Misc Refugee Thread


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<Gold Donor>

Kirun Kirun can you please share your thoughts on this topic with our guests?

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<Gold Donor>
Don't they have $1 Long Islands too?
I haven't been to an Applebee's in forever, but I remember liking it as a kid (I'd likely think it's shit now).

I remember once when my parents came out to San Diego, when I was still living there, and...chose to eat at Chili's (I got them to a Korean BBQ the first day). I hate food snobbery, but damn...Chili's sucked. I remember liking Olive Garden as a kid too, but then once decided to go there for a Free Veterans day thing and...on that day I realized how much Olive Garden sucks too.
Pretty much every time I go to one of those places it’s because of women or children. I don’t like them, but they are good for disagreeable women/children.
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Trakanon Raider
Don't they have $1 Long Islands too?
I haven't been to an Applebee's in forever, but I remember liking it as a kid (I'd likely think it's shit now).

I remember once when my parents came out to San Diego, when I was still living there, and...chose to eat at Chili's (I got them to a Korean BBQ the first day). I hate food snobbery, but damn...Chili's sucked. I remember liking Olive Garden as a kid too, but then once decided to go there for a Free Veterans day thing and...on that day I realized how much Olive Garden sucks too.
I got sick off those dollar long islands back in 08 on a POF date, puked all over the parking lot
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Trakanon Raider
you know in my mind I picture you as the one avatar of the guy with the teeth - this Mario thing is really effing me up
I mean I do have neck tats/hands and shit so the riff raff thingg isn’t super far off lol. I might switch the Mario one
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Silver Squire
yeah thanks.theres a reason i didnt talk about this stuff on the misc.too many idiots. believe it or not i got a buddy in Canada that bought some Tamehaganae steel and is trying to replicate a traditional katana. i dont have the heart to tell him its next to impossible but he spent the money and is trying. me? i just want to own one and say its mine.its like $15,000 minimum for a good quality sword. what they also dont tell you is these swords are usually at least 200 years old. you would never guess it cause they are stunning. also they can literally cut a person in half. thats how they tested cutting prisoners in half. DED FKN SRS BRUTALITY!
Or by buying dead bodies for testing iirc. There is a mark on the sword recording it.
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
no what the fuck is it?

also did anyone catch Adlerian saying he drinks 4Lokos? That guy never ceases to amaze

Had to Google that as I've never heard of it...JFL

Of course he drinks it....

right after hitting 1048 for a triple...
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Trakanon Raider
the OG four lokos were the absolute pinnacle in alcohol now i have to get a 5 hour energy into them and they give me heart burn
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Trakanon Raider
And the King weighs in...
for a min like 4 companies were making loko knockoffs, sparks, colt 45, joose and tilt. Sparks was the best and before it got popular me and my friend would bring one to the gym and drink them they looked like straight up energy drink cans
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