Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games


Goonsquad Officer
Over the weekend I stumbled across Ansur and got my shit pushed in. The dialogue before the fight was a huge reveal about The Emperor and it killed me to have to walk away after 4 hours of getting dragon raped. I probably spent 6 hours total of me trying to beat it with different strats and party members. I finally killed him this morning with my Cleric, Lae'zel Fighter, Karlach respeced to fighter (I am bad at Barb) and Gale Wizard. No Multi class all lvl 9. Ended with Gale being the last one standing and Ansur with 33 hp. Gale hit Ansur for 30 leaving only 3hp and a prayer that Gale would survive the next attack. Lightning resist FTW and didn't miss on the last 3 hp. Was awesome and thrilling and felt like I accomplished something.

View attachment 487556

Sexy reward too!
View attachment 487557
chad weapon. i just got a bonkers item from the house of hope:
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Goonsquad Officer
err act 3 question.

Should i Bring Wyll along on the mission into the Wyrmway, Ansur's Lair? i haven't used him all game and would rather just use my party, but is there a plot/outcome reason to bring him along?


<Gold Donor>
Over the weekend I stumbled across Ansur and got my shit pushed in. The dialogue before the fight was a huge reveal about The Emperor and it killed me to have to walk away after 4 hours of getting dragon raped. I probably spent 6 hours total of me trying to beat it with different strats and party members. I finally killed him this morning with my Cleric, Lae'zel Fighter, Karlach respeced to fighter (I am bad at Barb) and Gale Wizard. No Multi class all lvl 9. Ended with Gale being the last one standing and Ansur with 33 hp. Gale hit Ansur for 30 leaving only 3hp and a prayer that Gale would survive the next attack. Lightning resist FTW and didn't miss on the last 3 hp. Was awesome and thrilling and felt like I accomplished something.

View attachment 487556

Sexy reward too!
View attachment 487557
GRatz, lol, lv 9 is kinda short for that place. I have not got there yet, but all my dudes are like 11.5
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
err act 3 question.

Should i Bring Wyll along on the mission into the Wyrmway, Ansur's Lair? i haven't used him all game and would rather just use my party, but is there a plot/outcome reason to bring him along?
Not sure what extra you might get if you do bring him along. I didn’t bring him and didn’t feel like I missed anything when I turned the quest in.


Trakanon Raider
Over the weekend I stumbled across Ansur and got my shit pushed in. The dialogue before the fight was a huge reveal about The Emperor and it killed me to have to walk away after 4 hours of getting dragon raped. I probably spent 6 hours total of me trying to beat it with different strats and party members. I finally killed him this morning with my Cleric, Lae'zel Fighter, Karlach respeced to fighter (I am bad at Barb) and Gale Wizard. No Multi class all lvl 9. Ended with Gale being the last one standing and Ansur with 33 hp. Gale hit Ansur for 30 leaving only 3hp and a prayer that Gale would survive the next attack. Lightning resist FTW and didn't miss on the last 3 hp. Was awesome and thrilling and felt like I accomplished something.

View attachment 487556

Sexy reward too!
View attachment 487557
don't miss the sexy helm on the altar at the back either...
  • 2Solidarity
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Over the weekend I stumbled across Ansur and got my shit pushed in. The dialogue before the fight was a huge reveal about The Emperor and it killed me to have to walk away after 4 hours of getting dragon raped. I probably spent 6 hours total of me trying to beat it with different strats and party members. I finally killed him this morning with my Cleric, Lae'zel Fighter, Karlach respeced to fighter (I am bad at Barb) and Gale Wizard. No Multi class all lvl 9. Ended with Gale being the last one standing and Ansur with 33 hp. Gale hit Ansur for 30 leaving only 3hp and a prayer that Gale would survive the next attack. Lightning resist FTW and didn't miss on the last 3 hp. Was awesome and thrilling and felt like I accomplished something.

View attachment 487556

Sexy reward too!
View attachment 487557
Very nice. I haven't made it there just yet, but it is awesome to see that there are challenges and great rewards yet to come!


<Prior Amod>
Personal opinion but for me, this is in my top 3 games all time at this point. There's not a thing I don't enjoy about this game other than not being able to right click/sell things at the vendor.
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Trakanon Raider
Probably, the reason why the Act 3 memory leak hasn't been a bigger deal just yet, is that only 14.6% of people have even made it to Act 3.

It does get bad, even with a high-end machine. I've just been quitting out and restarting every few hours and it remedies the situation well enough. I'll take an issue like that over crash bugs, of which I've had zero in 73 hours played.

