His Breakout Book was Fantastic Four.....Bryne will always be the Xmen guy with Claremont.
Some crusty old fucks do. I doubt you've ever read a Curt Swan book in your life. The guy was born in the 20'sWait. Did Column just call Curt Swan's Superman uggh?
Most people consider Curt Swan Superman THE Superman.
John Byrne's Man of Steel, which brought Superman forward into the modern day, redefining not only his origins, but his powers, his history, and his relationships along the way.
Nope. Guy drew Superman for like 40 years. Never read one.
Superman Vol 1 156 - DC Comics Database
Certainly not the best Superman story of all time or anything.
Who said grew up on? The internet has a wealth of information about many topics.100% subjective, and like I said earlier unless you are 60 right now I doubt you grew up on books drawn by Curt Swan...
He started working at DC in 1945, and FYI DC fired him. Just saying...
A 30 year old would be a newborn when Curt got his walking papers.
Yes I am talking about a wiki. I am not mentioning every single action comic, Supermans pal Jimmy Olsen, Superman and Worlds finest scans that sit on my external hard drive or anything. I am talking about wikis.Unfortunately you can't go read a wiki, and then claim instant fandom of Curt Swans artwork like you known his work for years..
You act like he created the DC universe, or was even responsible for writing any of it.
If you are looking for Universe creators, and a true pioneer of that time then you can wiki this guy, and learn something
And neither is Curt Swan to me. When DC finally fired his tired ass so John Byrne could take over is when I liked Superman.. John made him look like a super hero, not a super doufus...But he isnt who made Superman how he is defined artistically