Misc Refugee Thread


This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
i wouldn't do that. when have i ever acted not in good faith?

i must have done something that pissed you off and i am curious what?

You have your own thriving forum full of people that I have no desire to interact with so what is your purpose of being here? I've judged that you have no legitimate reason for being here except, again like EireGunner, to stir up shit so negs shall ensue...

It's really that simple and not personal but here's a bit of irony - Lanx Lanx is Asian, just like the Chinesium whore who fucked you over and was giving out handies, and probably more, in a massage parlor while you sat at home in your cuck chair...
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Lord Nagafen Raider
you guys negging me have to speak your peice.

Maybe it's all our fault, @Lightning Lord Rule . Maybe we set the bar too high by thinking Middle-aged Sheldon over here could process social interactions enough to relate to us here. I mean, most everyone else was able to, so I dunno where we went wrong.

Honest question here: you're the one with the new forum, right?

Did you run or moderate the old one?

Because if this is your first foray into Moderating the 'Wild World of Wacky Wincels', then just give it a year or two and you'll probably be singing a different tune.

Personally, I enjoy posting here as just another shitposter way more than I ever did when I moderated and took it seriously. And I imagine that's part of why LLR likes to bust people's balls a bit, and mildly shitposts here and there. If he took it seriously he'd probably start losing it. So don't take it seriously when we give you some shit, unless you just can't fucking help yourself.

For your sake, I hope that new forum works out and you don't end up regretting it. And I hope the community sticks together as much as possible. But if just 5% of what I've read here about the folks over there is true, then you have the proverbial bull by the horns and all I can do is wish you all of the luck in the world with that mess.
the obvious thing going on here is that a certain user registered for the forum and you have an issue with them.

that does not damn the effort for a forum of discourse similar to the misc
  • 1GreNeg
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe it's all our fault, @Lightning Lord Rule . Maybe we set the bar too high by thinking Middle-aged Sheldon over here could process social interactions enough to relate to us here. I mean, most everyone else was able to, so I dunno where we went wrong.

Honest question here: you're the one with the new forum, right?

Did you run or moderate the old one?

Because if this is your first foray into Moderating the 'Wild World of Wacky Wincels', then just give it a year or two and you'll probably be singing a different tune.

Personally, I enjoy posting here as just another shitposter way more than I ever did when I moderated and took it seriously. And I imagine that's part of why LLR likes to bust people's balls a bit, and mildly shitposts here and there. If he took it seriously he'd probably start losing it. So don't take it seriously when we give you some shit, unless you just can't fucking help yourself.

For your sake, I hope that new forum works out and you don't end up regretting it. And I hope the community sticks together as much as possible. But if just 5% of what I've read here about the folks over there is true, then you have the proverbial bull by the horns and all I can do is wish you all of the luck in the world with that mess.
wincel is a person not a concept.

whys this always coming back to one guy

one guy dug this deep into your soul
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If you wouldn’t let a chick like that blow you, I got some really bad newz

I imagine it be like this thing coming at me with her fat hands and mouth agape

It takes the force of the sun casting a shadow on havocs girl to cut out a make believe hourglass on the left of the image

The drawstrings barely have any cloth left over as they have been maxed

Her fivehead is still going with plenty of durag leftover and she’s probably drinking her 7/11 warm beer through a straw

Her tits are gapped even with being big on her fat body probably looking like Demi Moores character in the substance movie

Fuuuuuuck that
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Lord Nagafen Raider
You have your own thriving forum full of people that I have no desire to interact with so what is your purpose of being here? I've judged that you have no legitimate reason for being here except, again like EireGunner, to stir up shit so negs shall ensue...

It's really that simple and not personal but here's a bit of irony - Lanx Lanx is Asian, just like the Chinesium whore who fucked you over and was giving out handies, and probably more, in a massage parlor while you sat at home in your cuck chair...
i have zero affiliation with ErieGunner, other than that they posted on the forum I made

you guys are just making shit up. maybe im just a person?

  • 1GreNeg
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
you guys negging me have to speak your peice.

Clearly, Negs are srs bsns!

the obvious thing going on here is that a certain user registered for the forum and you have an issue with them.

that does not damn the effort for a forum of discourse similar to the misc

I honestly have no fucking clue what you're even talking about. Who do I have an issue with? Certainly no one you even know.

But you came over here and within a handful of posts you managed to take some random ball-busting and parlayed that into some weird victimhood shit. Which, if I'm being honest, just manages to make you an even bigger target. Good job. Well done.

wincel is a person not a concept.

whys this always coming back to one guy

one guy dug this deep into your soul

No idea who he is. I only know the name from the MISCers here, and was having fun with that. Maybe he's a cool dude. Maybe he's an asshole. It really doesn't make a difference to me.

The fact you're taking any of this seriously, as if you're somehow offended (gasp!) means you're either just a Mid Troll or just some dude that needs to go touch grass.

Though I am curious what this thread is going to look like when I wake up tomorrow, NGL

Goodnight...ok to you's been fun...don't forget to take your meds...

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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
i have zero affiliation with ErieGunner, other than that they posted on the forum I made

you guys are just making shit up. maybe im just a person?


