All Russians and Spaniards have a high percentage Jew.
Hoping to do 23 and me this Christmas to get confirmation that I'm 100% British.
dont voluntarily add your DNA to a database. if you can trace your ancestry back a few hundred years to the UK, then you are 100% Brit. they didnt have British Airways or British Rail back then to smuggle your ass across a border, so you are what you are. 200 years ago, my family was sitting in Sicily. so i know i got at least some greek mixed in with italian and i'm totally fine with that. even if i got some jungle bunny like Tarentino says. hey its all good. i can say the N word.All Russians and Spaniards have a high percentage Jew.
Hoping to do 23 and me this Christmas to get confirmation that I'm 100% British.
Carthage was a Greek colony, so don't go out and buy a du-rag just yet.dont voluntarily add your DNA to a database. if you can trace your ancestry back a few hundred years to the UK, then you are 100% Brit. they didnt have British Airways or British Rail back then to smuggle your ass across a border, so you are what you are. 200 years ago, my family was sitting in Sicily. so i know i got at least some greek mixed in with italian and i'm totally fine with that. even if i got some jungle bunny like Tarentino says. hey its all good. i can say the N word.
You mean Syracuse?Carthage was a Greek colony, so don't go out and buy a du-rag just yet.
Nah, I remembered the city of Carthage was originally a city state before it became an empire (that owned Sicily), so I keep thinking it was founded by the Greeks, but nope, it was founded by the Phoenicians, before they were conquered by the Egyptians.You mean Syracuse?
hehe. i know its bullshit. i dont get my history from a footlicker, but apparently a lot of people do.Nah, I remembered the city of Carthage was originally a city state before it became an empire (that owned Sicily), so I keep thinking it was founded by the Greeks, but nope, it was founded by the Phoenicians, before they were conquered by the Egyptians.
SoChukzombi , Carthage still wasn't black, but you might be part proto-Jew, in addition to the Greek heritage from the Romans and, as Chris said, Syracusans.
It’s a good day for a comeback story. Feeling it in my bones!
Xtopher is kinda cool. Is it possible to change your username?Some people find "Chris" offensive so we've decided to use the term X-tmas to be more inclusive.
So what is an asshat. This round is tough because for the first time the contestants were asshats in different enough ways that I had figure out what a true asshat is. The two definitions I was using were
1. obtuse, insufficiently conscious of one's surroundings. Related to having their heads up their asses.
2. stupid, obnoxious, or contemptible person. Similar to asshole.
If we look at past winners for precedent, we have a little bit of both. Most winners fit both definitions. But the past 2 years we've had one trick ponies who fit the #2 definition. We have an opportunity to get back to well rounded classical asshats this year.
2014 - Suineg - Mostly 2, a little 1
2015 - Tanoomba - Both
2016 - Tolan - Both
2017 - Didn't happen - Neg Tuco for the injustice
2018 - Xequecal - Mostly 1, a little 2
2019 - Brando - Both
2020 - Caepan - Not sure honestly
2021 - Ossoi - Almost entirely 2
2022 - Bubbles - Entirely 2
Araysar vs.Foler Foler - if we use only the #2 definition, eraser wins the whole thing and might win the all star asshat bracket when we eventually do it. But Foler is more well rounded. He's mostly got his head up his ass, but he is also obnoxious. So I'm going for the well rounded asshat.
Kirun vs.wormie wormie - Wormie is also a well rounded asshat, while kirun is more of a one trick pony type asshat.
(I was tempted to leave it as womie)
Araysar vs. Foler
Kirun vs. wormie
Do we need to keep the voting open? Only Dominion voting machines can save Foler and my boy Kirun from wearing the L. Lets invoke the mercy rule.
I could get you to lose in 1 sitewide notification.Mods need to hit their "engagement metrics".
Frankly, this is another example of how pathetically this contest is run in it's current inception.