40 Superhero Movies in the Next 6 Years/Superhero Movie Bubble?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If Marvel is going to have long term success, then the characters need to be the darker versions than what we are seeing, to make the characters compelling.
They're already making the movies more serious, they don't need to grimdark everyone up Man of Steel style. Cap 2 was pretty serious and they're building to Civil War, shit's getting heavier and heavier. I'd prefer they just keep making great movies that are compelling and entertaining as they build to the Infinity Gauntlet stuff.


what Suineg set it to
Speaking of grimdarking, does anyone else find it odd that they don't rename certain heroes just to get people past the cover? I mean, who the fuck is going to go 'oh man, Ant-man, never heard of that dude but it sounds fucking awesome!' in 2015? Or Aquaman? I mean, wouldn't something dumb like rebranding him Lord of Atlantis actually attract viewers? Even that one teaser pic of Jason Momoa... ok looks interesting but, the fuck you say? He calls himself Aquaman? lol

Ironman is kitschy enough to work... even Captain America is iconic enough... Thor is you know, from an ancient pantheon of gods so that works... Hulk is really more a descriptor than anything, he's just Bruce Banner. But the rest of them fucks have some shitty 1920s-1950s names.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They're already making the movies more serious, they don't need to grimdark everyone up Man of Steel style.
I'm not suggesting that. But make these characters who they were in the comics. Superman isn't/wasn't dark and brooding, they just did that to make him more edgy. Like Stan Lee said, in order for a superhero movie to be a success, you have to capture the essence of what they were in the comic.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You want them to make Thor a dick who got banished by Odin? Did you not see Thor?

They didn't make Tony a real drunk, are you not enjoying RDJ's portrayal because of it?

I'm not sure what it is you're going after here. You say for them to have long term success they need to make their characters "darker". They're 8 years in to this and have a license to print money. They have a plan that goes through the next 4 years that is based on what they're already doing that is wildly successful and there's no indication it will slow down. Their last 6 releases have all broken 200 million domestic and all 10(including Hulk) have gone over 250 worldwide(last 5 each over 600) for a total of over 7billion. Their last release was their riskiest to date and it went over 700 million worldwide.

Basically don't confuse what youwantthem to do with what theyneedto do. You're not wrong in what you want, but projecting that to everyone is just misguided. The general public you are talking about keeps making Transformers and Fast and Furious movies pull insane bank. Not having Hank Pym backhand his wife isn't going to keep them out of theaters.


Avatar of War Slayer
This is the problem with "grimdark". Adding "grimness and darkness" for no reason in a childish attempt to be more "real" and "adult".

new Daredevil is not grimdark. Daredevil is visceral. its like the new Bond movies. Fights are more "real". camera work is brought in close so you can feel the punches and pain, as opposed to cartoonish pulled back acrobatic fight scenes. Aka, fighting on an organ with cgi glass shards...


Mr. Poopybutthole
The general public you are talking about keeps making Transformers and Fast and Furious movies pull insane bank.
And when there are 65 Transformers and Fast and Furious movies planned in the next six years, you'd actually have a valid point.


Got something right about marriage
And when there are 65 Transformers and Fast and Furious movies planned in the next six years, you'd actually have a valid point.
You serious dude? Fast and Furious is on film #7. Just that one IP. When Avengers is on #7 and still bankrolling the way F&F does then maybe YOU'D have a valid point.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You serious dude? Fast and Furious is on film #7. Just that one IP. When Avengers is on #7 and still bankrolling the way F&F does then maybe YOU'D have a valid point.
Yea, but F&F didn't start making notable bank until the 4th one and the 5th one was nearly double the 4th's bank. #7 is somewhere around 1.1 billion last I looked.

If the Marvel movies had a flop around #3 of anything I think the rate of movies would've slowed down. I don't really care that it's now "cool", I'd see these movies either way.


