Queen Bee
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You know I have a few times during my last outpatient rehab stint. It made me want to go do drugs every time I did one of those meetings.
There's only one solution. Refuse to use. I can't just have one beer or one line is what it comes down to.
There's only one solution. Refuse to use. I can't just have one beer or one line is what it comes down to.
Tobacco ruins a lot of lives - we have a tobacco thread. Booze ruins a lot of lives - we have a booze thread. Depression ruins a lot of lives - we have a depression thread. etc.
Tobacco and booze are legal. Drugs are not.
You guys can keep high-fiving yourselves in and out of rehab all you want, it's your life to waste. When you've seen the heartbreak of someone's wives or children when someone loses their shit to cocaine, heroine or meth, that's all you need to see.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc? What are you, 12? The legality of anything hasn't really got a shit to do with whether it's dangerous or not - or any hearing on whether there should be a thread about it or not. People lose their families over a lot of shit - gambling, violence, stupidity, hormones, sex, health, money, computer games - drugs alone is not really an arguement, mate.Tobacco and booze are legal. Drugs are not. You guys can keep high-fiving yourselves in and out of rehab all you want, it's your life to waste. When you've seen the heartbreak of someone's wives or children when someone loses their shit to cocaine, heroine or meth, that's all you need to see.
So a life ruined by alcohol is less ruined than a life ruined by cocaine because the government is, currently, in certain parts of the world which just happen to be the parts most of us here live in, cool with booze and cigarettes, but not with coke?
Make up your mind - if your objection is based on the harm substances cause, you should be at least as outraged by the booze/nicotine threads as you are by this one. If your objection is based on legality, then stop trying to resort to irrational, judgmental, fear mongering rhetoric and make a reasoned argument based on legal grounds.
1) Fuck you.
2) I've seen plenty of lives lost and destroyed by drugs. More than you, I'm willing to bet.
3) That doesn't mean I lose my perspective and decide that they're some demon which needs to be scourged from society instead of dealt with in a rational, scientific manner to minimize the harm they cause, or that they're some shameful dirty vice which needs to be shoved into the margins of society and hushed over by stigmatizing users (you know, the people who need help).
4) Discussions like this should exist precisely because drugs destroy lives - so people can gain information on harm reduction, can reach out for help and support when they're in trouble, so that rational approaches to the problem drugs pose to society can be debated publicly, so that drug use can be seen and discussed in it's full scope, and not just when it's worst manifestations are forced into the view of society, and so that drug users can be recognized as regular people, instead of being marginalized and stigmatized in a way that drives their lives into further ruin.
5) Fuck you twice, and your baseless, reactionary, high minded moralizing too.
My friend got run over by a car - now I hate cars. My friend got run over by a train - now I hate trains. My friend got shot by guns - now I hate guns (drugs???).When you see a fellow employee try to go sober after having four cocaine induced heart attacks at the age of 35, to be disowned by his entire family after stealing his kids' PC's they use for school, and see him living out of his truck because rent money goes for drugs, you have a different view.
When you see a friend be killed because he was in a place where he shouldn't have been (everyone was high as fuck, someone said the wrong thing, a fight ensues and he is shot), and then he dies at a premature age, leaving children to go starving, you have a different view. This happened just recently, and I'm still upset over it. But he was with a family that is known for meth and pill-popping.
In the company I work in, we have white collar types, and blue collar types. The blue collar types have a very high rate of drug use. And not the light stuff, either. It's like drugs are the scourge of the blue collar types. These are just two cases of many I've seen.
Fuck you also, and your glorifying of drug use. All risk and no reward, other than a cheap high.
As fate would have it, I have a drug test in a couple of weeks for a potentially amazing job. I HAVE to stay clean to secure this job.
The pressure!![]()
just had a nose job, sinoplasti, and dr. gave me percoset. kinna nervous. i've had a kidney stone that required extraction, and i was able to just take 2-3 vicotines and toss the rest of the bottle. i might take a few advil here and there, otherwise i never take any pills
what are the odds that i'll be instantly hooked to these things? i'm not in a ton of pain but falling asleep has been difficult.