- 9,064
- 48,687
A functional society is based on rules. The competition ends per the stated rule.Do we need to keep the voting open? Only Dominion voting machines can save Foler and my boy Kirun from wearing the L. Lets invoke the mercy rule.
Bro, I upset a legit #1 seed and former finalist(or at least I'm pretty sureI can't believe you just laid down and quit at the end. You were my pick to go all the way. You coulda been a champion. Alas, now you are just a footnote in the history of how a Joo became Asshat in 2023. Joos really do win everything.
So what is an asshat. This round is tough because for the first time the contestants were asshats in different enough ways that I had figure out what a true asshat is. The two definitions I was using were
1. obtuse, insufficiently conscious of one's surroundings. Related to having their heads up their asses.
2. stupid, obnoxious, or contemptible person. Similar to asshole.
If we look at past winners for precedent, we have a little bit of both. Most winners fit both definitions. But the past 2 years we've had one trick ponies who fit the #2 definition. We have an opportunity to get back to well rounded classical asshats this year.
2014 - Suineg - Mostly 2, a little 1
2015 - Tanoomba - Both
2016 - Tolan - Both
2017 - Didn't happen - Neg Tuco for the injustice
2018 - Xequecal - Mostly 1, a little 2
2019 - Brando - Both
2020 - Caepan - Not sure honestly
2021 - Ossoi - Almost entirely 2
2022 - Bubbles - Entirely 2
Araysar vs.Foler Foler - if we use only the #2 definition, eraser wins the whole thing and might win the all star asshat bracket when we eventually do it. But Foler is more well rounded. He's mostly got his head up his ass, but he is also obnoxious. So I'm going for the well rounded asshat.
Kirun vs. @wormie wormie - Wormie is also a well rounded asshat, while kirun is more of a one trick pony type asshat.
(I was tempted to leave it as womie)
I have never been anywhere near a finalist, you're just a butthurt bitch.Bro, I upset a legit #1 seed and former finalist(or at least I'm pretty sureMist has been a finalist)running the laziest campaign of my life. I rode into this bitch like Trump and skipped all the debates.
I don't have time to debate a jew because I'm not an enjoyer of man fucking like they are. They'll always win the ass awards. Congrats?
I have never been anywhere near a finalist, you're just a butthurt bitch.
I have never been anywhere near a finalist, you're just a butthurt bitch.
See. This is what I'm talking about. Where was this quality material when it mattered?Bro, I upset a legit #1 seed and former finalist(or at least I'm pretty sureMist has been a finalist)running the laziest campaign of my life. I rode into this bitch like Trump and skipped all the debates.
I don't have time to debate a jew because I'm not an enjoyer of man fucking like they are. They'll always win the ass awards. Congrats?
Hole up. Don't be pulling no generational appropriation, friendo. Ain't no way you are a boomer.Most of us boomers are too old for the respective larp schticks
I'm now but a simple veteran of the War 'O Gold. I already gave life and limb for this community.See. This is what I'm talking about. Where was this quality material when it mattered?
There’s people still voting. We need to extend this another 24 hourslurkingdirk
That's the absolute dumbest take on this competition that's ever been posted. Do you think you won for wrong think? Dog fucking isn't just about wrong views dipshit. People don't make it this far for simple wrong-think. Some people engage in wrong think and are also asshats. It's like the old saying, I don't care if you're gay, just don't be a faggot about it. The winners and people who get close can't help being faggots about whatever it is they think. Right or wrong.That's a terrible analysis.
Tanoomba was far left and woke. Brando was also left wing.
Bubbles got nominated solely for the alinity spam.
Wromie is the definition of a single issue candidate, that issue being his political opinion.
So it depends whether you view different opinions as trolling etc. I personally think tanoomba was a moron with terrible views and I can't reconcile my opinion towards him with my belief that most forums eventually lead to everyone agreeing with eachother and those that don't being outcasts.
Araysar on the contrary hasn't been nominated for having the wrong views, he's been nominated for making those views there basis of a sustained larp act which he made the entire basis of his forum persona. Most people would actually agree with him re globohomo etc, he's just gone about it in a way that's shit up threads and made himself the main character whilst also being able to exile others that disagree with him. He's then carried this routine into other threads.
Folder also has a forum persona that's tiresome. Most of us boomers are too old for the respective larp schticks
Do you think you won for wrong think?