There is nothing to be gained by continuing this discussion...

You are either MM or some using his user name to troll; either way changes not a thing!

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Lord Nagafen Raider
aight neg me. maybe imm be famous
Clearly, Negs are srs bsns!

I honestly have no fucking clue what you're even talking about. Who do I have an issue with? Certainly no one you even know.

But you came over here and within a handful of posts you managed to take some random ball-busting and parlayed that into some weird victimhood shit. Which, if I'm being honest, just manages to make you an even bigger target. Good job. Well done.

No idea who he is. I only know the name from the MISCers here, and was having fun with that. Maybe he's a cool dude. Maybe he's an asshole. It really doesn't make a difference to me.

The fact you're taking any of this seriously, as if you're somehow offended (gasp!) means you're either just a Mid Troll or just some dude that needs to go touch grass.

Though I am curious what this thread is going to look like when I wake up tomorrow, NGL

Goodnight...ok to you's been fun...don't forget to take your meds...

random thoughts with no knowlege of why im being "disliked". im not offended i am curious, and i want people to redeem themselves with discssion.
  • 1GreNeg
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Golden Squire
you homos need a tranny check to remind you that you all are still colossal taint lickers who get off on a mere thought of a feminine penis
Unfortunately there were plenty of tranny loving faggots on misc but thanks anyway bro. There might be some that have migrated here and would appreciate it idk.

I know the shit waffle stomping, wall smearing, piss slipper havin', tranny lovin' fraudster Bodhy was here at one point but didn't last long enough to post a link to his fav tranny forum he tried to get us all to join relatively recently to prove he would be loved somewhere. Something tells me even those mentally ill freaks would universally reject him as well like everywhere else.
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Trakanon Raider
i don't have this mental record of people doing whatever. my sentiment and my character are to let bygones be bygones. personal issues can be dealt with on a person to person basis. i am no one's babysitter

Bro, what the fuck are you even talking about here? Wincel was a cock sucker on the misc for 8 years, he made the forum damn near unusable. Now he's helping fuck up your own forum so badly that you're resorting to coming here a bit, which I'm floored you have time for if trying to run another forum at the same time.

Anyway, it's your problem if you wanna bury your head in the sand like that. I don't even exaxtly feel like I even know you as well as I thought when you're making excuses for fuckin wincel of all people. Jesus dude, why?
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Trakanon Raider
Maybe it's all our fault, @Lightning Lord Rule . Maybe we set the bar too high by thinking Middle-aged Sheldon over here could process social interactions enough to relate to us here. I mean, most everyone else was able to, so I dunno where we went wrong.

Honest question here: you're the one with the new forum, right?

Did you run or moderate the old one?

Because if this is your first foray into Moderating the 'Wild World of Wacky Wincels', then just give it a year or two and you'll probably be singing a different tune.

Personally, I enjoy posting here as just another shitposter way more than I ever did when I moderated and took it seriously. And I imagine that's part of why LLR likes to bust people's balls a bit, and mildly shitposts here and there. If he took it seriously he'd probably start losing it. So don't take it seriously when we give you some shit, unless you just can't fucking help yourself.

For your sake, I hope that new forum works out and you don't end up regretting it. And I hope the community sticks together as much as possible. But if just 5% of what I've read here about the folks over there is true, then you have the proverbial bull by the horns and all I can do is wish you all of the luck in the world with that mess.

I appreciate what you're trying to do here, man. You're experienced in this and are trying to help one of our old misc bros out with his forum with what you've seen yourself over the years. Very cool of you to take the time and do that.

However, I have no sympathy at all for MM in this matter of his forum going to shit right away. Because he saw wincel's bullshit for 8 years just like the rest of us, and he decided to call him a "good guy", let him invade his forum, and still stands by those decisions today. It's literally abused wife syndrom with MM as the abused wife letting her husband come back home to her just to continue the beatings and other bullshit. Dude should fucking know better.

I always got along with and like MM on the misc, but this whole wincel thing with him has made me question what I used to think. You can tolerate a lot of bs in someone if you want, but everyone needs to draw the line somewhere. Wincel constantly told people to go kill themselves, wished horrible detailed graphic deaths on them and their families, harassed people about their dying pets, etc. via PM's, the forum for all to see, and in neg comments. Anyone who frequented the misc from 2016 - 2024 knows all about this shit, including MM. If he's gonna stand by wincel and defend that fucker, then that's where I draw the line and start thinking less or the person going to lengths to stick up for wincel.
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Molten Core Raider
Why did you choose to name yourself after that weird sex offender misc mod iceman from the 2010's instead of your punicepts name, tho? Not trying to be insulting, I just don't understand the choice and am curious as to why you decided on that of all things to be your new name here
Can confirm it's puni

I gave punicepts that name as a joke in my discord a few years ago when he came in so he could stay incognito a bit.
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Good morning Miscers! Mondays back session was quite heavy, hit shoulders yesterday without issue, but dayummmm, trying to get an arm routine this morning was napalm. F-it! Grow some big ass arms and back boyos!

Its 7:30am, who else has already crushed their workout?
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