Avatar of War Slayer
you mean like Kickass, Kingsman, wanted, scott pilgrim, 30days of night, AVP, 300, Constantine, The Crow, Dylan Dog, From Hell, League of extraordinary gentlemen, The Losers, Oblivion, Edge of tomorrow, RED, Surregates, V for Vendetta, Snowpiercer, etc?
seriously... not new at all.

Beasts of Burden is wonderful. so is Archer and Armstrong (Edgar wright would be AMAZING for this). Locke and Key has to be made.

Millar already has many made, so supercrooks, jupiters legacy, superiour and Starlight getting made is expected.


<Prior Amod>
Millar writes his books to be movies anyway.

Yea the only non marvel comic movie i'm excited about would be locke and key. I don't know how it'll be made, probably the only one in that list with a full rich storyline.


<Gold Donor>
I'd give any of the Valiant movies a chance at least. Most of the old ones I read back in the day had potential.

I have always wanted to watch the Locke & Key television series because it has Ksenia Solo in it, but never got around to it. Has anyone seen it that can say if it is worth trying to track down? Never read the series either, worth a read?


Molten Core Raider
How long before we need to create a new forum devoted to superhero movies and tv shows. Oh, probably comics too!


<Prior Amod>
comic book thread rarely gets much traction daily, the way the industry is going, the big 2 have the shittiest stories/most readership, while image and independents have the best stories. We already have 1 dedicated marvel movie thread, and it would be useless to have a dedicated DC movie thread, b/c it would just be shit on, since every DC movie is shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You serious dude? Fast and Furious is on film #7. Just that one IP. When Avengers is on #7 and still bankrolling the way F&F does then maybe YOU'D have a valid point.
I'm deadly serious. Many of you were not around when the comics industry almost died. In the 90's, didn't Marvel have like 250 titles? The market has never been the same since. If you went to a comic book shop then, the walls were covered from top to bottom with comics books. Nerds said fuck it, I'm out. I somehow don't think the mainstream fan is going to be as loyal.

It's not like there's just a few titles planned. We are scraping the barrel with Dr. Strange and Ant Man.


Mr. Poopybutthole
As an aside, I went to the only comic book store in 50 miles this week. I asked them about Secret Wars 3, and they were complaining about how Marvel only shipped them one issue, and that there were six people that wanted one. Back in the day, solo titles sold in the millions.


Silver Knight of the Realm
you mean like Kickass, Kingsman, wanted, scott pilgrim, 30days of night, AVP, 300, Constantine, The Crow, Dylan Dog, From Hell, League of extraordinary gentlemen, The Losers, Oblivion, Edge of tomorrow, RED, Surregates, V for Vendetta, Snowpiercer, etc?
seriously... not new at all.

Beasts of Burden is wonderful. so is Archer and Armstrong (Edgar wright would be AMAZING for this). Locke and Key has to be made.

Millar already has many made, so supercrooks, jupiters legacy, superiour and Starlight getting made is expected.
Scott pilgrim was the best movie.


<Prior Amod>
As an aside, I went to the only comic book store in 50 miles this week. I asked them about Secret Wars 3, and they were complaining about how Marvel only shipped them one issue, and that there were six people that wanted one. Back in the day, solo titles sold in the millions.
Secret Wars has been the number 1 seller every month it's out, you sure that comic shop isn't in disarray and just "forgot" to order copies?


Vyemm Raider
As an aside, I went to the only comic book store in 50 miles this week. I asked them about Secret Wars 3, and they were complaining about how Marvel only shipped them one issue, and that there were six people that wanted one. Back in the day, solo titles sold in the millions.
Not really.

Only 5 issues have ever sold over 1,000,000 copies.

X-men #1 1991 was 7.1mm ( i think i bought 5 back in the day lol)
X-Force #1 1992 was 5mm copies
Superman 75 was 3mm
Spiderman 1 1990 was 2.5mm
Spawn 1 was 1.7mm copies

Fantasitc four #60 was 750k copies
Amazing spider man #1 2014 was 533k copies

Secret wars 1 2015 sold 550k copies
Star was 1 2015 sold 985k copies.