Misc Refugee Thread


Molten Core Raider
explode danny devito GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Leaving the shittiest miscers being talked about here behind on that other forum
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<Prior Amod>
lmao, I've actually tried giving him the benefit of the doubt many times in the past...some people clearly just never change though. His last meltdown seemed to just be endless and perhaps his most irrational one yet. It's really pathetic watching an adult behave that way...especially someone with such little actual life experience (outside of rotting in dad's basement) thinking they have everything all figured out.

Also, fucking lol @ the "Bodhega" if serious.
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Molten Core Raider
Well, I'm not ashamed to say I just wasted a good afternoon watching fooseball. I don't do it every weekend, but it can be cool. Especially when the team you follow does well, that makes it much easier lmao
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
I miss the snow having moved from Michigan to California.

I'm in NorCal so I could drive up to the mountains but it's not the same as working all day, and then driving home in the dark with the snow falling knowing you've got hot food and a good movie waiting for you at home.

Those are hnnnnggg feels.

Christmas is just not the same without snow and cold.

BRB Join the Marines on an infantry contract
BRB Spend a winter month at Pickle Meadows, CA
BRB Play in the snow

Ask me how I know...JFL

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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
I mean, I personall thought the rice looked good and scrumptious. Would have eaten it without hesitation, especially after a smooth edible or two.

Thanks broseph...

I have learned to cook most of my own meals because it's cheaper and more nutritious! In the process, I make simple but objectively tasty food! Super DFS
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

You're talking to an Asian's Asian. Lanx Lanx is like Uncle Roger but in his case it's not an act (LOL)

Lanx is good people though. He's part of the reason I bought a rice cooker. He may be a rice snob and hate the way white pepo cook, but I don't think I've EVER seen him get his feelings hurt on here, either. Dude has a lot thicker skin than pretty much any of the overly loud man-babies you tend to see online. And I don't even worry when I bust his fucking chops anymore, because I know that if I go too far or cross a line, he won't cry, he'll just clap back at me twice as hard, LOL

Also, if you need a kitchen gadget or power tools, there's a good fucking chance he's already researched it.

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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

Is there a military thread or one specifically for Air Force somewhere around here ?

Air Force? Don't think we have one that specific.

Anymore this one is just for random shit and memes. But it's in Screenshots so no idea if everyone can access it yet



Air Force? Don't think we have one that specific.

Anymore this one is just for random shit and memes. But it's in Screenshots so no idea if everyone can access it yet

Wasn’t going to touch that since it said screen shots but I can screen shot my question lol and it counts
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<Prior Amod>
And I don't even worry when I bust his fucking chops anymore, because I know that if I go too far or cross a line, he won't cry, he'll just clap back at me twice as hard, LOL
if i clapped back at you any harder my old kansas neighbors would txt me that it's a good thing i left, now theyre experiencing earthquakes