Misc Refugee Thread


Dance Myanmar GIF

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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Too bad Ossoi Ossoi is locked up in the Rickshaw, otherwise he could come in here and tell the new folks about his 25" waist, 4% bodyfat, ripped Asian physique underneath his leather gimpsuit, as he chases his OnlyFans Dom around Europe on orgy weekends?

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

...oh yeah, can't leave out him doing lines of coke off of a dog's dick. I think that was him, right?

C'mon Lightning Lord Rule Lightning Lord Rule bring out the gimp!

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Lord Nagafen Raider
Obviously he meant the leg press and got confused...

Since that's what most of the sleds max out at. Then it works out as no big deal since you've probably done it, I've done it, and most of the meatheads/power lifters at the gym have done it. The real show offs have to get a couple girls to climb up on the sled, once it's maxed out, to really flex for views.

While 1,000+ on leg press is certainly possible, anyone capable of doing that would never confuse the lift with squatting, let alone actively brag that a 1k leg press was a squat. Even noobs and non-gymcel normies know better than that. That Adlerian clown always was and always will be a frauding retard for that claim, plain and simple. Bear in mind, he always stuck by the claim for many years of being called out as a fraud for it... I'm sure it got discussed to the point of verifying that he indeed meant squats and not leg press. He also spread his pseudointellectual nonsense to several other forums under the same username over the last two decades, though I find that aspect of it pretty hilarious.
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Golden Squire
Obviously he meant the leg press and got confused...

Since that's what most of the sleds max out at. Then it works out as no big deal since you've probably done it, I've done it, and most of the meatheads/power lifters at the gym have done it. The real show offs have to get a couple girls to climb up on the sled, once it's maxed out, to really flex for views.
no he has double and tripled down on this - I asked him to do the bar math and he forgot the bar and when I pointed that out he of course ignored it. He talked about how much the bar compressed his traps and back. And if I recall correctly he once went apeshit on someone for suggesting it was a machine and not free weights
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Golden Squire
While 1,000+ on leg press is certainly possible, anyone capable of doing that would never confuse the lift with squatting, let alone actively brag that a 1k leg press was a squat. Even noobs and non-gymcel normies know better than that. That Adlerian clown always was and always will be a frauding retard for that claim, plain and simple. Bear in mind, he always stuck by the claim for many years of being called out as a fraud for it... I'm sure it got discussed to the point of verifying that he indeed meant squats and not leg press. He also spread his pseudointellectual nonsense to several other forums under the same username over the last two decades, though I find that aspect of it pretty hilarious.
to be fair I said something about the WR geared and raw squats and he didn't know the difference despite lifting for like 30 years, but then again he never heard of Iron Sport Gym either and if you lift at all seriously in Philly you are familiar with that gym and if lucky enough you have heard the story of Stevie P throwing a 45lb plate at someone during a fit of roid rage
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Golden Squire
oh you know the other thing about Adlerian's claims? Was that Brian Shaw was there and working at PSC in Philly. And how Adlerian had no idea who he was but felt sorry for him cause he thought he was fat. And later the girls at the gym told him who he was.

Problem is - he claimed this happened in 2005 or 2006. Shaw's first strongman comp was Colorado's strongest man in October 2005 - so he was literally nothing more than a former D2 college basketball player when the girls at PSC told Adlerian who he was. He also hadn't gotten big yet either cause he was still mostly in basketball shape.

Also I asked Keri Shaw if Brian ever lived or worked in Philly and she confirmed that he did not. Which I told Adlerian that and his response was that his wife wasn't there...
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