Alien: Romulus (2024)


FPS noob
the movie is pretty racist which is probably why so many of you like it

a little white girl owns a black slave robot, it was passed down from her pappy
the black slave robots model line only works on underground mining (Andy mentions this) might as well have been cotton fields
the white slave robot is a scientist
the black slave robot is literally retarded
the black slave robot gets "upgraded" by replacing its brain with the white slave robots
only the black slave robot (and white girl) shoot things with a gun, i can't remember if it was holding it gangbanger style
slender man is super white and the peak of evolution. sadly he's also kind of retarded.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
the black slave robots model line only works on underground mining (Andy mentions this) might as well have been cotton fields
I chuckled pretty good when I heard that line about being used for manual labor.


<Silver Donator>
I'm really hoping the TV series is good. Noah has a pretty a solid record
I just saw something the other day that it's supposed to be a prequel or something to aliens or set even further forward, or something retarded.

The aliens Earth deal is going to be a super prequel! I don't know how the hell that's going to work, but b if that's true, it's gonna be a stinker.


In Alien three a dog is impregnated by a facehugger and the alien is a little different. This concept would quickly be expanded upon in the different Alien themed comics and toy lines.

View attachment 543494

This is all the way back in the 1990s.

I had those and the AVP card game. This shit used to be amazing.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I just saw something the other day that it's supposed to be a prequel or something to aliens or set even further forward, or something retarded.

The aliens Earth deal is going to be a super prequel! I don't know how the hell that's going to work, but b if that's true, it's gonna be a stinker.
I know it takes place on earth. If Noah can mimick the Coen brothers I have some faith or at least unique/different


Trakanon Raider
Saw this mostly at random because it was the only thing on that looked interesting. Better than I expected - pretty solid movie overall, with a bit of overuse of horror movie tropes.

Some of the world building seems a little suspect - like how did the redneck spaceship get to the mining colony in the first place ? Why does the airlock open into a ventilation duct ? ( although I give that one a partial pass because that scene was great claustrophobia nightmare fuel )

Main chick was cute, action was pretty good and mostly made sense, atmosphere was great. Only thing I didn't like was the final bad, it just looked stupid, and while the alien franchise plays fast and loose with conservation of mass in general, that degree of growth speed with zero resources was ridiculous, it might as well be straight up magic at that point.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I just watched "Life". Geezus what an Alien ripoff.

And it was just a squid. You mean they didn't have a single sharp object to slice off the little bastard's testicles?
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Tranny Chaser
I just watched "Life". Geezus what an Alien ripoff.

And it was just a squid. You mean they didn't have a single sharp object to slice off the little bastard's testicles?

It starts out kinda alien and then they give it an angry mouth and it's no longer all that alien.
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<Silver Donator>
It starts out kinda alien and then they give it an angry mouth and it's no longer all that alien.
It wasn't a horrible film. Think I enjoyed it because it was such a small space they're floating around in. The monster was interesting, but it's no xenomorph.
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Tranny Chaser
It wasn't a horrible film. Think I enjoyed it because it was such a small space they're floating around in. The monster was interesting, but it's no xenomorph.

It was firmly in the "watchable" category.

edit - given the tone of the ending going with

is a bit odd. This is also the movie that made me realize how many fucking times this song has been used media

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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I just watched "Life". Geezus what an Alien ripoff.

Life was pretty good IMO. The lifeform was legit interesting because the implication was that its species was the apex predator of Mars back when Mars had life, and destroyed everything before going dormant.

Also thought it was interesting how the creature only attacks when provoked. If you look close, everything it attacks was something that threatened it first. So that also puts a bit of a spin on things. Hell, it got electrocuted as a tiny specimen so it basically starts out its new life immediately dealing with hostility.

Considering it (spoiler alert) reaches Earth at the end and presumably starts multiplying, I was hoping they'd make a sequel ("Death"?) at some point, but it just flew too far under most people's radar.
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<Bronze Donator>
There was rumors that "Life" was actually going to be the Venom prequel showing how the symbiote got to earth (Sony reused some of the same footage of crowds gathered in shock from the Spider-man films), sort of like a guerilla marketing type film, but because it wasn't tracking to do so well they abandoned it.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The writers had Life's creature as unkillable bullshit. Totally takes you out of the vibe while trying to disguise that root problem with decent kill scenes. But there is no strategy or outwitting the opponent when pitted against a dumbly written monster.

Xenomorphs are killable but with an acid penalty; they are smart enough to be ambush predators and not strolling down a wide corridor or in an open field. They fit the environments but are not invulnerable.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
The writers had Life's creature as unkillable bullshit. Totally takes you out of the vibe while trying to disguise that root problem with decent kill scenes. But there is no strategy or outwitting the opponent when pitted against a dumbly written monster.

Xenomorphs are killable but with an acid penalty; they are smart enough to be ambush predators and not strolling down a wide corridor or in an open field. They fit the environments but are not invulnerable.

Yeah it really was peak retardation when the black guy got his hand crushed by a fruit roll up.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There was rumors that "Life" was actually going to be the Venom prequel showing how the symbiote got to earth (Sony reused some of the same footage of crowds gathered in shock from the Spider-man films), sort of like a guerilla marketing type film, but because it wasn't tracking to do so well they abandoned it.
I now remember that rumor at the time, wasn't the alien supposed to be based off biblical angels also? I can definitely see why they related it to certain descriptions of angels. The theory it doesn't attack unless you attack does hold weight though
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