Bronze Squire
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Ayyy lmao.well, guess I'm not smart enough to multiquote. Probably not smart enough to @ but here goes...
@Andreas Ferrari
guessing not many care, so I appreciate your concern. I'm doing well.
(I think) I'm enjoying just being a poster for now
@Big goobaaa may have banned you once. don't remember, but I'd remember if it was more than once.
K KingKRool9418 apologies for not replying to your pm. Wasn't something I could address myself and I got busy and never got back to it. (story of my life)
whoever said I banned genova threads, only admin could do that. I did argue strongly for it at the time. There was a lot going on wrong with the thread and it was easier. I also tried to get them unbanned months later, but was denied.
In response to lurking, I was the last (except maybe memcop?) and I did it because everyone else did. Tired of getting blamed for everything just because I was the only visible mod. Unless it was porn, the butthole or another troll, or an Indian spammer there's almost no chance I banned you in the last few years. Not that whoever got banned for other stuff shouldn't have, just only so much I can do and I chose to focus elsewhere.
Thanks for letting me keep my username until the very end.
It’s phucked up how let us die but I’ll cherish that community forever srs.
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