Misc Refugee Thread

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I would neve...ok that's a lie.

But I'm being honest here. AFAIK there's no rule against it (in Screenshots).

Fedor Fedor used to post tranny gifs all of the time, and it would crack me the fuck up. I think he mostly did it in the FSR thread (the "Funny, strange, random" thread that is inside of Screenshots) but he may have 'branched out' as a sort of protest towards the end.

Then he got banned. But he didn't do it once...he posted hundreds of tranny gifs. And for the most part...he never spoke. Just trolling with the tranny gifs.

I don't remember why SPECIFICALLY he was eventually banned. LRR or one of the AMODs would likely remember.

Now we just occasionally troll LRR by asking that Fedor Fedor be unbanned (but srsly though, Fedor dindu nuffin!)

And remember:

View attachment 547887
Fedor Fedor did nothing wrong
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Trakanon Raider
well, guess I'm not smart enough to multiquote. Probably not smart enough to @ but here goes...

A Andreas Ferrari
guessing not many care, so I appreciate your concern. I'm doing well.

(I think) I'm enjoying just being a poster for now

@Big goobaaa may have banned you once. don't remember, but I'd remember if it was more than once.

northernlights7 northernlights7 apologies for not replying to your pm. Wasn't something I could address myself and I got busy and never got back to it. (story of my life)

whoever said I banned genova threads, only admin could do that. I did argue strongly for it at the time. There was a lot going on wrong with the thread and it was easier. I also tried to get them unbanned months later, but was denied.

In response to lurking, I was the last (except maybe memcop?) and I did it because everyone else did. Tired of getting blamed for everything just because I was the only visible mod. Unless it was porn, the butthole or another troll, or an Indian spammer there's almost no chance I banned you in the last few years. Not that whoever got banned for other stuff shouldn't have, just only so much I can do and I chose to focus elsewhere.

Good to see you pUniCepts. Hope everything is going well!

Put my straight R ticket in today. Even convinced someone who basically hates Trump to vote orange man anyway, anything to stop Kamala. Good day.


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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Lightning Lord Rule Lightning Lord Rule this must be what Northern Europeans feel like being invaded by migrants. How will we integrate these people into our society?
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Tranny Chaser
well, guess I'm not smart enough to multiquote. Probably not smart enough to @ but here goes...

A Andreas Ferrari
guessing not many care, so I appreciate your concern. I'm doing well.

(I think) I'm enjoying just being a poster for now

@Big goobaaa may have banned you once. don't remember, but I'd remember if it was more than once.

northernlights7 northernlights7 apologies for not replying to your pm. Wasn't something I could address myself and I got busy and never got back to it. (story of my life)

whoever said I banned genova threads, only admin could do that. I did argue strongly for it at the time. There was a lot going on wrong with the thread and it was easier. I also tried to get them unbanned months later, but was denied.

In response to lurking, I was the last (except maybe memcop?) and I did it because everyone else did. Tired of getting blamed for everything just because I was the only visible mod. Unless it was porn, the butthole or another troll, or an Indian spammer there's almost no chance I banned you in the last few years. Not that whoever got banned for other stuff shouldn't have, just only so much I can do and I chose to focus elsewhere.
Banned users over posting buttholes? Is that why there's the censored buttcracks on them fine ladies you 'roid bros post? That's seriously fucked up. You should probably check out this thread:
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Hows that double-wide you live in doing.
A Andreas Ferrari
guessing not many care, so I appreciate your concern. I'm doing well.
I was being sarcastic you filthy douchebag. You use to attack me in the misc R/P for posting facts with links to prove I was right.

You could have engaged me in debate with facts, logic, and reason. But instead you negged and banned me.

If it's really you then remind me of the last PM I sent you. I'll wait.

BTW....have you ever lifted anything heavier than a Quarter Pounder with cheese?
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