Misc Refugee Thread


Trakanon Raider
Damn, not sure how I didn't hear you were an OG until now. Were MinisterOfLust and NYPat always as annoying as they are these days? Those guys pretty much ruined the r/p sub for me by like 2019. I used to like it there, but they made it almost unusable.

I think it's been about as bad as you describe for 5+ years now. Definitely since covid first hit, the place has been lousy. Liberalism has gotten out of hand, imo the mods are a joke, wincel is always flying off the handle with literal thousands of alts at this point, the dingleberry turd who exists strictly to shit on people, the Ron troll whose shtick clogs the forum (admittedly funny sometimes in his own threads) and derails other threads, etc.
I never actually ventured in to the R&P back then. I couldn't have given less of a shit about politics back then, the country wasn't as polarized or in the garbage like it is now, so I thought nothing of it. The regular misc had so much going on. Malodrax's humannequin, the beef with Blizzo and TheRage191, CellTechAbuse's top tier posting, YGBodubuilder and all of those guys. All of the content I could have asked for was on the regular misc.

I didn't even know they existed until I came back and started posting in that section.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There was a drinking and driving paraplegic mod too that would ban aziz shavershian and anyone who even mentioned him. It's like the picked the dumbest saltiest retards to be mods. Who bans the most influential poster to ever grace your forum? Some piece of shit retard that's who.

How about redraider86? I don't remember her being all that bad 5+ years ago, but she really went off the deep end after covid hit. I can even remember she liked and got along with me alright until around the summer of 2022. Then she flipped a switch, stopped posting while clearly still modding as a lurker to this day, and became unbearable.

But yeah, the mods have been salty assholes since forever ago. Back in the mid to late 2010's, it was Bozz and Kengclown banning people for hurting their feelings while letting their little brother bobbydoucheitaloa send them after people he disliked, and even log into their mod accounts to get people himself. Red was up to her old tricks then as well, just not nearly as bad yet from what I recall. Nowadays it's redraider and punicepts modding as lurkers, basing their decisions purely on their bipolar feelings.

That’s what misc gets for banning me for a month srs

They get what they've gotten over the past week for banning me for 3 months, srs. Buncha cunt mods let the most insane shit by several particular posters go there all the time, then they slapped me with a 3 month ban because one of them got their feelings hurt. I've said it before, and no one seems to want to acknowledge it, but shit tier modding definitely played a role in the downfall of that place.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Clive wtf are we going to do man it’s gone again I’m shook as a little bitch boy with a pimply face and a squeaky voice. (No homo)

but is mega sloot still here? She hates video games and thinks those of us who play them are all twinks. She gets annoyed at gaming discussion threads made outside of the G/T section but I think she cuts me some slack so maybe she likes me still. (No white knight)
mega sloot has admitted to being a tranny a bunch of times. when you guys gonna learn its not a she
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Lord Nagafen Raider
mega sloot has admitted to being a tranny a bunch of times. when you guys gonna learn its not a she

My man!!!! How the hell are ya, brother? Good observation in your post, I'm mind blown that people can think someone who writes like megasloot is actually a woman. His writing style clearly indicates that he has a penis.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
My man!!!! How the hell are ya, brother? Good observation in your post, I'm mind blown that people can think someone who writes like megasloot is actually a woman. His writing style clearly indicates that he has a penis.
hey bro. hes said he is a tranny and has a dick and is obviously mentally ill.he even bragged about having a big dick.theres only a few real sloots on the misc and SS ang MS arent one of them. i think SS tripped up and was confirmed a pajeet recently. since that shitty is down again i dont know much but i never bought their shit


Lord Nagafen Raider
hey bro. hes said he is a tranny and has a dick and is obviously mentally ill.he even bragged about having a big dick.theres only a few real sloots on the misc and SS ang MS arent one of them. i think SS tripped up and was confirmed a pajeet recently. since that shitty is down again i dont know much but i never bought their shit

The only miscers with actual vaginas nowadays are kimm4 and legz422. Dusty was a legit mentally ill old cat woman in the making, but I think she left after asking for a ban. Ss actually seemed like a somewhat real person until around 2019 or so, then started acting full pajeet mode ever since. Almost like the account was passed off to a different person it got so different, srs. Anyone besides kimm and legz claiming to be a chick on the misc in 2024 definitely has a cock, with the rare exceptions of sloots making brief returns occasionally like that one goth sloot or sensuality. Pretty slim pickings.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
The only miscers with actual vaginas nowadays are kimm4 and legz422. Dusty was a legit mentally ill old cat woman in the making, but I think she left after asking for a ban. Ss actually seemed like a somewhat real person until around 2019 or so, then started acting full pajeet mode ever since. Almost like the account was passed off to a different person it got so different, srs. Anyone besides kimm and legz claiming to be a chick on the misc in 2024 definitely has a cock, with the rare exceptions of sloots making brief returns occasionally like that one goth sloot or sensuality. Pretty slim pickings.
she hardly posts anymore but redmelly is a chick. we used to talk everyday and now she ghosted me. shes pretty cool though. yeah who knows about Dustbin.could be real but i have a hard time believing that anyone who looks like that would post their face.she looked like a goblin or something


Lord Nagafen Raider
I never knew eggs was a chick

Well yeah, obviously eggiesinabasket was a chick. But she basically never posts anymore.

