Misc Refugee Thread


<Prior Amod>
As somebody who pretty much only lurks, this place really is quite a bit better. You have to get over the fact you aren't a unique snowflake who has to make the same 'breaking' news post from two hours ago that already has five threads on it. This forum shows what posts are new in the thread since your last visit so the fact there are only mega threads isn't really a big deal. It's great this place doesn't suffer fucktards like Bodhy or repeated ass pheromone trolls. And it is way more racist that
ya'll got some faggots living in that shithole
  • 2Worf
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
It's just an FBI honeypot at this point. Once they stop getting good leads they will shut it down.
  • 1Truth!
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If it will make any of you feel any better, we have some alphabet-agency posters here. And they're probably more tired of our bullshit than most people are. We're not just a honeypot, we're kind of a "Hey guys, could you please knock it off? I'm getting asked about the site at work again" kind of thing...

The Misc doesn't even give you all the old hawk tua treatment before going down on you guys weekly. Meanwhile our Admin will just straight up tell us that he hates our search scripting and that the search function will be down until he feels like fixing it (so maybe 2025 unless we beg and buy him a steak dinner?) and we get to watch LRR periodically lose his patience with our resident retards and (lightly) restrict their posting privileges instead of outright banning them.
  • 2Truth!
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Golden Knight of the Realm
If it will make any of you feel any better, we have some alphabet-agency posters here. And they're probably more tired of our bullshit than most people are. We're not just a honeypot, we're kind of a "Hey guys, could you please knock it off? I'm getting asked about the site at work again" kind of thing...

The Misc doesn't even give you all the old hawk tua treatment before going down on you guys weekly. Meanwhile our Admin will just straight up tell us that he hates our search scripting and that the search function will be down until he feels like fixing it (so maybe 2025 unless we beg and buy him a steak dinner?) and we get to watch LRR periodically lose his patience with our resident retards and (lightly) restrict their posting privileges instead of outright banning them.

The misc mods are worthless. They prop up some of our shittiest posters like bodhy, then they throw out abitrary bans with because they randomly get their feel-feelz hurt, not because actual forum rules were violated somehow.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Bodhy? Didn't he come here and start acting like a faggot?

Yeah, fuck that guy. Dumber than dogshit


Golden Knight of the Realm
Bodhy? Didn't he come here and start acting like a faggot?

Yeah, fuck that guy. Dumber than dogshit

Yeah, my understanding was that the Bodhster came by here when the misc was shut down for a couple weeks earlier this year, and maybe before that. Dude got himself bamned from here for acting just as insufferable as he does on the misc, made some crying posts about FoH on the misc when it happened, then spazzed out when called out for having chit on the misc on FoH before he copped the ban at FoH. Then he came running back to the misc like the turd he is.

But yeah, the misc hates Bodby just as much as FoH does, believe me. He is liked by like two people total betweent the politics sub (his favorite misc forum) and the entire main misc, and he's universally viewed as a dumb POS outside of those couple people. And people pretty widely know it's because of his own constant shitty behavior.

The thing that put me over the edge with him is the fact that he's not just an annoying guy who likes to act like a weasel asshat online, but he's also taken things further than that with one particular member of the misc (who never came to FoH to my knowledge) by taking things beyond the online bs. He's legitimately a terrible person. You guys definitely made the right move ridding FoH of that clown car show.
  • 1Solidarity
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I knew most of ya'll were in the closet, but that's impressive.

Well, you're not kidding about the part about most miscers being in the closet. About 50% of the misc is closeted, many of whom are dealing with severe mental issues stemming from a lifetime of self denial about it.
  • 1Worf
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
If it will make any of you feel any better, we have some alphabet-agency posters here. And they're probably more tired of our bullshit than most people are. We're not just a honeypot, we're kind of a "Hey guys, could you please knock it off? I'm getting asked about the site at work again" kind of thing...

The Misc doesn't even give you all the old hawk tua treatment before going down on you guys weekly. Meanwhile our Admin will just straight up tell us that he hates our search scripting and that the search function will be down until he feels like fixing it (so maybe 2025 unless we beg and buy him a steak dinner?) and we get to watch LRR periodically lose his patience with our resident retards and (lightly) restrict their posting privileges instead of outright banning them.
LLR likes the abuse he's getting. He just never admits it
  • 1Jonesing
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<Prior Amod>
Well, you're not kidding about the part about most miscers being in the closet. About 50% of the misc is closeted, many of whom are dealing with severe mental issues stemming from a lifetime of self denial about it.
maybe they need a hobby, like workingout
  • 3Worf
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Yeah, my understanding was that the Bodhster came by here when the misc was shut down for a couple weeks earlier this year, and maybe before that. Dude got himself bamned from here for acting just as insufferable as he does on the misc, made some crying posts about FoH on the misc when it happened, then spazzed out when called out for having chit on the misc on FoH before he copped the ban at FoH. Then he came running back to the misc like the turd he is.

But yeah, the misc hates Bodby just as much as FoH does, believe me. He is liked by like two people total betweent the politics sub (his favorite misc forum) and the entire main misc, and he's universally viewed as a dumb POS outside of those couple people. And people pretty widely know it's because of his own constant shitty behavior.

The thing that put me over the edge with him is the fact that he's not just an annoying guy who likes to act like a weasel asshat online, but he's also taken things further than that with one particular member of the misc (who never came to FoH to my knowledge) by taking things beyond the online bs. He's legitimately a terrible person. You guys definitely made the right move ridding FoH of that clown car show.
hashtag: facts
  • 1Cringe
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
I know you guys are immigrants, but we speak 'Murican around here. Shit. Fag. Faggot. Tranny. Fuck. Pussy.
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<Prior Amod>
Wasn't he also the dude that would shit in the shower and would use his foot to smash it down the drain? Or am I thinking of some other fucking degenerate?
this is the information you choose to retain...
  • 2Worf
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