Assassin's Creed Shadows


<Prior Amod>
they probably got kristen bell for cheap

we have her 3d render, we have to keep using her!
  • 2Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole

10% is a pretty big start for a hostile takeover, I made a snide remark the other week about the hedge fund in question only owning a 1% stake but I think that actually puts them in like the top 5 of individual share control. The Guillemot family owns 15% but it's split between several family members (for example their failure of a CEO Yves Guillemot owns .5%) so the largest single shareholder is actually Tencent who, amusingly enough, controls 10%.

I could see Tencent opposing the takeover because they'll undoubtedly lose a ton of money being bought out now compared to whatever the stock price was when they bought their 10% but on the other hand who knows what will happen if they're still holding the bag when Ubisoft declares bankruptcy. Which isn't that absurd a proposition given the state of the global economy, the game development industry in particular, and the fact that after 5 straight years of falling share prices they just dove another 17% when they announced they were delaying this piece of shit til February.