Misc Refugee Thread


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That other forum has a place where I can post my cock does this one have the same

You could probably just create a new thread in Screenshots. No idea what the title should be; go nuts.

I'd spoiler it, and then let people choose to open the spoiler or not.

But don't forget to tag Lightning Lord Rule Lightning Lord Rule and Amod Amod if you do.

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<Gold Donor>
Wait, was it Noodle that posted his, against the Camerous' Goblin Cock? And I can't remember the ladies name who was judging, though I can remember everything else about her? Pretty sure she posted her tits at one point.

You scared me there, for a moment I thought I had the wrong dick!

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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
you just do @ plus the name in text right after it

You'll know if you're doing it right, because after a few letters it will populate a drop down with possible Member names to choose from


As for who LRR and AMOD is? They're my best Pals.

(LRR is Admin and AMOD is just the MOD group tag).'s not, like, against the rules to create a thread is Screenshots and post pics of your dick? And besides, it's funny as fuck to tag them and make them have to /sigh and know that thread exists, LOL

I'm more at risk of getting in trouble for how many times I've tagged both recently, than you are for posting dick pics (as long as it's in Screenshots). But people will cringe and probably Neg you for posting dick pics though
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<Gold Donor>
I think this forum is too complicated for our monkey brains. After so many years operating on a broken form all we know how to do is fling shit.
Who are they and how do I tag

It's ok, growing pains are natural. I'm just glad you guys are making a concerted effort to learn our ways.

For formatting posts and such I would check this formatting thread

TLDR- to spoiler, click the vertical ellipsis on the top of the text box --> click the eye icon --> type in context--> add.

Anything you want to hide MUST BE INBETWEEN THE BRACKETS

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Big goobaaa

Bronze Knight of the Realm
you just do @ plus the name in text right after it

You'll know if you're doing it right, because after a few letters it will populate a drop down with possible Member names to choose from

View attachment 547884

As for who LRR and AMOD is? They're my best Pals.

(LRR is Admin and AMOD is just the MOD tag).'s not, like, against the rules to create a thread is Screenshots and post pics or your dick? And besides, it's funny as fuck to tag them and make them have to /sigh and know that thread exists, LOL
Gotcha kinda feels like a trap but oh well fuk it
It’s reassuring to know that we have some legit phaggots that migrated here lol
im straight got pics of girls sucking my cock too
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<Prior Amod>
I think this forum is too complicated for our monkey brains. After so many years operating on a broken form all we know how to do is fling shit.
you know, being in this thread and honestly just trying to usher bb's and helping them along

this statement is truth
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Gotcha kinda feels like a trap but oh well fuk it

I would neve...ok that's a lie.

But I'm being honest here. AFAIK there's no rule against it (in Screenshots).

Fedor Fedor used to post tranny gifs all of the time, and it would crack me the fuck up. I think he mostly did it in the FSR thread (the "Funny, strange, random" thread that is inside of Screenshots) but he may have 'branched out' as a sort of protest towards the end.

Then he got banned. But he didn't do it once...he posted hundreds of tranny gifs. And for the most part...he never spoke. Just trolling with the tranny gifs.

I don't remember why SPECIFICALLY he was eventually banned. LRR or one of the AMODs would likely remember.

Now we just occasionally troll LRR by asking that Fedor Fedor be unbanned (but srsly though, Fedor dindu nuffin!)

And remember:

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<Prior Amod>
I would neve...ok that's a lie.

But I'm being honest here. AFAIK there's no rule against it (in Screenshots).

Fedor Fedor used to post tranny gifs all of the time, and it would crack me the fuck up. I think he mostly did it in the FSR thread (the "Funny, strange, random" thread that is inside of Screenshots) but he may have 'branched out' as a sort of protest towards the end.

Then he got banned. But he didn't do it once...he posted hundreds of tranny gifs. And for the most part...he never spoke. Just trolling with the tranny gifs.

I don't remember why SPECIFICALLY he was eventually banned. LRR or one of the AMODs would likely remember.

Now we just occasionally troll LRR by asking that Fedor Fedor be unbanned (but srsly though, Fedor dindu nuffin!)

And remember:

View attachment 547887
Bubbles Bubbles likes to slip in a tranny to break up the alinity
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Lord Nagafen Raider
well, guess I'm not smart enough to multiquote. Probably not smart enough to @ but here goes...

A Andreas Ferrari
guessing not many care, so I appreciate your concern. I'm doing well.

Luc1fer Luc1fer
(I think) I'm enjoying just being a poster for now

B Big goobaaa may have banned you once. don't remember, but I'd remember if it was more than once.

northernlights7 northernlights7 apologies for not replying to your pm. Wasn't something I could address myself and I got busy and never got back to it. (story of my life)

whoever said I banned genova threads, only admin could do that. I did argue strongly for it at the time. There was a lot going on wrong with the thread and it was easier. I also tried to get them unbanned months later, but was denied.

In response to lurking, I was the last (except maybe memcop?) and I did it because everyone else did. Tired of getting blamed for everything just because I was the only visible mod. Unless it was porn, the butthole or another troll, or an Indian spammer there's almost no chance I banned you in the last few years. Not that whoever got banned for other stuff shouldn't have, just only so much I can do and I chose to focus elsewhere.
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