Punicepts is a female.

Of course punicepts is a chick. It's just that she rarely actually posts anymore and does the lording over us as a lurker bullshit just like redraider. That's the current mod situation of the misc, two angry 40+ year old cat ladies who have gone years without even participating in the community they fuck around with.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well yeah, obviously eggiesinabasket was a chick. But she basically never posts anymore.

Of course punicepts is a chick. It's just that she rarely actually posts anymore and does the lording over us as a lurker bullshit just like redraider. That's the current mod situation of the misc, two angry 40+ year old cat ladies who have gone years without even participating in the community they fuck around with.
You sure it's redraider? She always seemed okay to me, and actually halfway based. I think she likes me though, so perhaps she is a twat but just isn't one to me though.

That DJwhatever is a twat though, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if she's the one responsible for the behavior you're talking about (if she's still around). That definitely sounds like her.

At an rate - the guys like Ron, Johnny, dingle don't bother me - and I think some of them can be mildly amusing (no denying they are chitposters with low quality content though). It's the really unhinged lefties that are completely incapable of good faith discussion that rustle me and that are really ruining the place (or the R/P at least, which is where I spend the majority of my time/post the most). It's mind blowing to me that people behave and think that way.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Also, bodhy is back to green again. Who is the mod who keeps repping that filthy, degenerate fecalfeliac? There's no way Patty, MinisterOfChildLust, and Sillie keep him green on their own.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
You sure it's redraider? She always seemed okay to me, and actually halfway based. I think she likes me though, so perhaps she is a twat but just isn't one to me though.

That DJwhatever is a twat though, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if she's the one responsible for the behavior you're talking about (if she's still around). That definitely sounds like her.

At an rate - the guys like Ron, Johnny, dingle don't bother me - and I think some of them can be mildly amusing (no denying they are chitposters with low quality content though). It's the really unhinged lefties that are completely incapable of good faith discussion that rustle me and that are really ruining the place (or the R/P at least, which is where I spend the majority of my time/post the most). It's mind blowing to me that people behave and think that way.

I forgot all about DJ, yeah maybe you're right and she is behind a lot of the strange mod decisions. redraider was always cool with me before she stopped posting, but I know she got into it with a lot of people by the end. That's the extent of what I know about it.

I don't ultimately don't mind the types Ron and Johnny at all either, really. They're harmless enough. I know a lot of people don't see dingleberry for what he is, but he's a goddamn piece of shit, srs. That fucker constantly follows me around telling me and a select other few to go kill themselves every chance he gets - on the forum, in our control panels, in random PM's, everything. I don't need everyone to like me and I can handle getting shit on a message board, but someone who is willing to constantly take it that far with others who aren't doing a damn thing to them - that's the behavior of the same kind of filth you mentioned about the liberals who have gone off the deep end on the board, if not worse. That kind of shit doesn't help the place at all.

As far as the libs you mentioned goes, there's good reason I haven't been on the r/p sub much in the past few years. I honestly used to post in that sub as much as the main misc back in like 2019. It started getting pretty stupid when covid hit. It became virtually unusable to me throughout the Biden admin with Sillie/NYPatty/MinisterOfLust and their new little brother Bodhy.


Trakanon Raider
Also, bodhy is back to green again. Who is the mod who keeps repping that filthy, degenerate fecalfeliac? There's no way Patty, MinisterOfChildLust, and Sillie keep him green on their own.
Are you sure he's green again? Forum is still fucked up, people that are banned can post, can't give reps, etc.
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<Prior Amod>
Are you sure he's green again? Forum is still fucked up, people that are banned can post, can't give reps, etc.
have i told you bb faggots, that you really really really should change your passwords and credentials?

i mean, no joke 99% of the population probably uses the same email for all their accounts and also then, the same password for everything.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Moone Boy Waiting GIF by HULU
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Are you sure he's green again? Forum is still fucked up, people that are banned can post, can't give reps, etc.

Maybe not. He was red the last I saw it live, then earlier today he was at like 420 green, but I thought he was red for like a week before it shit out. So maybe he is still red. In any case, I'm happy to say that I pissed him off enough in a neg comment to get him to report me to help get me my current ban lol. I didn't say anything too horrendous, he just gets his feelings hurt really easily.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe not. He was red the last I saw it live, then earlier today he was at like 420 green, but I thought he was red for like a week before it shit out. So maybe he is still red. In any case, I'm happy to say that I pissed him off enough in a neg comment to get him to report me to help get me my current ban lol. I didn't say anything too horrendous, he just gets his feelings hurt really easily.
I lost 6k reps because of the last fuck up on the misc, so shit is messed up right now. I'm sure he'll be red again if it ever gets fixed

Bodhy needs a world class ass kicking
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