Alien: Romulus (2024)


<Silver Donator>
The Darkhorse comics were so good. I can't believe they didn't just make those things into goddamn movies.
Was thinking about it and Aliens: Berserker could be a perfect movie. Where they're using convicts to go and clear out alien hives, but then they have that giant walking power armor, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. That was a really good series and I want to say I actually read that novelization.

So many more creative ideas when I came to the comic book space or extended universe or whatever the hell you want to call it. It's what makes you enjoy it so much.

No different than the Hellraiser comics that came out long after the movies that are utterly amazing.

Neil Blomkampff probably got a little bit of inspiration for district 9 from that particular four issues, now that I think about it. If I had to hazard a guess he probably read all the comics too, and that's why he was so passionate about trying to make another movie that would have blended some of those extended universe series into a good film.
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FPS noob
i need to submit my alien idea. a ship full of trannies crash land on LV 426 and the face huggers run away from them because they know they are genetic dead ends. the trannies spontaneously kill themselves every 20 mins, its never explained.

one of the trannies finally catches a face hugger and sticks it up their butt, creating a retarded xenomorph that comes out its front hole but doesn't kill anyone, just chops dicks off men.

it would be called Alien: Dick Chopper
  • 3Worf
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Not Smrt
<Gold Donor>

looks like something i'll watch at home after 60 days. looks fine, but basically 1979 alien with diversity young cast and 2024 CGI

that ringing sound at the end is fucking ANNOYING, wonder if only old people can hear it lol

Was there anything original in that trailer or was it only a rehash of scenes from the original movies?
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<Silver Donator>
Was there anything original in that trailer or was it only a rehash of scenes from the original movies?
Thank you pretty much hit the nail on the head, and that's what I was talking about earlier. I still wonder whether or not they're just going on a spring break tour around a star system with a giant spaceship.

I know in the original film they're essentially space truckers, is this the equivalent of space fast food workers in the future. Maybe the purpose of their ship and mission is to go bring hamburgers or tacos or something to colonies? I don't know but it's so mysterious it compels me to want to watch it.

But they won't get a dime of my money.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Its a research station where the facehuggers got loose and everyone died. Movie is supposed to bridge Alien -> Aliens, so noone outside of the Corporation knows anything about the Aliens. Frankly this is the first one that is directed by an actual horror director and a pretty good one too, dude loves his ultra violence. I know it will get slammed here for diversity or females or whatever but the actual horror elements I bet will be pretty stellar.

Cant be worse then what Ridley Scott did in Prometheus and Covenant, and lets face it Fincher got screwed and Alien 4 sucked.
Amazingly enough, the original Alien movie had a diverse cast, but no one gave a shit because they all felt like they belonged in the universe. They looked, talked and acted like space truckers through the entire fucking ordeal.

You and the other DEI apologists refuse to come to grips with the simple fact that the overwhelmingly loved franchises we discuss on this board are loved despite their obvious diversity, even from back in the day, and no one would give a shit if this movie's cast didn't look like it was lifted from Big Brother: Facehugger Edition! They look painfully out of place in the environment and nothing in the trailer suggests they'll be anything other than dumb bait. It looks like trash so we will rightfully that it like garbage.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I'll give it a shot when it comes to streaming, but it looks pretty terrible. Yeah it looks slick and updated and new, but why are there a bunch of kids flying a spaceship? Did they steal it from their parents and decide to go to the outer rim for the weekend?

The cast being a bunch of kidz would make sense if it's the colony ship from Covenant.

Actually the whole thing would make total sense if it was that colony ship. People are waking up from hypersleep in one part of the ship only to find that other parts of the ship are basically Xenomorph hives at this point from months of David experimenting. Course he won't turn up until the third act.

Looks like they kind of took the alien isolation setting, derelict ship in space

Yeah I definitely think it's gonna be the Covenant ship but we'll see. Personally I'd like to see that trilogy get its planned ending (AKA linking to Alien 1 as a prequel) and end with a bang so that the whole thing had a point.

You'll like it.

Watched The Descent, I did indeed like it.
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<Silver Donator>
The cast being a bunch of kidz would make sense if it's the colony ship from Covenant.

Actually the whole thing would make total sense if it was that colony ship. People are waking up from hypersleep in one part of the ship only to find that other parts of the ship are basically Xenomorph hives at this point from months of David experimenting. Course he won't turn up until the third act.

Yeah I definitely think it's gonna be the Covenant ship but we'll see. Personally I'd like to see that trilogy get its planned ending (AKA linking to Alien 1 as a prequel) and end with a bang so that the whole thing had a point.

Watched The Descent, I did indeed like it.
I think it's supposed to be a space station not a ship. What if Michael fassbender be attached to it? If there was anything about the stupid movies Rideley that was noteworthy, it was fassbender's performance, and at least being a somewhat interesting character. I don't believe there's any continuity and less maybe he has a stupid cameo, who the hell knows.

