I would neve...ok that's a lie.
But I'm being honest here. AFAIK there's no rule against it (in Screenshots).
used to post tranny gifs all of the time, and it would crack me the fuck up. I think he mostly did it in the FSR thread (the "Funny, strange, random" thread that is inside of Screenshots) but he may have 'branched out' as a sort of protest towards the end.
Then he got banned. But he didn't do it once...he posted hundreds of tranny gifs. And for the most part...he never spoke. Just trolling with the tranny gifs.
I don't remember why SPECIFICALLY he was eventually banned. LRR or one of the AMODs would likely remember.
Now we just occasionally troll LRR by asking that
be unbanned (but srsly though, Fedor dindu nuffin!)
And remember:
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