because it's pretty common to lose power where I work.
lol gunna need one more dot to connect. What the fuck does hydration have to do with flying?I could be wrong but I thought booze on an airplane was a bad mix, as you loose hydration in altitude?
Booze definitely makes me sleepy though.
Pilots fly better when gunna need one more dot to connect. What the fuck does hydration have to do with flying?
supposed to drink 8+oz of fluid per hour of flight. at high altitude you breath more often in a very low humidity and gunna need one more dot to connect. What the fuck does hydration have to do with flying?
supposed to drink 8+oz of fluid per hour of flight. at high altitude you breath more often in a very low humidity and dehydrate.
Booze on a plane seems like a horrible mixture.I could be wrong but I thought booze on an airplane was a bad mix, as you loose hydration in altitude?
Booze definitely makes me sleepy though.