<Gold Donor>
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dude the knowledge on the equipment sub was insane, especially on vintage shit. Some of the boys ended up filling in huge gaps in York's archivesWell to be fair, as far as "regular" supplement places go, Vitamin Shoppe isn't complete rubbish and carry things, something that present day's store lacks.
Start carrying "research chemicals" and I'll start looking, though.
I just remember how the site as a whole was so different under Deluca. Plus he set up a charity that I'd donate to every time I'd order.
Ignoring misc stuff completely for a moment, the part that kind of stings is how if there was some kind of topic actually related to supplements, lifting, equipment, whatever, sometimes those discussions would pop up on search. There's a lot of lost information and experiences to learn from which is now unavailable.
It really was at one point, too.
The misc was closed from new members, and I don't think it was even on search.
As for the data itself, I dunno, maybe they could train a vaguely autistic AI with occasional bouts of roid rage. Okay, maybe a bit more autistic than just vaguely with all of the wincel alts.
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