2013 NFL Season


Blackwing Lair Raider
I hope that truck has enough for Mt. Cody.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Percy Harvin having surgery. What an awesome trade by the Vikings.

In March, the Seahawks sent a first-round pick, a seventh-round pick, and a 2013 third-round pick to the Vikings for Harvin. They also gave him a six-year, $67 million contract with a $12 million signing bonus to be paid in full by the end of the year.
Smooth moves Seattle, this is the missing piece to catapult them to the SB!

Who will be catching balls for the SeaHawks at this point. Rice is going to Europe for a procedure on his knee.
They still have Golden Tate, now they just need the replacement refs back!


Bronze Squire
The Hawks offense will be fine. Don't forget they were dropping 40+ on everybody late in the season w/o Harvin after they finally took the training wheels off Russell Wilson. And that offense is built around giving the ball to Beast-Mode anyways. Doug Baldwin by all accounts is having a great offseason/training camp so far and will be more than adequate filling in for Harvin in the slot. Rice should also be fine for the start of the season.

More concerning for the Seahawks at this point is the status of Zach Miller. He is currently on PUP and his backup is already done for the year. If he ends up missing any time then there isn't a TE on their roster who has caught a regular season NFL pass.
Manziel's father talks about Johnny Football's problems

"Yeah, it could come unraveled. And when it does, it's gonna be bad. Real bad," Paul Manziel said. "It's one night away from the phone ringing, and he's in jail. And you know what he's gonna say? 'It's better than all the pressure I've been under. This is better than that.'"

Manziel's dad also said that his son drinks to deal with stress, and has anger issues that cause concern for the family.

"I don't know where the anger comes from," Paul said. "I don't think he knows. If it comes from his drinking, or if he's mad at himself for not being a better person when he fails, when he fails God and his mom and me. If it makes him angry that he's got demons in him. You can only speculate because you can't go in there."


Ssraeszha Raider
What kind of pressure could he really be facing during the offseason? He's got months before failing or not living up to expectations are even a possibility.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What kind of pressure could he really be facing during the offseason? He's got months before failing or not living up to expectations are even a possibility.
He's going to be a Ryan Leaf type player. Bombs in the NFL and in 10 years he'll be robbing convenience stores to pay for his meth habit.

Ironically, I just googled Ryan Leaf (cause I couldn't remember what he got in trouble for), one of the top hits wasAre the Ryan Leaf Comparisons Fair to Johnny Manziel?

Or if you don't like the Leaf comparison, Tony Mandarich might be appropriate.

It's possible Manziel is juicing (I personally think most college and professional athletes are), which is fine, but if you're an asshole already, it's going to make you a gigantic asshole -- and it seems like he fits the bill. So yeah, he's probably juicing now, but he's going to get to the NFL and he's already got this reputation. He'll end up on a nice concoction to help with pain and dealing with the side effects of the steroids and probably some stuff just for fun. If you think the kid is an asshole, as I obviously do, it'll be enjoyable watching him crash and burn. Now I just have to figure out who the Hall of Famer(s) that end up drafted around him is/are.

Edit: Shit, I really whiffed on this one. How could I miss the Todd Marinovich comparison? Spot on! He's even a QB. So my predicition is Manziel has a shit year and gets busted on possession right before the draft. Still have to figure out which HoF'er ends up drafted next to him though.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
They want the game to mean something they could do what baseball did, screw all this shit of giving cities the SB. Just have the previous pro-bowl winning team decide who gets home field advantage in the next SB. Suddenly those good players on good teams will start to want to win just in case they go to the SB because who the fuck doesn't want home field advantage


Mr. Poopybutthole
That game barely resembles football. What a bunch of crap changes. I still can't figure out why they won't move it back to after the Super Bowl. That's honestly one of the worst changes they ever made. It's like, "How can we eliminate the most possible prospective 'best in position' players?" Someone probably suggested before the playoffs even started, but that was a bit too ridiculous, so they did it before the Super Bowl.

I still vote they bring back the All Star game or whatever where they play college players. Except they could make it against the team with the #1 draft pick that year. It'd be added salt in the wound for sucking that bad. Gives incentive to not be the worst. You don't want to be the NFL team that actually goes and loses to college players like everyone always jokes about.