Active shooter at Fort Hood, again


Tranny Chaser
I've heard that synthetic THC is has much less efficacy than natural marijuana due to the high volume and variation of chemicals in marijuana that can't be supplanted with just THC.

Might just be more bro-science though.

Why Marinol Is Not As Good As Real Marijuana | The Weed Blog
It's true. The good thing is upping the dosage is not as problematic as it would be with the psychedelically active thc. No ethical dilemmas to consider - which is the real problem with natural thc. Depending on usage, psychedelia not being a goal, it's not a problem that the efficacy of the drug is lower.


If you had any knowledge of pharmacology and physiology, you'd know the answer is not what you're hinting at, not is it a 'brick wall'. Nor is there any truth to your false dichotomy of treatment choices. You're a conspiracy theorist and you think the 'olden days' apply to post EBM age. In short, you don't know what you're talking about.
I think with that attitude, nothing would ever advance in medical science. You seem unwilling to consider anything beneficial that hasn't already gotten approved by the FDA which you hold as some holy, unbiased, completely objective body. How does anything make it from not medicine to medicine with your logic? You make it a black and white thing. It's in progress. I think history will prove that DMT is a very viable fix for mental health trauma. As an IT guy, I can appreciate anything that involves a reboot which DMT provides the closest thing in our brains to that. Our current drug plans for the mentally ill are the equivalent of loading more anti-virus programs, more bloated security suites, and garbage software that may fix one issue but cause 3 more and generally cause the system to run like shit. Fuckin' reboot fixes it 95% of the time. Our brains shut down and reboot every night. It fixes most issues. Some more serious ones need a bigger dose of that very same chemical. How is that not logical?

I'm hardly a conspiracy theorist. I wouldn't hold DMT or MDMA in any regard if there weren't a lot of trials recently and ongoing with very impressive results.

Druggies don't understand we already use synthetic thc in treatments. Google Marinol.
Haven't used in decades and I was never into psychedelics. Google MAPS MDMA or PTSD DMT.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Can someone recommend some FDA_approved treatment for your lack of scientific knowledge?

Izo is 100% in the right here. The FDA and science in general aren't perfect, but they sure as shit are better than bro-science.
Izo's claim is that anything that isn't FDA approved is 'alternative medicine" and thus is bullshit. I'm not surprised at all that you'd buy into something so retarded. In the mean time, I got a garlic enema to take so i can live until I am 150.

Seriously though, Izo's claim is downright retarded.


Molten Core Raider
what is this bro-science. is there any classes for that.


Tranny Chaser
Izo's claim is that anything that isn't FDA approved is 'alternative medicine" and thus is bullshit. I'm not surprised at all that you'd buy into something so retarded. In the mean time, I got a garlic enema to take so i can live until I am 150.

Seriously though, Izo's claim is downright retarded.
Nice try, Araysar. THC, MDMA and DMT are not new drugs. They have been refined and chemically altered to some extent - and we do use some of them. The goal is to reduce adverse effects such as psychedelia. While this might not be apparent to you, think of MS patients.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Sounds like you also need a garlic enema for that brain tumor you have


Tranny Chaser
I think with that attitude, nothing would ever advance in medical science. You seem unwilling to consider anything beneficial that hasn't already gotten approved by the FDA which you hold as some holy, unbiased, completely objective body. How does anything make it from not medicine to medicine with your logic? You make it a black and white thing. It's in progress. I think history will prove that DMT is a very viable fix for mental health trauma. As an IT guy, I can appreciate anything that involves a reboot which DMT provides the closest thing in our brains to that. Our current drug plans for the mentally ill are the equivalent of loading more anti-virus programs, more bloated security suites, and garbage software that may fix one issue but cause 3 more and generally cause the system to run like shit. Fuckin' reboot fixes it 95% of the time. Our brains shut down and reboot every night. It fixes most issues. Some more serious ones need a bigger dose of that very same chemical. How is that not logical?

I'm hardly a conspiracy theorist. I wouldn't hold DMT or MDMA in any regard if there weren't a lot of trials recently and ongoing with very impressive results.

Haven't used in decades and I was never into psychedelics. Google MAPS MDMA or PTSD DMT.
You're putting words into my mouth. I did not say any of this. You're misinterpreting my words. What you 'think' has no merit on what real science is. Your IT analogies to human physiology are laughable. You might not be a conspiracy nut, sure. You might just be seriously ill informed about the FDA and have a very poor understanding of biology - or you're making a bad attempt at trolling. In short, leave drug R&D and approval to those who do understand biology. Mkay? Mkay.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
marijuana use is proven to reduce rape induced crimes.

What is a rape induced crime? Is that when a dad kills the bastard who raped his daughter? I don't think we should try to reduce those unless we do it by reducing the rapes themselves.