I understand what you're saying but I don't think that's going to be the case. I rewatched the trailer a couple of times, and the more I watch it I think the more retarded this movie is going to be.

This is a movie that will be made by people who simply don't understand the magic behind the first three movies whatsoever. You're going to see all these iconic images, styles, seems that are callbacks, but it won't be anything original or amazing.

If you go to the movie theater and pay money to see it, well enjoy pissing your money away. I will watch it on streaming or sail the high seas, but go to the theater, nope, and this is coming from a die-hard fan of the franchise. I know I've said it in the past but I treat aliens and predator like a lot of people treat Star Wars. It's just my favorite deal since I was a kid.

If I'm completely not utterly wrong, I'll be happier than a clam, but I don't think that's going to be the case.

My prediction, it's going to be a stinker. It'll look good, but somebody will have managed to polish a turd.


FPS noob
the trailer clearly says whats going on, a bunch of kids on the LV 426 colony are bored and don't wanna spend their lives just being lame colonists at the ass end of space. They wanna get Tik Tok famous and shit obviously.

They somehow discover an abandoned/in use research space station nearby and take a joy ride to there (technically they wanna scavenge it for parts and get rich I guess) like a weekend beer-in-the-gravel-pit and things go bad. It fucks with the Aliens lore a little since it means Weyland-Yutani basically found the engineer ship and eggs and made a research station long before Burke (from Aliens) asked the colonists to investigate the ship. You hand wave that away as they lost comms with the research station but they should know a lot more about the xeno's.

In the extended edition 1986 Aliens movie you see Newts family is the one that first goes out there and her father is the first to get a facehugged from an egg, the family brings him back to the colony and things presumably go to shit. A few months later the Sulaco arrives with the marines and Ripley.

None of the kids can even survive the movie since if they made it back to LV426 it would interfere with the timeline of Aliens.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I'm admittedly an Alien fanboi but this looks fine. I don't get why people are saying it looks garbage.
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Tranny Chaser
It looks like a remake of the original done with effort and money but that still puts us in the remake/soft reboot territory with a franchise that has put out some big stinkers at a time when general moviegoer sentiment is low. A lot of movies are going to have a tough time of it generating buzz.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Originally this movie was for Hulu, but when they watched the test footage decided it was good enough for theaters. So it better not be shit.
  • 1Seriously?
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  • 1Worf
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I'm admittedly an Alien fanboi but this looks fine. I don't get why people are saying it looks garbage.

For me, it is because it LOOKS like an Alien movie but the cast seems to be pulled from a Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer movie. Their tone is completely at odds with what I associate with the franchise's successful entries. Also, nearly every scene was a direct callback to the originals which, again, is not something I want. Why would I watch this one when I can just watch Alien, Aliens, and the Alien 3 director's cut?
  • 2Solidarity
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<Silver Donator>
For me, it is because it LOOKS like an Alien movie but the cast seems to be pulled from a Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer movie. Their tone is completely at odds with what I associate with the franchise's successful entries. Also, nearly every scene was a direct callback to the originals which, again, is not something I want. Why would I watch this one when I can just watch Alien, Aliens, and the Alien 3 director's cut?
Yeah that's pretty much my sentiments. That's why I'm saying are they out on a joy ride with their parents starship? It just seems so odd. I'm guessing it's probably a decision by the execs because more young people go to see crappy horror movies than any other demographic and they're trying to allure those people into theater chairs.

That's the only possible reason that makes sense in choosing such a young cast. Think about it people that have been fans in the movie are probably in their forties probably older, how the hell are they going to empathize with a bunch of dumb kids. It just looks bad, even if it looks good from a production standpoint.

After all Prometheus and the follow-up looked amazing, but those were both well polished turds.


<Silver Donator>
Originally this movie was for Hulu, but when they watched the test footage decided it was good enough for theaters. So it better not be shit.
That's not really saying a lot as far as setting the bar for quality. How many horrible movies get greenlit for theaters nowadays? Most?

I don't know maybe it's been a direct to streaming without having to do a bunch of advertising they could have made more money?

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Whoever is putting these trailers together is doing it well.

Each one expands and shows just a bit more of what we saw in earlier trailers

Plus answering some of the questions.

The one that had me was: Why is there only young people on this huge space station? Answered in the new trailer.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Is it just me or does this look similar to a movie version of Alien Isolation?
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Is it just me or does this look similar to a movie version of Alien Isolation?

Yep there is definate inspiration.


Hope they used the save station =)

The atmosphere looks great. The station (Renaissance) is in two halves Romulus based on Alien tech and Remus based on proto-Aliens tech as they researched and expanded it (think of it as a weapons lab where they are creating the Marines gear used in Aliens based on how it worked against them). They had James Cameron get the team that created the Xenomorphs in Alien's back so these will be the closest to HR Geiger design since the mid 80's.

I think it looks fun, and zero g alien acid blood unlocked a new fear I never thought about lol.
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