Misc Refugee Thread


<Gold Donor>


Would you kindly redirect personal conquests to The FoH naughty bits and tits thread
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
How much of an autist does one really need to be to act the way some of the posters on misenformed over the misc being shut down? I mean I wasted enough sheer hours and damn years of time on the shithole, as did all of us who made it to FoH, but damn. There is no need to have massive meltdowns about it and talk about wanting revenge over the site owners for having closed it and shit like that. Talk about having absolutely zero life at all.

Bruv, while I feel the same way, it's time to move on because this is starting to sound like...

south park beat a dead horse GIF
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lockdev is recreating the misc (srs)

deets here: ITT: We recreate the old misc. srs.

Excited to see what comes of this project. He seems committed, as the domain, server and vbulletin 6 license have already been purchased. Our rep powers will all be restored according to Bizee's final leaderboard and upgrades will be made (requests being taken). I'm sure we'll stay in our refugee camps for a little while longer, but itshappening.gif
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Golden Squire
lockdev is recreating the misc (srs)

deets here: ITT: We recreate the old misc. srs.

Excited to see what comes of this project. He seems committed, as the domain, server and vbulletin 6 license have already been purchased. Our rep powers will all be restored according to Bizee's final leaderboard and upgrades will be made (requests being taken). I'm sure we'll stay in our refugee camps for a little while longer, but itshappening.gif
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Lord Nagafen Raider
lockdev is recreating the misc (srs)

deets here: ITT: We recreate the old misc. srs.

Excited to see what comes of this project. He seems committed, as the domain, server and vbulletin 6 license have already been purchased. Our rep powers will all be restored according to Bizee's final leaderboard and upgrades will be made (requests being taken). I'm sure we'll stay in our refugee camps for a little while longer, but itshappening.gif
It's already pozzed.

lockdev is doing important science right now

let's give him our feedback

i told him

- u guys want the same rep system
- less racism
- a dark mode
Yeah that's just code for censoring anything that isn't lib


Molten Core Raider
lockdev is recreating the misc (srs)

deets here: ITT: We recreate the old misc. srs.

Excited to see what comes of this project. He seems committed, as the domain, server and vbulletin 6 license have already been purchased. Our rep powers will all be restored according to Bizee's final leaderboard and upgrades will be made (requests being taken). I'm sure we'll stay in our refugee camps for a little while longer, but itshappening.gif
Best of luck to the boyos.

We're all gonna make it.
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Golden Squire
problem is you've also got the undesirable element there

got nothing but love for you true miscers

but those peed0s and frauds can eat shit and die, also a few too many legit crazy people and alts would be a huge problem

this forum is basically free speech with just the right amount of moderation and they don't fuck around with alts here and aren't going to do any favors because some one used to be a miscer

it's basically misc if it was done right, except instead of lifting, they play video games
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