Maybe it's all our fault,
@Lightning Lord Rule . Maybe we set the bar too high by thinking Middle-aged Sheldon over here could process social interactions enough to relate to us here. I mean, most everyone else was able to, so I dunno where we went wrong.
Honest question here: you're the one with the new forum, right?
Did you run or moderate the old one?
Because if this is your first foray into Moderating the
'Wild World of Wacky Wincels', then just give it a year or two and you'll probably be singing a different tune.
Personally, I enjoy posting here as just another shitposter way more than I ever did when I moderated and took it seriously. And I imagine that's part of why LLR likes to bust people's balls a bit, and mildly shitposts here and there. If he took it seriously he'd probably start losing it. So don't take it seriously when we give you some shit, unless you just can't fucking help yourself.
For your sake, I hope that new forum works out and you don't end up regretting it. And I hope the community sticks together as much as possible. But if just 5% of what I've read here about the folks over there is true, then you have the proverbial bull by the horns and all I can do is wish you all of the luck in the world with that mess.