Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Hah, can you imagine the shit storm that would have happened if Zimmerman had tweeted something like "90% of black ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM."


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Australian Christopher Lane was killed on Monday in Oklahoma by three teens, one of whom has said they were just "bored." The right is complaining that the media is making nothing of the fact that two of the teens were black whereas Lane was white, as opposed to the massive alarm sounded in cases such as white (or white-ish) George Zimmerman killing black Trayvon Martin. And again the cry was heard that there is more "black-on-black" or "black-on-white" crime than "white-on-black," and that young black men are in fact more of a problem than people like Zimmerman.

The numbers don't lie: young black men do commit about 50% of the murders in the U.S.We don't yet know whether the attack on Lane was racially motivated, nor can we know whether the three black boys who attacked a white boy on a Florida school bus recently would not have done the same to a black kid. (Critics took Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to task for not condemning the violence.) But hardly uncommon are cases such as the two black guys who doused a white 13-year-old with gasoline and lit him on fire, saying "You get what you deserve, white boy" (Kansas City, Mo.) or 20 black kids who beat up white Matthew Owens on his porch "for Trayvon" (Mobile, Ala.).

So, it's just fake to pretend that the association of young black men with violence comes out of thin air. Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it'd be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them.

It's not that black communities are in complete denial about these statistics - Stop the Violence events are a staple of high-crime areas. But let's face it: black America isn't nearly as indignant about black boys killing one another or whites as about the occasional white cop killing one black boy, even though the former wreaks much more havoc in black communities. There is no coordinated nationwide movement equivalent to the one Martin galvanized. There are no thoughtful films "exploring" black-on-black crime the way Fruitvale Station treats the death of Oscar Grant, a young black man who was killed by transit police in Oakland, Calif.

And recent example illustrates how many blacks feel about who is murdering whom. Two weeks ago, an NYPD cop killed 14-year-old Shaaliver Douse. Douse was in the process of shooting other people, and had been charged with shooting someone else in May - and yet his aunt compared him to Martin. In her mind, the main sin was the white cop's.

Granted, it seems a lot easier to do something about the Zimmermans than the black thugs. Protest profiling and police departments institute new programs. But black thugs aren't moved by protests, so it can seem like we're just stuck with them.

But who's to say what would happen if black America exerted even half of the emotional fervor and brainpower it does over cases like Martin's to thinking about how to keep black boys from going wrong? Annette John-Hall had some wise words on this last year. What kind of self-image do we have to assume we can only change others, but not ourselves?

For the time being, though, it's time for the media to stop proudly emblazoning the race of white cops who kill black boys while cagily describing black teens as, say, "from the grittier part of town," as has been the case regarding Lane's killers. The media needs to be as honest with black people as we need to be with ourselves. No group gets ahead by turning away from its real problems.
I'm surprised Time magazine actually has a decent article on this subject for once. This has been my primary points through the whole Zimmerman trial and now this case, that the media ignores black crimes and black criminals due to an overabundance of political correctness and the mindset of victimization that says if your ancestors were a victim of racism, oppression or slavery, then every bad act you commit is a result of that history and thus you have no responsibility nor do you bear any blame in the incident, and that this mindset is actually hurting African Americans by teaching them culturally that their actions are exempt from criticism and thus enabling a thug culture that continues to decimate the black family and the chances of blacks to move out of the ghetto and get ahead.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
We have the same issue in the UK, in the eyes of the law, news, politics, racism is only racism when committed by white people. We have a case recently where 3 Muslim women attacked a white girl while screaming "kill the white bitch, get the white bitch". Despite having numerous witnesses to the attack the girls were not charged with any racially motivated offenses, in fact they got away with a warning due to the fact that they had been drinking and as Muslims they don't normally drink so they acted out of character and would never normally act like this. This got zero press in the UK outside of a few radio talk shows and it picked up from there.

There has also been a few high profile murders of young white kids by "ethnic minorities" which get a lot of press but they will never ever use the word racially motivated but the second an ethnic minority is killed by a white person the press and political outcry is insane.
The sooner the world of News corporations and Politicians come to realise that racism is a two way thing and come out and report and discuss such attacks for what they are, then the sooner we can get rid of the individuals from both sides who make a living off "fighting the cause of the people" that cause much more harm than good

At most, the African Caribbean population of London is about 12% of the whole. But black males are responsible for nearly 60% of arrests for robbery and the overwhelming majority of gun crime, most of it black-on-black violence. But much like the US no politician or black community leaders are interested in discussing such figures as of course it is much easier to blame the white man then look in the mirror and accept the facts


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
They have a neat little boat tour that launches near the R&R Hall of Fame. Takes you down the river through the city. I recommend for a light afternoon.
Is that the same river that catches fire and is so polluted it kills all the fish?

Sounds like a real pleasuretime vacation cruise. Bring a fire extinguisher.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Sometime in the future, archaeologists and computer forensic specialists will look back upon the downfall of Western Civilization, and they will mark the day 140 character long thoughts became the norm as the definitive moment from which society could never return. The tipping point has been reached, peak oil is in the past, and we're all going to die mentally retarded. I'm certain of it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
With my Wakandans when it's time to start taken life's

Y'all can do the shows I rather hit da trap and get this bandz up

Wakandan I'm telling you cuz you Bette keep ROLLIN cuz on da set! You needa be took off let a Wakandan talk about yo

fucc lil Reese fucc all y'all Wakandans ill knocc that Wakandanz head off Wakandan tha hole squad can get it to be real 90 or NO Os

It must be the three languages he speaks