Kinda skipped over some of this, my bad if I missed anything relevant.
Any form of IV drug use is fucked up, yeah some people do it for ages and end up relatively fine, most people are not that lucky.
I got a fucked up garbled call from a friend 2am in morning, 8 years ago. Only words I understood were ..fucked't find get it.
Rush over there, door wide open, every light in his house blazing, the place was trashed, anything of value gone, fucking needles EVERYWHERE. I mean thousands literally. Old blood stains, less old blood stains, and more recent little sprays and splatters of blood.
Check the basement, and there he is huddled against the wall soaked in blood all over, the carpet around him soaked and splattered. And there he is just repeatedly trying to jam a needle into his legs, and arms, chest, fucking almost everywhere, half moaning and crying.
I hadn't seen him in months, this guy used to be on fairly good shape, 6'2 around 200pounds or so. At this point he looked little more than120.
Anyway, apparently he had been doin this for hours, all his veins had collapsed from years of this shit I guess, and he was so desperate for a fix he lost it and acted like a senseless beast caught in a trap.
It was one of the most fucked up things I've ever seen with my own eyes.
He realized finally I was standing there, and starts blubbering, and tried to convince me to help him inject, wants me to inject the fucking thing in the back of his neck cause he can't see or reach.
Fuck this, and no fucking way I'm touching him, ran upstairs and grabbed oven mitts, first things I could find. Ran down, hes still doing the stabby shit. Smacked him in the head, knocked him over and grabbed the needle. The guy had been at this so long, the damn needle had broken off somewhere in him. K little less mindblown, call 911. Go backup to kitchen, check under sink for rubber cleaning gloves, bonus, clean pack unopened. Get them on, grab some towels and sheets, back to him and attempt to wrap up the worst of the bleeding. Kinda hard to do much when the dude has hundreds of punctures and slashes when the needle must have bent.
Long story short, guy ends up in hospital, dies within days. Don't know the full details of how he died, but infection had a lot to do with it(a lot of the punctures were days or more old. Apparently wasn't the blood loss, even though that basement looked like it had a couple gallons all over the spot he was sitting.
To top it off the needle he was jabbing himself with was empty, he was so out of it he didn't even realize. Not a trace of anything, not even saline. Traces of heroin, morphine, and dexi's found in most of the needles around the house though.
Most fucked up drug related story I know.
I also knew a girl who simply got off on injecting. Sure she liked to use for years, but for some fucked up reason injecting ended up being her addiction. Eventually quit all drugs, but still kept injecting saline.
Like fuck, if ya need the fix, shoot it up your ass (sans needle) apparently it works as well. Fuck, I just stick to weed, occasional shrooms, and the rare occasion I'll do blow.
Fuck needles, I've always had a phobia of them, after watching a childhood friend basically kill himself, its worse.