Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Fuck all this shit, I never go anywhere without a gun on me and I would rather face some insane court trial defending myself than be dead. Now, that being said I do not just flash it at anyone that insults me, but holy fuck man. Chris Rock said it best, "black people have nothing to worry about, Wakandan's are shaking in they boots", "When I go to the money machine at night I ain't looking for the media, I'm looking for Wakandans".

I seriously hope all these people die and I would do anything in my legal and sane power to ensure it. They are a complete detriment and drain on a contribution based society.
Sadly even having a gun to defend yourself wouldn't have mattered here. Not much you can do about getting shot in the back completely unexpectedly from a car which proceeds to zoom away. I guess you could make sure you always walk with your back to walls, but at some point you're going to have to cross a street or parking lot.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fair enough, but still. I grew up in a small "country town" and we had beef no different than any other american town. But you'd get your ass beat after school, come home with a black eye and learn your fucking spot, etc. Now you get shot....? Fuck all this shit. Maybe I am just old, maybe bitter, maybe jaded, but I don't trust anyone anymore. I seriously do carry everywhere and while I used to stop on the side of the road growing up and do anything from give people rides 50 miles to tow their shit out of a ditch now I will never fucking stop, especially for minorities, so call me what you will.

I am not one of those people that think carrying a gun solves any problem in any situation but I am at least going to give myself a fighting chance. And honestly, the first part of that fighting chance is not living and placing myself in those type of environments and situations but we also need to admit that is not possible for everyone depending on economics and crap.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nope. I am not a hoarder or one of those people that preps for zombie apocalypse or crap like that, just a realist. The thread is already derailed but if you don't mind my asking where do you live? I started out in norther California(small farm town), went to Rochester NY for school(also small farm town) and then moved to boston for my first job. I grew up around guns, all day every day. It had NOTHING to do with protection though, it was hunting and just basic "lifestyle", guess it won't make sense if you were not from there.

Anyway, once in boston I had been there 2-3 years max and over 4 people got shot at the T station(subway) that I got on for work everyday. My initial reaction was the same as anyone, "probably had it coming" or "gang related", who shoots random fucking people, right? Well no, 3 of them were random robberies. Ok, now what the fuck? I realize this is anecdotal but this was the first time in my life I experienced a random person dying(non-serial killer/distance news story) in my life. All I want to do is goto fucking work. I'll admit I did not see these murders myself but I saw PLENTY of people harassing elderly/woman/etc for no reason other than being a fucking asshole.

Bottom line, you call it what you want. Maybe a world of a fear, maybe pathetic anecdotal evidence, maybe personal experience but at the end of the day I do not really care. I lived in that shithole fucking city for maybe 3 years before I could afford/opportunity to move out and I would never go back.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Summary: As a responsible and legal gun owner, there is almost no situation where it could hurt me. Plus I only carry when I feel it is necessary(aka I am not one of those douches that takes it into the theater to watch Pacific Rim because 'Merica). But if I am walking/driving through a shitty part of a shitty town, you fucking bet it's on me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have NO illusion that carrying makes me immune, safe, protected or isolated from reality, BUT, environment depending I will carry and if it helps I'll be glad. I hope I never have to tell anyone about a use-case ever. And in those situations, no one is fucking affected so fuck it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Who dat, Wakandan?


Potato del Grande
Dear Araysar, Why do you let Tanoomba troll the fuck out of you like a boss?