2013 NFL Season


Molten Core Raider
The Cowboys defense was decimated by injuries last year.

I think they had 5 or 6 starters on IR at one point and Ware was playing with one arm by the end of the season. If they are even somewhat healthy (especially Sean Lee and Bruce Carter, they are key vs RG3 and Morris) the defense should have a big turnaround - the last time the Cowboys made/won a playoff game was 2009 which was the last time the Cowboys had an above average defense and a positive turnover margin. It was also Romo's best season turnover wise because he wasn't having to put every game on his shoulders and he could be more cautious because he could trust his defense wouldn't give up the lead every game. (See Cowboys 2011 and 2012 seasons, especially in December)


Same trailer, different park
How fat do you have to be for your sides to hurt from laughing? That's the dumbest fucking expression I've ever heard.
Pretty fat man. My diabetes has diabetes. If you really wanna know....



Ssraeszha Raider
The Cowboys defense was decimated by injuries last year.

I think they had 5 or 6 starters on IR at one point and Ware was playing with one arm by the end of the season. If they are even somewhat healthy (especially Sean Lee and Bruce Carter, they are key vs RG3 and Morris) the defense should have a big turnaround - the last time the Cowboys made/won a playoff game was 2009 which was the last time the Cowboys had an above average defense and a positive turnover margin. It was also Romo's best season turnover wise because he wasn't having to put every game on his shoulders and he could be more cautious because he could trust his defense wouldn't give up the lead every game. (See Cowboys 2011 and 2012 seasons, especially in December)
If Ware wasn't playing that last have, the Cowboys most likely would have won that game. The Redskins ran at him every time and he couldn't do anything but watch them run by because they were going at his injured side.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Skins weren't exactly free of the injury bug last year themselves...I think we ended up missing the 2nd most man games in the league (behind the Packers of course) due to injuries/whatever. Losing Orakpo and Carriker basically at the start of Week 2 for the entire season, and only getting 1 half of a game out of Merriweather hurt our D a lot. That said I still don't see our secondary being a strength by any stretch, we're going to have to do it with smoke and mirrors and hope a healthy Orakpo with Kerrigan on the other side can provide enough pressure to cover a lot of our weaknesses back there.

On the offensive side of the ball, I wish Garcon had gotten the surgery to fix his foot. 9-1 in the regular season when he was healthy and playing. A big part of us not locking up the division until the last game was because of the hole we dug ourselves, much of which happened with Garcon out. Would be nice to get a full year of production out of Fred Davis as well, he's going to need to prove he can stay healthy and stay clean to get the bigger deal he wants (even if it's not here).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not too worried about Fred Davis, as I think Jordan Reed will end up being a comparable if not superior player. He drew a lot of comparisons to Aaron Hernandez (the on the field stuff) before the draft.

Defense is probably the biggest concerns, just as it is for the rest of the NFC East. What if London Fletcher finally misses significant time? We're fucked. And like I said before, that secondary is terrible.


Bronze Squire
Heh. Entertaining read.

My favorite line of the article was this:

(As a handy index to relative sports stardom, the price demands of dick-pic-mongers has replaced the old Beckett price guide.)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The NFC East is kind of down right now. The Giants aren't the same team they were several years ago when they could rely on a strong defense. In fact, they were 31st last year. Those strong lines they counted on are pretty much gone and even their linebackers are starting to become a problem. Even in their recent Super Bowl seasons, they weren't strong teams. They just got hot to close them out. Otherwise they were teams that struggled to make the playoffs.

The Cowboys basically need to pray they stay healthy. I'm still not sold on either one of their lines. I think Garrett no longer calling plays may be the best thing that happens to them. Dude just didn't know how to call a game. I have no idea that Callahan is capable of that, but he can't do much worse. The last several years they've been in the division race until the very end. But they always seem to choke it away.

The Eagles...fuck, I don't know how anyone can be picking them to finish in anything but last place? Are they going to ride Vick, who turned the ball over in spectacular fashion last year, Nick Foles who has done...something (challenge Vick for turnovers?), or Matt Barkley who is almost surely another in a long line of terrible USC quarterbacks. Oh, they've got Chip? I can't figure out why he's going to magically figure out the NFL. The list of successful NCAA coaches who bombed in the NFL is way longer than those who succeeded.

And then we have the Redskins. Personally, I'm not worried about RG3's injury. In fact, from the sounds of it he's already almost back to normal. Keep in mind that Dr. Andrews did the surgery on Peterson too, and he just had a career season. That said, it's always possible he gets injured a different way this season. I'm not sold on the offensive line, and the defense, what can I say? That secondary last year was abyssmal. I don't know that getting injured players back and adding a few rookies is really going to fix that. Unless Orakpo has a career year (and that's doubtful since he's been unable to stay healthy the last two) and can get some amazing pressure on opposing QB's, I expect the Redskins to be in a lot of shoot outs.

Really, I see the Giants, Cowboys, and Redskins all winning some games they should've lost and losing to terrible teams only to end up all in the division race in the last 2-3 weeks of the season. Just like always happens in the NFC East. My gut tells me it'll be between the Cowboys and Redskins again. Giants really miracled some shit last year.
In regards to the Eagles... They very well could finish last. Keep in mind though they in essence lost their entire O-line to injury. It appears they will get most of the line back, and added very nice pieces to it from the draft. They also got much bigger in size on both sides of the ball. Will that translates to wins who knows, but those Reid teams were very undersized, and it showed when they would hit the red zone.

Reid also all but abandoned the run game the last few seasons. How you can do that with one of the top backs in the league is beyond me. Last year I can understand with the line injuries, but it's been a trend with Reid. Kelly ran a 65%-35% run/pass offense at Oregon. I expect the Eagles offense to look much different, and will be shocked if Vick is on this team when the season starts.

Ton of talent on that Eagle team. Kelly to me is the biggest question mark. I'm not sure that pace he ran at Oregon will work in the NFL, but they should be fun to watch.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The game that doesn't actually start for two GD months.
Yeah, but training camp is about to start. So it's pretty much the start of the season!

July 21: Dallas
July 23: Detroit
July 25: Atlanta, Baltimore, Carolina, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, NYJ, Oakland, San Diego, San Francisco, St Louis, Tampa, Tennessee, Washington
July 26: Arizona, Denver, Green Bay, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Minnesota, New England, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Seattle
July 27: NYG, Pittsburgh
July 28: Buffalo, Indianapolis
July 29: Miami


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I never really kick in to full spazfan mode until my fantasy draft. 99% of this offseason chat is half informed fans spouting bullshit that means nothing and no one gives a shit about in a week. So I tend to not view folks opinions on the real games any different from retarded gossip until the season is under way.

"Ifwedon't have any injurieswe'lldo better than ifwelose every starter!"

Is that really adding anything more than a picture of RG3's dick would? I submit to you that it is not.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haha! Sounds like you really want to see some cock.

I will say I find it entertaining in the last two days of the draft. Suddenly people start clamouring about some tackle from Bumfuck U that no one has ever heard of, but if our team gets him it'll be an absolute steal in the 6th round. Cause that guy was definitely a 7th rounder.

I enjoy training camp though because you can finally see coaches installing their playbooks and you start getting a better idea of how the roster will unfold for the season.


Molten Core Raider
For Cowboys fans - thoughts on the switch from 3-4 to 4-3? I bet the defense will be a hell of a lot better compared to last year. My opinion (and this might be Tampa Bay homerism) is that Monte Kiffin + Rod Marinelli will be a huge upgrade from Rob Ryan. I wonder how well Ware will do at Defensive End, though.