2013 NFL Season


Same trailer, different park
Looking at Bradford's guaranteed money is pretty disgusting. The disparity between QB's and other positions in the NFL is crazy.

I had a thought. With the new CBA limiting rookie contracts to a limited max for first 3 years (I think? maybe 4), it seems to really reward teams that draft a high prospect QB, but only have to pay him mediocre amounts. This frees up a ton of cap space for 3-4 years to sign the best WR/RB/DE/CB/LB on the market. Take the Seahawks/49ers/Colts/Redskins for example. They are getting top 10 play out of their QB, but really paying for like a bottom 5. Are are enough top level QB prospects out there to take a gamble on getting a decent one, then stacking your team enough with the extra cap room to make up for it?


Still a Music Elitist
There's a unit on the other side of the team the plays half the time. The passing offense has never really been a problem for the Falcons. Turner's continued disappointment and defense has held them back.


Bronze Squire
Are are enough top level QB prospects out there to take a gamble on getting a decent one, then stacking your team enough with the extra cap room to make up for it?
No, there aren't. This years draft class is a perfect example. You got a guy who can play the position at a high enough level to win a Superbowl you want to lock him up.

Also I believe the rule is rookie contracts are locked in for the first four years, but after year three you can tear up that contract and renegotiate, but not before year 3.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
The main reason these QB's are getting this much money is because there are teams that would pay more to have a Romo, Ryan, Stafford etc etc etc. Feel free to let QB's like that hit the open market and see what the Vikings, Browns, Raiders would pay. There are 32 teams in the NFL and I can't recall a time when the league has had 32 QB's that are NFL starting caliber QB's let alone 32 that are at least on par with these "1 playoff win" QB's.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The main reason these QB's are getting this much money is because there are teams that would pay more to have a Romo, Ryan, Stafford etc etc etc. Feel free to let QB's like that hit the open market and see what the Raiders would pay.
Fuck I would love to see that happen. "For how many decades would you like our 1st round draft picks? 3? Sold!"


Trakanon Raider
Eli's situation is just too fluid for me to guess at.

He's got three years left on the deal; he'll be around 35 when it ends. If the Giants get deep into the playoffs, sure, I see a couple year extension, but otherwise I see them sitting on it, especially if a new coach comes in.

As to the "cheap QB" concept, no, I don't think the NFL will turn into the NBA, where success boils down to getting lucky and drafting one of the two guys that matter a year and having the cash available to buy the rest of the pieces around him. First off, there are simply more guys on the field involved, and as important as a QB is, there's another 21+ guys involved in the game. Second, there are too many guys on the field to buy in a year: even if you could buy OL, WRs, and Defense, there's never enough of them on the market nor could you afford them all in a given year. Third, we DO NOT KNOW if the newbies' performance is repeatable - did Luck, well, luck into a soft schedule and extra motivation, will Kaep's runs be as dead as the Wildcat in a year, etc.

I will (again) say that I expect the new freshmen QB contracts to have significant effects on backup and fading veteran QB contracts, but we won't know the exact numbers for a couple years yet.


I had a thought. With the new CBA limiting rookie contracts to a limited max for first 3 years (I think? maybe 4), it seems to really reward teams that draft a high prospect QB, but only have to pay him mediocre amounts. This frees up a ton of cap space for 3-4 years to sign the best WR/RB/DE/CB/LB on the market. Take the Seahawks/49ers/Colts/Redskins for example. They are getting top 10 play out of their QB, but really paying for like a bottom 5. Are are enough top level QB prospects out there to take a gamble on getting a decent one, then stacking your team enough with the extra cap room to make up for it?
The thing is, teams never really know how a qb is going to do until he plays a couple games, and those couple games could fuck the whole season and get the coaching staff fired. It's just a massive risk giving a different quarterback an opportunity since they influence the game so much. So much of it is just luck, opportunity, and having a good situation. Kaepernick almost dropped to third string last season because he was so erratic in training camp, and we all know the Brady story. There are probably half a dozen backups/third stringers on teams right now that could be stars in the league but may never get their chance.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Thing about Flacco is, while he had a decent regular season last year, he hardly set the world on fire. He's basically getting payed for essentially just 4 games in the playoffs (although they were arguably the best single playoffs by a QB ever, 11 TD's to 0 picks is ridiculous). It's going to be hard for him to play up to that value consistently. I hope he sent Rahim Moore some of that cash. Guy probably still needs something to wipe away his tears.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh man, the Ravens NEED to pick him up. Only one man in the league can relate to him...



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thing about Flacco is, while he had a decent regular season last year, he hardly set the world on fire. He's basically getting payed for essentially just 4 games in the playoffs (although they were arguably the best single playoffs by a QB ever, 11 TD's to 0 picks is ridiculous). It's going to be hard for him to play up to that value consistently. I hope he sent Rahim Moore some of that cash. Guy probably still needs something to wipe away his tears.
Just going to leave this here. Stats are first five years of respective careers.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In a somewhat surprising and uncharacteristic display of fiscal awareness, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has announced that the Cowboys have decided to sever their relationship with Miles Austin. The decision was made despite the salary cap hit of a possible $10 million for 2013 and even though Austin was actually able to walk on to the practice field without straining his hamstrings for four consecutive days of practice.

When asked to explain, Jerry responded, "As an organization, we feel that Miles Austin is ground zero for leg injuries and any of our players who come within reasonable proximity of him is in danger of suffering a leg, knee, or foot injury. I might give as examples: Bernadeau, Livings, Ratliff, Spencer, Hanna, Crawford, Ladoceur, Cole, Leary, Parnell, and Igbinosun. And I just got a message that Johnson will miss practice due to cramping. Cramping? Are we talking about a football player here or a cheerleader? It's enough to drive me to drink!"

He went on to explain that the coaches feel that there is a danger of not being able to put 22 football players on the field against the Giants on September 8 if Austin remains with the team and his teammates continue to drop like flies. Jones was immediately asked how Head Coach Jason Garrett felt about the decision.

Garrett addressed the issue.

Jason explained, "We feel that Miles Austin is the Typhoid Mary of leg injuries for football players. As such, having him around the rest of the team endangers the future of the Dallas Cowboys as a viable football entity. Plus, he has no clue who Pythagoras was, let alone his theorems. Therefore, in the best interests of the team, I feel the process requires us to bite the financial bullet and release him. I wish him success wherever he goes, and hopefully the Eagles, Redskins, or Giants sign him."

So there you have Cowboys Nation. The answer to our injury problems. I wish it would be that simple!

TIC = Tongue In Cheek.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just going to leave this here. Stats are first five years of respective careers.
How great will it be when Flacco ends up with more playoff wins than the Ben.

Looking at these QB playoff records, its damn hard to make a case against Brady over Manning (yes I'm going there) to me. Playoff record 17-7 versus 9-11, 3-5 on superbowls vs. 1-2, it really doesn't compare.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dan Marino is easily the best QB to ever play the game, just because he didn't win a Super Bowl he gets overlooked. It's total shit.

Also, no one gives a fuck about any of that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just going to leave this here. Stats are first five years of respective careers.

Team stat, team stat, team stat, behind Carson Palmer, and the last 2 are actually impressive. Point still stands that he's never had an exceptional regular season, just a lot of consistently decent to good ones. He got paid for his playoff performance this past year.


Same trailer, different park
Is he still on that ridiculous rookie contract that broke the league?
From his Wiki page....

On July 30, 2010, Bradford signed a six-year, $78 million deal, which has $50 million of guarantees and has a maximum value of $86 million making it the largest contract ever for an NFL rookie.