Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Vyemm Raider
The BF4 shortcut on my desktop loaded the BF4 single player campaign and told me to log in to origin when the title screen finally came up. This has never happened before.

Go home Origin you're drunk


Legal Ephebophile
How the fuck is it possible to play 540 hours and keep a 6:1 KD lol. That's impressive.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Eh, those are only about 45% of my kills. Been more focused on infy lately as I try to master everything for shits and giggles, but it's usually stagnated around that point.

In other news, I love how we're just now getting platoons in two days.


Maybe I'm playing the wrong servers, but whenever I'm on locker I never see anyone stupid enough to die to nade spam. LVGs maybe.

I wish I could say the same for metro...

I haven't played the new patch, but I've had a sound loop crash since they patched SA in. Mostly occurs on SA maps van/CR only rarely.


FPS noob
i crashed like 80% of the time last week on new SA maps, usually within 15 minutes. Since patch today haven't crashed at all over 4-5 games, so I think they at least fixed that

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eh, those are only about 45% of my kills. Been more focused on infy lately as I try to master everything for shits and giggles, but it's usually stagnated around that point.

In other news, I love how we're just now getting platoons in two days.
Is that really the story youre going with? If you look at your stats it looks like half the time you have spent playing BF4, you were inside some sort of vehicle. Youve spent 77 hours inside MBTs, which is 25 hours more than youve spent running around with the assault kit.

Face it, youre a vehicle whore(and sniper whore) and your kdr reflects that fact.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Is that really the story youre going with? If you look at your stats it looks like half the time you have spent playing BF4, you were inside some sort of vehicle. Youve spent 77 hours inside MBTs, which is 25 hours more than youve spent running around with the assault kit.

Face it, youre a vehicle whore(and sniper whore) and your kdr reflects that fact.
Half my time in vehicles...yet the very stats page you mentions shows ~30%. If you're talking time spent in-game, as the aforementioned includes spawn screen time, including Commander, then it'd be closer to 40%. Same applies for Tanks vs. Assault; a whopping 10 hours (where did you get 25?) more in MBTs versus a class I have little need to play with on vehicle saturated maps.

I'll be the first to admit I play Recon more than any other kit as of late, and in doing so I still pull higher KPM than the vast majority of players do on meatgrinder maps like Locker / Metro. Heaven forbid I use what's effective given my particular skills and the situation at hand, aka needing to take the helm of a vehicle to dominate on behalf of terribad teammates who aren't worth their salt, while otherwise still being perfectly capable of maintaining close proximity to my current vehicle-inclusive level of performance, if doing nothing but playing ground-based infantry, which is generally what I prefer to do. Give me less terrible teams that I don't need to carry with the weight of armor and I'd love to.

But sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. I'll go ahead and play less effectively so I can satisfy random forum dwellers.


Legal Ephebophile
Well youhavespent almost as much time in MBT as I have playing the game entirely, lol.


Trakanon Raider
Going to have to disagree with this point; the U-100, despite its low RoF, is a viable choice for accurate fire on the move when compared to other LMG's, from a spread / recoil perspective, especially so when its 590 RoF is taken into account. 45 round mag is fine by me.
Guess it is the different player, I couldn't wait to stop using it just didn't sit well in my hands(used LSAT till MG4 and I main support)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Half my time in vehicles...yet the very stats page you mentions shows ~30%. If you're talking time spent in-game, as the aforementioned includes spawn screen time, including Commander, then it'd be closer to 40%. Same applies for Tanks vs. Assault; a whopping 10 hours (where did you get 25?) more in MBTs versus a class I have little need to play with on vehicle saturated maps.

I'll be the first to admit I play Recon more than any other kit as of late, and in doing so I still pull higher KPM than the vast majority of players do on meatgrinder maps like Locker / Metro. Heaven forbid I use what's effective given my particular skills and the situation at hand, aka needing to take the helm of a vehicle to dominate on behalf of terribad teammates who aren't worth their salt, while otherwise still being perfectly capable of maintaining close proximity to my current vehicle-inclusive level of performance, if doing nothing but playing ground-based infantry, which is generally what I prefer to do. Give me less terrible teams that I don't need to carry with the weight of armor and I'd love to.

But sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. I'll go ahead and play less effectively so I can satisfy random forum dwellers.
All you gotta do is look at time played in kits/weapons and vehicles to see. Youve spent more than half youre time in BF4 as either a sniper, inside a tank or as the commander.

p331083 - BF4 Player stats


Golden Knight of the Realm
All together, yes. Your original statement mentioned only vehicles. Your point is...? I'm excellent at all of them, and would still be in the neighborhood of the K/D I'm currently sitting at without any of them, albeit not this quickly given my assholes and elbows approach to hitting 110, and of course assuming I hadn't made it a point to master shitty weapons this early on out of boredom, rather than assuredly increasing it as I continue to use vehicles. Just go check my BF3 stats if you want any more evidence.


Vyemm Raider
I thought you usually played with a squad? Anyway, playstyle has a lot to do with it. Although I've seen people in the 3ish k/d range that will put up big numbers running and gunning. I have never, ever encountered anyone over a 4.0 lifetime in any game that put up some crazy score and wasn't running with friends though.


FPS noob
woo my k/d is 0.5 i was expecting 0.01 or worse since i always charge in, idgaf how many times I die. hahaha my accuracy is 6% I guess I'll be one of the first to die in the zombie apocalypse

next dlc is march 24th it looks like


Golden Knight of the Realm
I thought you usually played with a squad? Anyway, playstyle has a lot to do with it. Although I've seen people in the 3ish k/d range that will put up big numbers running and gunning. I have never, ever encountered anyone over a 4.0 lifetime in any game that put up some crazy score and wasn't running with friends though.
Indeed I do, but lately that squad has mostly consisted of 1-2 other individuals, as (believe it or not!) most of us are either taking a break from gaming or are too busy with work etc. My playstyle varies based on how many of us there are, and what the situation calls for. A few of us are incredibly specialized in our respective roles so I usually take something to complement.


Is that really the story youre going with? If you look at your stats it looks like half the time you have spent playing BF4, you were inside some sort of vehicle. Youve spent 77 hours inside MBTs, which is 25 hours more than youve spent running around with the assault kit.

Face it, youre a vehicle whore(and sniper whore) and your kdr reflects that fact.
Dunno about bf4 but I Metro/seinne/baz whore'd on adk etc with him and his buddies pratically off n on all summer back on bf3 when my clan and his clan played with others like all the best pro 4 mans rival dudes eyeballers epsilons etc would play.

When he wants hes a very solid assault.


Vyemm Raider
I don't care if I die 25 times as long as I have 26 kills. If I can put up a 30-1 game without sitting around waiting for shit to happen, great. Otherwise I'm pulling up stakes and running across that open field. Hell, dying just means I can spawn where the action is.

I'm well aware this is stupid, of course. What tends to happen is I'll get a game where I'm a bad hole, and then I'll change up and play less retarded and dig out of it.

Funny enough, in horribly one sided games when I'm on the -winning- side I tend to have bad scores, because I'm trying so hard to find something to fucking shoot at when the other team is half recon and half afk. I only really do well in somewhat competitive games.