I stopped playing my save for act 3 (still in the first part) until the next big patch that is supposedly coming soon. I have a 13900k with a 4090 and after a few hours it starts stuttering dropping to below 20fps at times. It also impacts cut scenes, dialogue, and checks. Outright skipping some of them. It is also there for Act 2. When I finished that act I had played for at least 5-6 hours before I got to the end, and I noticed it started lagging. There are cut scenes that happen when you finish a certain part there, and one just didn't play for me and the other only showed around 50% of it as it kept loading/black screen while I heard music in the background. (I didn't know I had missed some of them until I saw that part on a stream)

In act 3 there are apparently lots of bugs in quests where if you don't (accidentally unless using guides which I don't do) do them in the perfect manner, you can break them which also dominoes to later quests in the act.


Goonsquad Officer
Personal opinion but for me, this is in my top 3 games all time at this point. There's not a thing I don't enjoy about this game other than not being able to right click/sell things at the vendor.
i wish they'd fix being able to dip out of multiplayer games. "send the multiplayer guy who can't make it to camp". or the ability to dip-in playing the NPC's or something.

i had some homies playing a 3 man game last night. i can't play with them often but i thought i'd spend a few hours playing a wizard with the boys.

nope. if i jump in. t hey forever have rando the turd in their party, can't remove it. can't do NPC quests, can't b ring NPC in party. weird design choice. shocked they haven't fixed it in 2 years of folks bitching about it.
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<Gold Donor>
GRatz, lol, lv 9 is kinda short for that place. I have not got there yet, but all my dudes are like 11.5
What is crazy is that I feel like I am going slow and trying to explore everything. I think I am over 70 hours in. I failed a lot of fights because I don't know shit about D&D. I am just starting to understand what spells do what and how they synergize with each other. The whole reason I won that fight I talked about above was because during that last attempt I used...

Kereska's Favour which is why Gale was the last one standing.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
I probably wouldn't even let a char with INT 5 be a caster, TBH. The player would have to have a REALLY compelling reason on why the fuck he isn't just basically perma-silenced.
sorcerers use charisma, not intelligence. sorcerers don't "learn" magic, they innately know it. it'd be like wondering how a dog is able to differentiate creatures by smell. on paper that sounds like it would require some decent intelligence, but even for smart dogs, i wouldn't give them an intelligence over 3


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
When Dark Sun first came out I pictured the elves as being a population of the most annoying 'running club' / cross-country surfer bros. They were pretty detestable
Muls for life.
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<Gold Donor>
sorcerers use charisma, not intelligence. sorcerers don't "learn" magic, they innately know it. it'd be like wondering how a dog is able to differentiate creatures by smell. on paper that sounds like it would require some decent intelligence, but even for smart dogs, i wouldn't give them an intelligence over 3
Be honest. This isn't the first time you have had this exact conversation, is it?
  • 5Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, a sorcerer could run on feelings, where their "blood" knows the magic words and they manifest themselves through high stress moments, like combat. After combat, the idiot sorc wouldn't even remember what he said or how he cast it. It would mean the character couldn't do magic outside of combat though, which would be a pretty big handicap for the party. Dunno how you would creatively handle spell components, or is that just a wizard thing?
all casters can use either a component pouch or a focus (wand, staff, orb, etc). if you're using a focus then it negates any component that doesn't have a specifically mentioned gold cost (revivify requires diamonds worth 300gp, which is then consumed by the spell). most combat spells don't require material components with a gold cost, and that's all i used him for. i did give him proficiency in cartography though, which was great. i told the party i was mapping out where we had been and then when they inevitably asked to look at the map i showed them some toddler's finger paintings.
  • 4Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Be honest. This isn't the first time you have had this exact conversation, is it?
no, i had this exact conversation when i created the character. i was expecting a minor amount of push back from the DM, but it was a one shot so rules were pretty loosey goosey, but he immediately was like, "i love it" and i didn't have to convince him it would work
  • 1Worf
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<Prior Amod>
i wish they'd fix being able to dip out of multiplayer games. "send the multiplayer guy who can't make it to camp". or the ability to dip-in playing the NPC's or something.

i had some homies playing a 3 man game last night. i can't play with them often but i thought i'd spend a few hours playing a wizard with the boys.

nope. if i jump in. t hey forever have rando the turd in their party, can't remove it. can't do NPC quests, can't b ring NPC in party. weird design choice. shocked they haven't fixed it in 2 years of folks bitching about it.

Agreed, it would be nice if people could just slide in and out if you have a group of friends that all don't have the same availability.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
sorcerers use charisma, not intelligence. sorcerers don't "learn" magic, they innately know it. it'd be like wondering how a dog is able to differentiate creatures by smell. on paper that sounds like it would require some decent intelligence, but even for smart dogs, i wouldn't give them an intelligence over 3
I thought we were talking about wizards, nerd.