what Suineg set it to
No idea who they are, but God willingRest In Piss, misc. Liberal faggots like wincel, NYPat, and Ministerofchildlust are probably going to kill themselves now.
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No idea who they are, but God willingRest In Piss, misc. Liberal faggots like wincel, NYPat, and Ministerofchildlust are probably going to kill themselves now.
you sound mad brah
like you white knighted a fat chick that got skinny and now you're miffed everyone is hitting on her
let us bang bro
hmmm i could be nycaznboiNo idea who they are, but God willing
That forum will quickly become a cesspool of the worst postershe is already posting in MM's forum which is why I left...
Is MM the jailbait guy?
Taking the adlerian seriously is like believing hulk hogan is the leader of the NWO. You've gotta sit back and enjoy the show mates.
MM is MiscMathematician, but the the jailbait guy being referred to is some other guy who is a complete loser. He's spamming the running thread on bb misc pictures of under aged women so he can get attention. Literally has hundreds of alts, wouldn't be surprised if he's hit 1000 alts over a period of 14 years.Is MM the jailbait guy? if so that place will be gone very soon.
Basically the same gibberish I typed out on misc but reverse-ih:
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'd have to have been in a coma for at least ten years for that to be the case.
The media are watch dogs, however they're serving the government and establishment puppets, not the people.
That's the collection of reasons why outfits like ABC should be barred from even attempting a "debate." They might as well have Mickey Mouse wearing a rainbow flag skirt hosting to complete the circus act.
Also, the mere fact that we had to hear about Jan 6 and how it was some sort of "threat to democracy" for the last four years, but the actual assassination attempt on the previous President of the United States came and went out of the news like it never happened (and how they won't even acknowledge the latter while still being obsessed with the former) shows what traitorous bastards they are and who they really serve.
It's telling my first instinct was to look for any water being turned brown...
yep.its done. i cant even get in the glitched thread again. i think thats it.fuark
its broken bad now