Misc Refugee Thread


This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
for a min like 4 companies were making loko knockoffs, sparks, colt 45, joose and tilt. Sparks was the best and before it got popular me and my friend would bring one to the gym and drink them they looked like straight up energy drink cans

If it was anyone else, I would call BS but after years of reading your posts, I can only say repsek!
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Molten Core Raider
the OG four lokos were the absolute pinnacle in alcohol now i have to get a 5 hour energy into them and they give me heart burn

Yeah back in the late 2000s, when they first came out, girls were getting absolutely rekt on them to the point it made the news. They had to warn people not to drink them, or be careful drinking them.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Yes. Linsey Davis admitted it to the LA Times. They couldn't let what happened to Biden happen again.

Between the open media collusion and the lawfare, I'm at my fucking limit with any daft imbecile opening their cockholster about "tHrEaT tO dEmOcRaCy" while this shit's going on in front of their stupid noses.

Forget just voter ID, we need to restrict voting by IQ. Maybe deport the lower 30% percentile for good measure.

At any rate...I probably find NYPat to probably be the most detestable person over there (which is a pretty high bar). Get at least a half dozen, or more, similar people in a place kind of turns the place to shit.
The scary thing is that I earnestly don't think he's trolling, he really is that batshit insane and fully on board with every repugnant thing the left endorses. He obviously isn't the only one, either, because they will either ignore or outright mock child grooming while memory-holing every instance of hypocrisy or flip-flopping.

They're not even worth replying to outside of trolling because it's like trying to communicate with a different fucking species, like if somewhere/somehow down the evolutionary change homo sapiens branched off to new homo stulta. It would at least explain how they're seemingly psychically linked to behave like a hivemind, albeit a retarded one.
JFL @ those prices...

I wonder who is buying a subscription to that place but that's what keeping the place afloat so they need to keep that part of their site functional. As for the shit tier forum, no logical reason for keeping it alive unless thereis some aspect that I don't know about...
Yeah, the store is a total joke and frankly baffling when you consider what all of the competition offers, including the more traditional, non-hardcore outlets like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe. If you told me they were shutting down and just selling whatever inventory they have left, I would not be surprised one bit.

I wouldn't put it past them to have programmed Bodyspace and the forums to be intrinsically linked because just clicking a profile will take you to Bodyspace.
Not gonna lie, I've been getting some good chuckles out of seeing the most detestable miscers be proven to be disliked here as well. Those types (NYPat, MOL, Bodhy, wincel) all belong on reddit.

You have an interesting personality m8, and I love ya for it! lmao srs
They are what I would call lost redditors - socially oblivious dumbasses who are quintessential redditors to the core but would rather surround themselves by people who openly hate their guts instead of moving on.

But they're cucks, so of course they get off on abuse.
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what Suineg set it to
Between the open media collusion and the lawfare, I'm at my fucking limit with any daft imbecile opening their cockholster about "tHrEaT tO dEmOcRaCy" while this shit's going on in front of their stupid noses.

Forget just voter ID, we need to restrict voting by IQ. Maybe deport the lower 30% percentile for good measure.

The scary thing is that I earnestly don't think he's trolling, he really is that batshit insane and fully on board with every repugnant thing the left endorses. He obviously isn't the only one, either, because they will either ignore or outright mock child grooming while memory-holing every instance of hypocrisy or flip-flopping.

They're not even worth replying to outside of trolling because it's like trying to communicate with a different fucking species, like if somewhere/somehow down the evolutionary change homo sapiens branched off to new homo stulta. It would at least explain how they're seemingly psychically linked to behave like a hivemind, albeit a retarded one.

Yeah, the store is a total joke and frankly baffling when you consider what all of the competition offers, including the more traditional, non-hardcore outlets like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe. If you told me they were shutting down and just selling whatever inventory they have left, I would not be surprised one bit.

I wouldn't put it past them to have programmed Bodyspace and the forums to be intrinsically linked because just clicking a profile will take you to Bodyspace.

They are what I would call lost redditors - socially oblivious dumbasses who are quintessential redditors to the core but would rather surround themselves by people who openly hate their guts instead of moving on.

But they're cucks, so of course they get off on abuse.
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<Prior Amod>
Forget just voter ID, we need to restrict voting by IQ. Maybe deport the lower 30% percentile for good measure.
we go back to the old ways
land ownership

no apts or condo bullshit, renting just means youre a transient a condo means youre just taking up space in a building on land that someone else owns, nope only ppl that have their name on a deed and can touch dirt can vote. (of course also be a us citizen)

in order to vote in state/federal elections you have to have skin in the game, care about your state.
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Misc Refugee
the OG four lokos were the absolute pinnacle in alcohol now i have to get a 5 hour energy into them and they give me heart burn
Yep. Drank 3 one night back in like 2008 and tried to fight my buddy, ran around the tennis court with my dick out, passed out in my parents front yard, etc etc
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Between the open media collusion and the lawfare, I'm at my fucking limit with any daft imbecile opening their cockholster about "tHrEaT tO dEmOcRaCy" while this shit's going on in front of their stupid noses.

Forget just voter ID, we need to restrict voting by IQ. Maybe deport the lower 30% percentile for good measure.

The scary thing is that I earnestly don't think he's trolling, he really is that batshit insane and fully on board with every repugnant thing the left endorses. He obviously isn't the only one, either, because they will either ignore or outright mock child grooming while memory-holing every instance of hypocrisy or flip-flopping.

They're not even worth replying to outside of trolling because it's like trying to communicate with a different fucking species, like if somewhere/somehow down the evolutionary change homo sapiens branched off to new homo stulta. It would at least explain how they're seemingly psychically linked to behave like a hivemind, albeit a retarded one.

Yeah, the store is a total joke and frankly baffling when you consider what all of the competition offers, including the more traditional, non-hardcore outlets like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe. If you told me they were shutting down and just selling whatever inventory they have left, I would not be surprised one bit.

I wouldn't put it past them to have programmed Bodyspace and the forums to be intrinsically linked because just clicking a profile will take you to Bodyspace.

They are what I would call lost redditors - socially oblivious dumbasses who are quintessential redditors to the core but would rather surround themselves by people who openly hate their guts instead of moving on.

But they're cucks, so of course they get off on abuse.

Oysters, clams, and CUCKOLDS!!!!

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Haha, unfortunately not. I think my one buddy had the original iPhone, but it didn’t take video yet lol. I miss the days before having to be worried about ending up online doing stupid shit.
Yeah man, those were the best days, srs. Simpler times = better times.
Youtube relic of fat people falling down and getting hurt to unfitting music

lmfao at the last video in the compilation

here's another classic:

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