2013 NFL Season


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Brady is third now BTW, he has Manning the elder and Rodgers left to rank.


Blackwing Lair Raider
durrhurr u pewp on mai star, i hope u git da mos painfuLL condit 4 ev, <3 dalis fans.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That is just stupid. What has flacco done that Romo hasn't? Did you see that pinpoint accuracy on the season ending interception against the redskins?
Romo ain't shit. Let me know when he throws a season ending pick six to the 'skins in the NFC championship game. Then we can talk like they are on the same level.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That is much less impressive, Flacco actually made the playoffs and won playoff games before throwing that TAINT. What a failure.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You really need to stop assuming peoples motivation because you are about as perceptive as Helen Keller was visually and audibly.
haha wut, reread the interaction there genius. Guy says if he had a wish he'd poop on Dallas star, you say you hope he gets cancer. What's the matter, too many defensive injuries for you to comprehend english?

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
haha wut, reread the interaction there genius. Guy says if he had a wish he'd poop on Dallas star, you say you hope he gets cancer. What's the matter, too many defensive injuries for you to comprehend english?
My hopes for Azeth having cancer go back to about his 3rd post on FOH ever, honestly im shocked you didn't think it was because of the referees.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My hopes for Azeth having cancer go back to about his 3rd post on FOH ever, honestly im shocked you didn't think it was because of the referees.
Congrats on having your jimmies so rustled by someone on a message board that you hope he's tortured and potentially killed.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Congrats on having your jimmies so rustled by someone on a message board that you hope he's tortured and potentially killed.
Thanks, it's mainly a hope for bone cancer in his fingers preventing him from being able to ever type again. Personally I hope a referee hops into a car after the game and runs you over so you can blame the refs one final time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nothing else in what context? Do you think my life revolves around making you look like a fool? That would be like december in Dallas boring.

oh no here he goes to his shrine of Tony Romo to pray that I get bonitis, what am I going to do with myself?!

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Nothing else in what context? Do you think my life revolves around making you look like a fool? That would be like december in Dallas boring.

oh no here he goes to his shrine of Tony Romo to pray that I get bonitis, what am I going to do with myself?!
December in Dallas is interesting at least we aren't eliminated from the playoffs by December unlike the Dolphins, maybe that's why you decided to become a two team faggot. Also I don't pray at all, I don't buy into fairy tales like you do when you blame losses on the refs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Two team, come on, keep up with the thread please, it's 32 team, and really? Faggot? Is my desire for dick increased with every team I like? If anything I'd be more inclined to call the dude who's rooting for a bunch of men in leather boots and assless chaps a faggot.